View Full Version : Video Ogm To Kvcd Guide

07-29-2005, 12:36 AM
OGM To Kvcd Guide
Updated August 10, 2006
By kazaaman
Tools Required [*=Plugin for a program]

This guide will help people encode their ogm files to mpg (Kvcd). Below are the complete steps to end up with a kvcd that you can burn onto a cd to backup your collection. It looks like a very hard and complex guide, but its just long because of the number of pictures I have put to make it and its pretty easy. Lets begin shall we?

1. TMPGEnc [Homepage (www.tmpgenc.net/)] [Download (http://download1.pegasys-inc.com/download_files/TMPGEnc-2.524.63.181-Free.zip)]
2. Toolame*[Homepage (http://users.tpg.com.au/adslblvi/)] [Download (http://dl.afterdawn.com/toolame-02l.zip)]
3. Ssrc [**] [Homepage (http://shibatch.sourceforge.net/)] [Download (http://shibatch.sourceforge.net/download/ssrc-1.30.tgz)]
4. Sub2Ssa [Homepage (http://agrgic.tripod.com/sub2ssa/)] [Download (http://agrgic.tripod.com/sub2ssa/SUBtoSSA.zip)]
5. VdubMod [Homepage (http://virtualdubmod.sourceforge.net/)] [Download (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=65889)] -- Click on version 1_5_10_1_All_inclusive
6. Subtitler* [Download (http://www.virtualdub.org/virtualdub_filters)] -- Extract the .vdf file to plugins folder in Vdub Mod Folder
7. Kvcd Templates [Homepage (www.kvcd.net)] [Download (http://kvcd.net/dvd-models.html)] --Save to the Templates Folder in TMPGEnc Folder
8. Nero Burning Rom [Homepage] (http://ww2.nero.com/enu/index.html) [Download (http://ww2.nero.com/enu/nero6-ultraedition.php)] (Optional)


Part 1: Setting everything up (The pictures are under the steps)

-- Ok Lets set all the programs up so that there won't be any problems later on.

1. Open TMPGEnc, Click Options and Environmental Setting


2. Select the Audio Engine tab and then select the external application in for Mpeg-1 Audio Layer II encoder and browse to where you extracted Toolame

3. Then Click External Program in Sampling Frequency Converter and browse to where you extracted ssrc.exe


4. Click Ok and you can close TMPGEnc for now

5a. Open up the folder where you extracted VirtualDubMod and click "AuxSetup.exe" >> Install Handler >> Ok



5. Then, Open up VirtualDubMod and click video >> Filters


6. Click Add, scroll down and see if the plugin Subtitler is in the list, (If it isn't go back to the tools section and read about the subtitler plugin)

7. Done setting everything up Wooot!!


Part 2: Seperating Audio, Video, and Subtitles

8. Now Open up Virtual Dub Mod

9. File >> Open Video File....

10. Browse to the .ogm file

11. A window should pop up that looks like this


12. Go to the menu and select Video >> Direct Stream Copy

13. Then Click Streams and scroll down to Stream List


14. A window should pop up that looks like this. Since my ogm doesn't have subtitles hardcoded in it, I have to demux it and save it as a .srt file which I have to convert later

This step is only If you want subtitles in your kvcd!!


15. Then select the audio stream you want, and click demux. In my case it is the japanese audio stream [The ogm is dual audio offering 2 audio streams]

16. Save the audio file and it should be a .ogg extension (To View file extensions in a folder, In the menu Click Tools >> View >> and uncheck Hide Extensions for file types


17. After all that select each stream and click disable until you've disabled them all and click ok


18. Next, double check that your video is in Direct Stream Copy (Video >> Direct Stream Copy)

19. Then select File >> Save As... (Make the file name something obvious so that you can remember that it doesn't have any audio)


20. So now we have seperated the audio, video and subtitles, Its only a little bit further till you have your kvcd, Hold on!


Part 3: Encoding the audio

21. Open up TMPGEnc and select ES (Audio Only) under Stream Type (If there is anything in the video source or final source just click File >> New Project and it'll be cleared)

22. Click Browse next to the Audio Source and browse to where you put your audio file, it won't show up so under Files of Type, select All Files (".")


