• Namecheap accuses GoDaddy of stalling anti-SOPA defections

    Namecheap says GoDaddy breaking ICANN rules

    Domain registrar Namecheap accused GoDaddy on Monday of blocking attempts to move domains away after protest defections over GoDaddy's initial support for the Stop Online Piracy Act.
    The company claimed that GoDaddy was sending incomplete domain information, making it difficult to switch. It was allegedly violating ICANN rules, which Namecheap took as a sign that the mass domain switches were having a genuine effect.

    "This action speaks volumes about the impact that informed customers are having on GoDaddy’s business," Namecheap said. "It’s a shame that GoDaddy feels they have to block their (former) customers from voting with their dollars. We can only guess that at GoDaddy, desperate times call for desperate measures."

    Each switch would be processed by hand, Namecheap promised.

    GoDaddy hadn't responded to the accusations.

    Whatever its actual intentions, the decision to switch away from GoDaddy over SOPA is known to have had a material impact. The exact figure isn't known, but tens of thousands of domains may have switched away, some of which came in batches of hundreds or thousands from one provider. GoDaddy retracted support of SOPA, but many accused it of being insincere and cited it as the culmination of a series of incidents that led them to leave.

    Most objections over SOPA have come from what's seen as an overly broad interpretation of what could lead to a government-ordered takedown. As worded, SOPA could bring down a site if a small piece of pirated content, even user-submitted, was found on an otherwise legitimate page. Concerns exist that it could lead to taking down whole sites and for movie and music studios to deliberately plant illegal content to take down competitors or critics.
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. mjmacky's Avatar
      mjmacky -
      Of course godaddy would retracted their support. Why the fuck should they care about getting on board with this bullshit agenda if the MPAA isn't paying them a dime. If they didn't retract it, I would have assumed they were getting money directly from this lobbying group.
    1. Skiz's Avatar
      Skiz -
      Last I heard, which has been about 2 days now, 70,000+ domains had left godaddy. That is an enormous chunk of business.
    1. megabyteme's Avatar
      megabyteme -
      This is a fantastic display of people's ability to unite, and voice their views on such an act. This will send a message to corporations, and politicians. Personally, I will be building a site for a friend's business in the next few weeks, and will NOT be using GoDaddy. They would have been my default choice. I'm glad this came out now. It may only be a few dollars, and a single voice, but add mine to the list of those who will not support those who would back outright censorship, and a disproportionate amount of power given to the movie studios and record companies. Is there anyone who believes that these corporations would not abuse their new tool once given to them?
    1. Cabalo's Avatar
      Cabalo -
      I personally never bought a domain from godaddy, and have used namecheap for years now.After all this, I'm certainly sticking with them.