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07-26-2005, 07:40 PM
Friggin Power went out watching Million Dollar Baby. :angry: There's a pretty bad storm out there, reminds me of the tail-end of the hurricane we got a few years ago here (Burlington[GTA], ON). It knocked down our 40 foot tree on our drive way. What's the worst you've had?

Rat Faced
07-26-2005, 07:42 PM
The bloody heatwave we suffered this year....

07-26-2005, 07:45 PM
Hurricane Gilbert. Category 5. :cry:


Heat wave of 2001. It got up to 112 degrees in Austin, Texas. That's 112 with the extreme Texas humidity, not that dry, sissy 112 in like Arizona or something.

07-26-2005, 07:49 PM
Sailing round the cape during a force 10 - 11,glad I was on a Supertanker and not in a likkle boat

07-26-2005, 07:54 PM
the worst i remember was gale force winds, the next day there were trees fallen everywhere.

the worst i've felt was when i was really young and i heard my first thunderstorm, it knocked the power out so it was in the dark aswell, i thought it was terrifying back then, now i just think storms are pretty cool

07-26-2005, 08:48 PM
Hurricane in Louisiana.(1974)
Hurricanes in South West Scotland(About 3 times)
Heavy snow falls and blizzards South West Scotland(1947 and 1960's)
Heat in the Sahara.

All part of lifes rich tapestry. I've got the 'T' shirt.:lol:

07-26-2005, 08:54 PM
Nothing really that bad here...
Altho one really annoying thing i can think of is about a month ago my power went out while I was playing San Andreas, and I hadn't saved for a while.
Then I'd turn the comp back on, and as soon as it finishes booting up the power would go out again.
And it did that to me about 7 times in a row. :lol:

Today it's raining hard and i think a thunderstorm is on it's way...in Toronto they said on teh raido that the power went out for a lot of businesses.

07-27-2005, 03:16 AM
Um, i think it would probally be when we had that 3 day power out last summer. The weather wasnt really bad it was just shitty without air conditioning. thank god my pool was gas heated.

peat moss
07-27-2005, 03:27 AM
We had a hurricane when I was little about 1962 uprooted trees on houses ,power lines down, broken windows . I 'v never experienced anything like it since but I still remember it and will never forget it . I still sit and listen with my youngest for the thunder then count till the lightning , its fun I still remember being a kid and frightened so long ago.

Must admit I do enjoy my youngsters yelp and hugging "me" for safety . :)

07-27-2005, 09:15 AM
We went to a "maze in the maize" a few years ago, on a beautiful sunny day, so we were just in t-shirts and shorts.

After about an hour, a big black cloud came over, and there was torrential rain.

We got absolutely soaked to the skin, and couldn't shelter or anything, because we were in the middle of a fucking maze in a field... What's worse, the pathways just became muddy streams, so as we were rushing to desperately try and find our way out, we were sliding all over the place, falling over, getting even wetter, etc.

It took about another 2 hours to eventually find our way out. Never again!

07-27-2005, 09:58 AM
9 months of winter every bloody year

07-27-2005, 10:03 AM
I was a bit chilly around Xmas this year when the boiler went. It took almost 2 days for the plumber bloke to pop around and fix it.

Mr. Mulder
07-27-2005, 10:16 AM
yesterday when i took the dog for a walk, i was wearing two shirts when it was coat weather, completely miss called it :no:

07-27-2005, 10:20 AM
living london, i have adjusted to the bad weather :w00t:

power cuts are irritating though

07-27-2005, 10:37 AM
Summer 1989.

I was out on an excursion to the beach with my local youth centre.
We had been swimming, then took a walk onto the jetty.

As soon as we got to the end of the jetty, a low pressure air cell out to sea got caught between 2 high pressure cells. The cold air got pushed down between the two high pressure cells and hit the glass smooth ocean. It looked like a mushroom cloud from a nuke, but upside down.

The resulting "shockwave" of cold air hit the water and radiated out in all directions, kept down on the sea's surface and intensified as it spread across the cooler water.

We could see it approaching but had no clue what the effect would be when it hit us - which it did and fast.

Instant hurricane. It was like being trapped inside a sand blaster and we were only wearing shorts.

We ended up running back down the jetty while glass beer bottles that had been abandoned by the local anglers blew about and smashed around us. By the time I made it to the shelter of the fish and chip shop at the foot of the jetty my feet were ripped to shreds by the flying glass.

Across the promonade from the beach, roofs were getting blown off buildings and a big neon sign had smashed through the picture window of the pub. Burglar alarms were going off everywhere.

Then as suddenly as it started, it was over.

It went from perfect sunny day to total carnage then back to glorious - all in 2 minutes flat.

The news reports that night called it freak weather conditions. I called it bloody terrifying.

07-27-2005, 10:38 AM
I was a bit chilly around Xmas this year when the boiler went. It took almost 2 days for the plumber bloke to pop around and fix it.

That's why I keep my boiler firmly attached to the wall. NO chance of it ever going anywhere for Christmas... :mellow: