• Howard Stern denies role in 'Super 8' bootleg

    Howard Stern spent time on his radio show Monday morning denying culpability for a pirated copy of Super 8 that had been traced back to his show. A bootleg of the J.J. Abrams alien movie had a personalized watermark for Stern, but he claims he nor anyone from his show had anything to do with it. “I hate to have my name associated with anything like this,” said Stern, who seemed chagrined that the leak might cause Paramount to stop sending him screeners. “I’m so paranoid about it that I literally watch , I put it back in my bag »
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. darkmawl's Avatar
      darkmawl -
      “I’m so paranoid about it that I literally watch , I put it back in my bag" Damn so paranoid. When he put's something in his bag, he watches himself doing it!