I honestly was surprised that my bookmark loaded when I clicked it the other day. This place just keeps chugging along.
Funkin' Today, 12:40 PMAnon, I can send you some eggs. Apparently they never go down in value. Just don't make the mistake that shay did and consider them a long-term investment.
IdolEyes787 Today, 12:03 PMAre you able to get US$ there to keep your savings stable?
You say Trumptopia, I say Trumpocolypse. Would an Orange by any other name be
Crypto is good for making international payments and transfers without going through the ridiculous taxes, rates and fees in place for conventional means,
anon Today, 10:05 AM
Re: So what is today's best and cheapest provider?
Ah so it does. Nice little trick there . But yeah I didn't see anything as low as the $2 one. I don't know where that link was found but I'm glad it
Funkin' Today, 01:32 PM