23. Select the .ogg audio file and click open

24. Click settings (Under the Stream Type Choices)

25. A window pops up that looks like this. Select 44100 Under Sampling Frequency and change the Bitrate to 112 and click Ok


26. Click Start and during the encoding 2 black windows will pop up, DO NOT CLOSE THEM, just hit minimize.

{If 2 black windows don't pop up go back to the Setting Up part of the guide and read the first 3 steps, that should fix it ;)}

07-29-2005, 12:42 AM
Part 3: Frameserving and encoding the audio

27. Open VirtualDubMod yet again and open up your .avi file with no sound.

28. Click Video in the Menu and then on Full processing mode. Click Video again and this time click filters.

29. Next click Add and scroll down to subtitler and click Ok

30. A window pops up that looks like this. Click the [...] box on the right and browse to your .ssa file. Then after that click Show Preview


31. A large window pops up, Use the scroll bar from left to right to check if the subtitles are correctly positioned and the way you want it to be.

{Note: If you don't have subtitles inserted you don't have to do this step, but you may want to check it out anyway.}


32. Close the preview box after you've made sure. Next Go back to the menu and click File >> Start Frameserver

33. Next a window should pop up that looks like this


34. Click Start and then it'll ask what you want to save it as, Make sure you put .vdr somewhere before the end of the file name. Just look @ the pic below


35. Next a window will pop up that looks like this


36. Minimize the frameserver window

Part 4: Encoding the Video, Muxing Audio and Video and burning (Last Step)

37. Open TMPGEnc and select ES (Video Only) under stream type

38. Make sure you do this part right, Click Browse in the Video Source and select the avi file WITH .vdr in it; the one you saved previously with Vdub Mod.


39. After selecting the .vdr avi file, click Load under Stream Type (In between Settings and Save)

40. Then load up your desired Kvcd Template, If you aren't in the right folder, browse to your TMPGEnc's folder and then the Templates folder. I usually use thetemplate KVCD-CQ-352x240-_NTSCFilm_-PLUS.mcf.

{If you still don't see any Kvcd templates go back to the tools part of the Guide at the very top}

41. Click settings to check if everything is ok, it should look something like this, but you can change your Tv preferences in the Advanced Tab, [1:1] [Normal aspect ratio of the file] 4:3 [Normal Tv] and 16:9 [Widescreen Tv]


42. Click start and wait :P. It shouldn't be too long with a fairly new computer [Average encoding time for me with a AMD 2600+ for a 30 minute .ogm file is about 25 minutes]

42. After its done encoding, you can minimize TMPGEnc, pull up the frameserving window and stop it and close Vdub Mod. Then go back to TMPGEnc and Click File >> Mpeg Tools...

43. Next browse to your .m1v file for the video and .mp2 file for the audio. Leave the type as MPEG-1 System (Automatic) and then click Run.

(To show the files extension go to any folder and click Tools >> Folder Options >> View and uncheck Hide extensions for file types)


44. You have successfully converted your OGM to a Kvcd :w00t:

45. To burn it with Nero make sure you uncheck "Create Standard Compliant CD".


46. Then click new and browse to your .mpg (kvcd) file and drag it over to the left side. (I usually can fit about 6 episodes of a 25 minute show on a 700 mb cd)

I hope this guide will been of great help to many people, especially anime lovers ;) . Its a very easy to use guide, that looks long and hard because of the amount of pictures I put in the guide. But thats just to make everything even clearer to everyone. So I hope that I have been of help to someone


[P.S] If the pictures don't show up, someone P.M. me, They might have been deleted off the server. Thanks

07-29-2005, 01:11 AM
I know i should google , but what is Kvcd ?

some new format?

All i can recall is scvd..

kvcd = mpeg1 ?

07-29-2005, 04:22 AM
SaYiaN, click the Kvcd Homepage link for information about what it is. Late at the moment and tired from work and also thanks for the approval muchspl3.


07-29-2005, 05:08 AM
Acp can do this i beleive without goin through all of that...

07-29-2005, 03:47 PM
Oh, I don't use acp a lot because you cant choose everything that you want and it is extremely outdated.

08-20-2006, 01:52 AM
gr8 work many thnx

08-20-2006, 04:10 AM
whats kvcd? sounds gay

08-26-2006, 09:11 PM
lol muchspl3, I think you are being sarcastic but if you aren't you can check it out at www.kvcd.net

08-27-2006, 03:04 AM

08-27-2006, 04:36 PM
nice way 2 show pple how 2 do it

10-13-2007, 06:33 AM
kazaaman (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/../../members/kazaaman-3206)

did u know how to open .mkv video in virtualdub.I check there forum nothing really works
for me

05-24-2008, 06:39 PM
good work with software