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View Full Version : A dream

07-11-2005, 02:21 PM
A weird dream i had :unsure:

It was me and my mom in a van.We where comeing back from a funeral.
We were in a large dark house.
We were gone a long time so we wanted to look around for people who dint belong there.
I had a dim flash light and my mom was looking under beds and stuff.
We go into a room with a big mattres.I see my sister on the bed sleeping,looking slightly sick.
My mother go's "Shhh" so i aim the flashlight low to not wake her up.
It is at this point in the dream i realize im at my sisters house.
My mom seems like shes saying something to my sister ,but im trying my hardest to stay quite.
We are walking down the hall looking for anything weird.The house looks like a dark maze
but it dont seem weird to me.
We walk into a room with a small empty room with only a mirror and a bed with light green covers.
My mom says "This is roberts room"
I say "is he here"
My mum says "no"
I point my flashlight under the bed and tell my mother this
"What did ______ say?
My mother said "she was kind of sick"
I told my mother "She must be bored here all alone,everyday.I know just how she feels.Hours go by slowly for days in the dark"
Mother says "Well i dont have any money.When we go back we are going to take her no matter what her father says."
I had another one after/before but i dont feel like typeing it...

07-11-2005, 04:44 PM
I liked it :snooty:

Dark Steno
07-11-2005, 04:54 PM