• JailbreakMe: iPhone 4 jailbreaking made easy by iPhone Dev Team

    Right on the heels of the news that iPhone jailbreaking is now legal, the infamous iPhone Dev Team has released an easy-peasy jailbreak for the iPhone 4. It's called JailbreakMe, and it works right from your iPhone's browser. The landing page for JailbreakMe reminds you that iPhone jailbreaking is now legal, and also fully reversible by plugging in your device and hitting Restore in iTunes.
    If you're going to experiment with jailbreaking, though, definitely back up your device. JailbreakMe is brand new and very popular, so the servers have been hanging and causing problems for some users, according to Engadget. Don't worry, there are also plenty of satisfied customers out there. Even Engadget's bricked phone was eventually restored and working fine.