• Gearbox Confirms Duke Nukem Forever Arrives in 2011

    Gearbox Software, as the developer, and 2K Games, as the publisher, have announced that they are, as rumors have been suggesting for some time, working on Duke Nukem Forever, with the game set to arrive on the PC, the PlayStation 3 from Sony and the Xbox 360 at some point during 2011.

    Duke Nukem is one of the most delayed video game in the world, being initially announced as being in development before the beginning of this decade.

    The 3D Realms team that has worked on the video game has shown screenshots and trailers for the game for the lat couple of years but the game failed to ever launch and financial issues drove the developers to stop work on Duke Nukem Forever.

    Gearbox has even offered a playable demo of the game, showing off how close the title is to the mythology of the Duke Nukem series.

    Christoph Hartmann, who is the president of 2K Games, has stated, “All great things take time... a lot of time”. After a hiatus from the video game world, Duke Nukem is back and better than ever. The return of the King from the glory days of shooters will satisfy our patient, die-hard fans, as well as a new generation of bubble gum-chewing, flat top and shades-wearing bad-asses.”

    Randy Pitchford, who is the president of Gearbox Software and the public face of the company, also chimed in, saying “Hail to the king, baby! It's unbelievable, it kicks ass and it's totally going to happen!”

    He added a little bit of detail, saying, “Gearbox has enabled die-hard key Duke Nukem franchise builders and skilled veteran game makers to stand together and deliver. All gamers deserve a happy ending and after all of us gamers feeling the full range of emotions about Duke Nukem Forever, I am thrilled to be in a position with the trust, power and means to make it happen. Am I crazy? Balls of steel, baby, balls of steel!”

    Source: Softpedia
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. duke0102's Avatar
      duke0102 -
      Honestly can't wait, I'm a big Duke Nukem fan and knowing the franchise isn't dead is great