• PSGroove Hermes JailBreak Clone Surfaces, Hermes Bids Farewell

    If you don't know who Hermes is, you need to use your fingers and Google, he made most of the big deal stuff in the PS3 hacking game come to life and was the one who really started the Wii hacking stuff

    Now this is just speculation or so called rumor at this point, so hopefully some one can update my post with more news once it comes out

    Forum user Geox_10 on http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_nuevo...k-quot_1503431 has discovered a PS JailBreak clone called PSGroove Hermes recently, and as a result of using his name on the PS3 modchip Spanish developer Hermes has bid the PS3 scene farwell.

    The offending product is currently being sold at VolumeRates.com (linked above) under the title 'PSGroove Hermes PS Break Revolution USB Chipset Adapter for PS3 Fat and Slim' for $18.79 USD each.

    Spanish Ps3 Dev Hermes, seems to have left the PS3 scene, due to a PS Jailbreak clone, using his name, it dosnt only use his name, but also uses the name PSGroove, a quote from PSX-Scene.

    The now famous Spanish hacker from Elotrolado has decided to quit the “scene”!

    When he saw that dongle he said (in spanish):

    Originally Posted by Hermes

    Esto debe ser una broma de mal gusto

    No solo se aprovechan del trabajo de los sceners, si no que encima tienen el descaro de tomar mi nick como referencia de un producto, que ya aviso que yo no tengo nada que ver con ellos. Pues si eso es lo que quieren, adelante: que vendan sus clones y se aprovechen todo lo que quieran, que yo paso de mantener a esta gentuza y aunque lo sienta por otros, aquí acabó mi aportación a la scene de PS3.


    Maybe you’ll need a translator to understand all correctly.

    Originally Posted by Google Translator

    This should be a sick joke!

    Not only take advantage of the work of sceners, if you have the nerve up to take my nickname as a reference to a product, and notice that I have nothing to do with them. Well if that’s what they want, go ahead! Selling their clones and seize whatever they want, I happened to keep the riffraff and although I feel for others, here ended my contribution to the scene of PS3.


    Source: PS3 News

    Source: PS3 HAX
    Comments 7 Comments
    1. iLOVENZB's Avatar
      iLOVENZB -
      Boohoo, has nobody heard of fakes?
    1. duke0102's Avatar
      duke0102 -
      I'd be annoyed too if someone cloned my work but he should have expected it with the nature of what he's doing
    1. Cabalo's Avatar
      Cabalo -
      Quite cheap this dongle! Probably I'll buy one on Xmas for a good addict friend of mine.
    1. IdolEyes787's Avatar
      IdolEyes787 -
      Quote Originally Posted by duke0102 View Post
      I'd be annoyed too if someone cloned my work but he should have expected it with the nature of what he's doing
      I'd guess that the people who actually made the legitimate games would say something very similar about this wank.

      Translated from idiot Spanish

      This should be a sick joke!

      Not only take advantage of the work of sceners, if you have the nerve up to take my nickname as a reference to a product, and notice that I have nothing to do with them. Well if that’s what they want, go ahead! Selling their clones and seize whatever they want, I happened to keep the riffraff and although I feel for others, here ended my contribution to the scene of PS3.
      Translated from English

      "Is this some kind of sick joke that someone could be so delusional about what they are doing that they have the unmitigated gall to accuse anyone else of stealing anything?"
    1. SonsOfLiberty's Avatar
      SonsOfLiberty -
      I agree, he shouldn't care, after all he's doing to stuff to help people steal other people's work, but Sony should have never forced people to updated (and not tell them what it did) and get rid of certain features, OtherOS being one (which I don't care about), some people are ate up in the head, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess.
    1. IdolEyes787's Avatar
      IdolEyes787 -
      I agree about Sony and their silliness.It was actually the first time I thought about buying the PS3 when there was a chance that I wouldn't have to pay for all the horrible shit they call games.
      Course I think it's criminal that they charge me $40000 for a new car just so that some yokel with a grade 10 education can make 100k a year.
    1. unclemilty74's Avatar
      unclemilty74 -
      Quote Originally Posted by IdolEyes787 View Post
      for a new car just so that some yokel with a grade 10 education can make 100k a year.

      Heh?? No explanation and no basis for this comment in this thread. You know, millions of cars are sold every year and guess what? You can buy some for a little less than $40,000.