Shouldn't be that much. The REWARDS bluray rips were under 2 GB per episode (though, yes, there is an internal version as well which is about twice that
Caballero Yesterday, 03:48 AMHi @ all
i come from germany and hope this is my new home forum
Will try that!
Next Friday, I will see the last episode of "The Grand Tour" on Amazon Prime...
I was going to offer mirroring it from torrents, but at 40+ GB per season it's far beyond what I can handle. DigDawg or PMG7 may have better luck...
anon 09-11-2024, 02:43 AM
Re: Stuff I watched recently...
Speaking of period pieces, "Fight Night: The Million Dollar Heist" is a good time waster... Halfway through the season I got pretty much sucked
Caballero Yesterday, 09:35 PM