Shay apparently did some 'The Wolf'-type work before he retired at 30. Supposedly legit but maybe he was the guy who was known by a guy who was known...
I had always considered myself as someone with incredible mental fortitude. That ended the day I hacked your computer and browsed inside your "Taxes"...
If I were designing government in a vacuum, the biggest objective would be that powerful offices are filled by those making livable or barely livable...
The furthest I have made it with respect to those in some adjacent fashion: I started training myself in the culinary skills but never ended up going...
Their terms of service say otherwise... even if it's a legal smokescreen, they'll eventually find that hosting providers, domain registrars, payment...
Online Discussions/Forums
Movies (at least the few rare gems that come out)
Photography- mainly to help my wife with her interest in it :-)
Best dad EVAR!
A work in progress since dawn of evolution. I will have it posted here when finished. I'll write small so it fits. So much to say, so little space... Seriously good stuff though. You won't want to miss it. Might even be worth buying in hard-back.
File Sharing Method of Choice:
My Computer
Operating System:
Computer Hardware:
My first "computer" :-P
Commodore 64
8-bit system
64kB RAM
5.25 inch floppy drive (but with a paper punch you could double storage capacity!)
19" color tv
I dreamed of a Commodore Amiga, but it wasn't meant to be...
Originally Posted by IdolEyes787
Ghey lumberjacks, wolverines, blackflies in the summer, polar bears in the winter, that's basically Canada in a nutshell.