• Confirmed: New PwnageTool Jailbreaks all iOS 4.x iDevices

    iPhone Dev Team member Musclenerd (by far the most vocal of the lot) has tweeted a screenshot of their updated PwnageTool jailbreak for iOS 4.x, confirming that the new release will support iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 4, iPod touch 2G, 3G, and 4G, as well as the iPad and the second-generation Apple TV.

    “PwnageTool screen about to get a lot more crowded again due to limera1n exploit,” reads the latest tweet from Musclenerd. He links to a screenshot uploaded via via Tweetpic, adding, in bracketts: “unlockers win most.”

    As shown in the screenshot below (click to enlarge), PwnageTool is set to support all devices that support iOS 4.

    Since first-generation iPhones and iPod touches have been left at iOS 3.1.3, they will no longer appear as supported in any upcoming PwnageTool iterations.

    To our knowledge, version 3.1.5 of the hack tool is the latest version that supports the original iPhone and iPod touch.

    There are already a couple of reliable jailbreak tools for iOS 4.1, while Apple is gearing up to ship at least one iOS software update this month (addressing an alarm clock bug and perhaps other issues), which should patch current exploits.

    That’s where PwnageTool comes in and saves the day with a precious bootrom exploit.

    The PwnageTool release is likely to occur after Apple rolls out its forthcoming iOS 4.1.1 or iOS 4.2 update (whichever the company decides to launch).

    For the time being, Limera1n and Greenpois0n are at jailbreakers’ disposal. The tools have been updated to support both Mac OS X and Windows, while Chronic’s Greenpois0n in particular also supports Linux.

    Source: Softpedia
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. jimjamz's Avatar
      jimjamz -
      I'm on 3.13 w/ Spirit jailbreak so I need to wait for Apple to roll out the 4.1.1/4.2 update for the new pwnage tool to be released?

      Then I can update and run pwnagetool to be jailbroke on 4.1.1/4.2?
    1. ca_aok's Avatar
      ca_aok -
      Were I you, I'd update to 4.1 and use one of the current exploits while 4.1 is still on apple's servers. There's no guarantee of when the 4.1.1/4.2 update will be released.
    1. AboveAverage's Avatar
      AboveAverage -
      You shouldn't just update if you need an unlock. You need custom cooked firmware to preserve the unlock, so that the baseband will not be updated.
    1. mack3241's Avatar
      mack3241 -
      I have iphone 3gs 4.0.1, i jailbroke it from here...it does work www.appsulous.com
    1. ca_aok's Avatar
      ca_aok -
      Eh he mentioned nothing about unlocking, just jailbreaking.

      Anyway I followed this guide:

      The mentioned program, TinyUmbrella, will save your original firmware and will attempt to preserve your baseband through the update to 4.1. This is handy if you need to unlock your phone to use it on another carrier.