View Full Version : Music software... and stuff.

07-13-2005, 06:16 AM
Hey guys,
I don't know where, but I remember that a long time ago, I heard from a
software that allows you to display all the albums you have, but 'by cover'
in a web page form,
Im asuming it must use the cover included in the tag,
but anyway, does anyone know what Im talking about?
or has any software sugestion?

07-13-2005, 06:25 AM
wmp9 and I guess wmp10 too shows covers,
they probably DL covers off the net but its
the ID tag stuff that needs to be set right,
also, give permission to wmp to go on the net.

It will not only get covers for you, but it will also like to send the
info on what what files you use on wmp back to mikrosoft.
Which is exactly why some ppl think it sucks.

Software like OrangeCD (http://www.firetongue.com/cd-database.html) could be used to make own Database of albums,
and even export it to HTML if needed.

07-21-2005, 07:16 AM
thankx for the hints