You can't lose 16 billion dollars value of anything that was actually worth 16 billion dollars to begin with.
See this is why we need a few serial killers specializing in venture capitalists.
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You can't lose 16 billion dollars value of anything that was actually worth 16 billion dollars to begin with.
See this is why we need a few serial killers specializing in venture capitalists.
This documentary is going to be so juicy.Quote:
"The Securities Commission of The Bahamas ('the Commission'), in the exercise of its powers as regulator acting under the authority of an Order made by the Supreme Court of The Bahamas, took the action of directing the transfer of all digital assets of FTX Digital Markets Ltd. ('FDM') to a digital wallet controlled by the Commission, for safekeeping," the release said. "Urgent interim regulatory action was necessary to protect the interests of clients and creditors of FDM."
Watched the first episode of Sylvester Stallone. Decent acting from John Rambo, he's got the app. Interesting enough for me to look forward to future developments :mushy:
Aaaaand they caaaaal me...Drinken-stein! Drinken-stein!!
A couple of quick questions. What is the World Cup and where is Qatar?
Wherever Qatar is, it must be pretty special. They say that 4 billion people are expected to watch the 2022 World Cup so unless they are exaggerating, the stadiums there must be really really really massive.
Pretty sure these are all the same people who showed up for Trump's inauguration.