• Apps give uTorrent a feature boost

    uTorrent has long been known for providing a torrent managing client that's light on fancy features but light on your system resources, too. Today's release of uTorrent 2.2 brings out of beta an add-on gallery that the publisher BitTorrent, Inc. has been working on since the spring. The "App Studio," as the company calls it, allows users to customize features on the fly, including adding security from BitDefender, games, social networking, and enhanced content discovery for legally free entertainment.
    Privacy concerns were addressed in this release. Users' real IP addresses are no longer broadcasted when connected to a UDP tracker, and proxy configuration has been streamlined. The new version also includes other improvements previously seen only in the beta. There's the improved uTP, or uTorrent Protocol, which works with traffic congestion control to ensure that one user doesn't block others. There's also better magnet link handling, and file relocation, so you can move a file from within the client. Skinning gets a refresh, too. The full changelog for uTorrent 2.2 is available here.

    Source: CNET
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Shinzen's Avatar
      Shinzen -
      Wow its more than jus uploading or downloading a torrent
    1. kifal's Avatar
      kifal -
      great options.