Actually, I forewent the 'proper' term because, quite rightly, Canadians own it, and, at my advanced age, I don't have the time or inclination to use
j2k4 Today, 07:32 PMI came across that 'e' word yesterday from someone who was quite sincerely pissed off on reddit. His post history was not filled with other comments that
megabyteme Today, 07:29 PMIn fairness, one does not sell boxes upon boxes upon boxes of 'presidential records' to friendly nations for the most money.
megabyteme Today, 07:25 PMMight have something to do with Trump now cozying up to the very adversary that Canadian blood was spilled right beside American blood in the defense
IdolEyes787 Today, 05:15 PM
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Time for my massage.
j2k4 Today, 07:36 PMI get them free for four years in exchange for supporting my buddy, Donald.