To be fair I have the highest regard for Justin Bieber.
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So you are saying there is no Republican Women in the senate?? and there is no educated women that have similar views and the Reps??
I would have to say you are a bit naive in thinking like that, Face reality and proof, socialist/communists countries don't work, they all fail, and better yet it is and irony that is what the Left wants, but they go out and harass, block streets, cause destruction and cry when they don't get what they want?? I thought you can only do that in a Democracy country:unsure:
You just can't have it both ways..........
Ya a 100 year old former justice that praised him multiple times before he was accused of Gang Rape, and interviewed after by CNN again:lol: stay off that web site or news station, It was shown many times he praised him;)
And the 50,000 other law professors say different, just cat and mouse crap!! Even the Dems know and said he is 100% qualified for the job and just don't like his views and Trump picked him, that is reality. And again, who the heck really knows how he will vote when it comes to Roe?? until then what is the difference!!!
Once you are on that court, you are supposed to be free of Politics and use precedent and the rule of law!!!, myself lying and saying there is no biases if you come from a Dem or Rep party, that would be just foolish !! but to what degree of far left and right someone is ?? Have to wait and see.....
Idol, if you really look at the way the Democratic party is being built, it is far from being Liberals now. The moderate liberals are being pushed out and extremists are replacing them.....
Denying the truth doesn't change it.
No i am saying that it will make the Reps look like mud, and it will be true that's all, and what is it with you and using this "EVIL" word all the time??
Being incorrect or lying doesn't make you evil, and affects your credibility, that would make more sense if you said that....
It sort of like but not when Trump told the female reporter "I know you're not thinking, You never do" and the official transcription thought they could get away with changing it to "You're not thanking". What a bunch of commies.:lol:
I didn't deny him saying it, in between the stuttering and his explanation, and again being 100, he has said prier that he was qualified, on the record....
That was said after he went through all the crap with Dem side voting committee.. And really i think this helped him when it came to Collins ...
All kidding aside, he is now in and let see what he does, and so far Trump has done no harm the the country as well, so lets see what happens then it can be debated in the future.....
Speaking of Ford tho?? I kept saying to myself that all she had to do is walk into the nearest police station and file criminal charges, even if they were false, this guy would have never got in, but in doing so the Dems would have been blamed and it could have had a worse effect in the mid elections??
Now Ford just wants to go back to her normal life and put all of this behind her??, to me that makes no sense but hey what do i know:idunno:
But what about all the money in the GO Me Funds?? Is she keeping that forher payoffPain and Suffering??
If there is any news on that, if it has nothing to do with donating it to charity i guarantee you won't see any reporting on CNN;)
You don't seem to mind someone being a dottard if they are a Republican serving in the Senate. Also how someone may have felt in the past in no way means they have to be of the same mind now. Your boy Trump throw a lot of money into Clinton campaigns for instance.You won't see any negative reporting of Trump on Fox so I don't really see the point to that bias and wholly unsubstantiated statement.
As for Ford and filing charges so long after the fact, there is a thing called the statute of limitation. Bejesus even some of Cosby's accusations couldn't be used in court under that purview.
I can't even stand to hear Trump speak anymore but I guess I'm not missing much as it's just a bunch of lies anyway. And his "rallies" with his mindless followers give me uncomfortable recollections of Hitler at the Sportpalast.