• North Korean government labels cell phone users as war criminals

    In North Korea, using a cell phone could come with the accusation and punishment of being a war criminal.

    According to The Telegraph, anyone caught using a mobile phone or attempting to flee to China during the 100-day mourning period for late leader Kim Jong-il will be considered a war criminal and "punished accordingly."

    Kim Jong-il, 69, died on December 17 from a heart attack. His son, Kim Jong-un, has taken over as North Korea's president.
    When Jong-il died, the country was swept in massive mourning and public outpourings of grief. However, according to The Telegraph, with reports of increasing poverty and oppression and diminishing food supplies, tens of thousands of people are trying to escape to neighboring countries.

    The ban on cell phones seems to stem from the North Korean government wanting to keep a tight reign on information flow in and out of the country, according to The Telegraph. This isn't the first time North Korea has stifled cell phone use; in 2008, the government reportedly confiscated mobile phones for the same reason.
    In November, Reuters reported that 1 million people in North Korea would have cell phones by the end of 2011 and this is "barely four years after people were thrown into prison camps, or possibly even executed, for owning one," the news source wrote. But, still, 1 million people is just 5 percent of the country's total population.

    It's unclear how Jong-un will regulate cell phone use once the 100-day mourning period for his father ends.
    Comments 8 Comments
    1. megabyteme's Avatar
      megabyteme -
      Every time I have to listen to some douche bag nearly shouting in the grocery store, and expecting everyone else to clear a path, and be quiet around them, I've thought they should be rounded up and shot, too. Way to go, Jong-un!
    1. killer181's Avatar
      killer181 -
      how do people like this still rule in any sort of gov,they should all rebel and kills this f**k.being killed over a cell .................F**K him and his dad
    1. bobbintb's Avatar
      bobbintb -
      made a few corrections:

      1. quotes added
      His son, Kim Jong-un, has taken over as North Korea's "president".
      When Jong-il died, the country was swept in massive <STRIKE>mourning and public outpourings of grief.</STRIKE> clandestine jubilation.
      3. im just confused by this. the first time kim jong il died?
      This isn't the first time North Korea has stifled cell phone use; in 2008, the government reportedly confiscated mobile phones for the same reason.
    1. forea's Avatar
      forea -
      eat nuke fucks.. other than that you are nothing ... without a women or girl
    1. taskable's Avatar
      taskable -
      Quote Originally Posted by killer181 View Post
      how do people like this still rule in any sort of gov,they should all rebel and kills this f**k.being killed over a cell .................F**K him and his dad
      clearly you must be a yank. If country isnt rule by power it goes to shit. Fags, benefits and human right, fuck all that
    1. TheFoX's Avatar
      TheFoX -
      Unlike places like Egypt, North Korea has a powerful army totally under the control of a despot. If the masses rose up, he would just execute them, then start a new breeding program to replenish his stock of humans.

      Makes Hitler look a pussy, doesn't he. Anyone who exercises totally control over millions of people is nothing more than a violator, causing untold misery.

      Those people don't have a choice. They live and die at the whim of one man.
    1. forea's Avatar
      forea -
      too bad .. even christianity cant penetrate deep into communism ...

      christianity > communism
    1. megabyteme's Avatar
      megabyteme -
      Never fear, Christianity is always there banging on the door like an engorged, veiny, slightly diseased, penis at the sphincter wall of a 45 year old homeless man looking for a few dollars to buy a pint of cheap booze in order to sleep off the horrid nightmare that is his life..