You do know the CVC/CVV/CVV2 doesn`t change, do you not know your APACS30/70 standards. I`m shocked and ever so slightly disappointed
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MTV generation.... it was just that snigger thing he did that I couldn`t stand and could never watch the episodes. Maybe I missed out and should of tried harder but like you and Southpark just didn`t work for either of us. Anyway keep on doing that odd fist pump action avatar and I`ll carry on with 80's Braybrook weird alien thing :D
Answering inane questions from people I would term as foes is sort of beneath me so I've enlisted Sarah Huckabee Sanders to do it for me. Sarah if you please....
When you get a new credit card all the numbers change so Gribley is clearly spewing fake news for political reasons. Also there is no law that statements by IdolEyes in some wank thread on some wank forum need to be 100% accurate so fuck off before we impose some sanctions on you. Thank you and now moron letters and numbers.
Now if you want to throw toys out that is fine. As you said cards have the number generated when they are sent out and hence have it written of the sig strip so can`t be changed.
I would love to accept I am wrong but I`m not and I have no odd video to prove it.
My PayPal got h4X0r3d this year, some Russian IP got into the account and bought a load of in-game currency for some shitty online rpg I'd never heard of, 50 squids worth! I called PayPal and told them to have the person killed and I got the monies back on the same day, they were pretty decent about it. I'm pretty sure this all happened via my phone. Its riddled with ads and pop-ups from constant porn site use. I ended up factory resetting it and not restoring a single thing.
King of the hill > Beavis & Butthead. I remember when I was a young supple boy and B&B was on too late so I used to record it on VHS as it was on at around 2am and as a result I'd get loads of commercials for sex chat lines, they were hot as fuck.
If the rise of man hating shows.. I'm sorry I meant female empowerment shows like A Handmaid's Tale and Dietland wasn't bad enough.Quote:
The Batwoman series now in development for The CW will not only feature TV’s first gay lead superhero character, but an out lesbian actress will ideally fill the title role.
Sources tell TVLine that the would-be Arrowverse addition is seeking an out lesbian actress, open ethnicity, to play age 25 to 29. (TVLine has reached out to The CW and Warner Bros. for comment.) Batwoman aka Kate Kane will first be introduced in this fall’s four-way crossover event between Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl and Legends of Tomorrow, before potentially fronting her own series.
The offshoot — which at this point has a script development deal — is set up at Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television. The Vampire Diaries‘ Caroline Dries, an out lesbian, will pen the script.
A wealthy socialite who calls Gotham home, Batwoman’s Kate Kane is described as “armed with a passion for social justice and a flair for speaking her mind,” while physically she is a “highly trained street fighter primed to snuff out the failing city’s criminal resurgence.”
“But don’t call her a hero yet,” the potential series’ logline adds. “In a city desperate for a savior, Kate must overcome her own demons before embracing the call to be Gotham’s symbol of hope.”
Other LGBT characters within the Arrowverse include Arrow‘s gay Curtis Holt, Legends‘ bisexual Sara Lance, Supergirl lesbian Alex Danvers — who was briefly engaged to Detective Maggie Sawyer, one of Kate Kane’s most noteworthy love interests in comic book lore — The Flash‘s Captain Singh and and “Crisis on Earth-X” crossover visitor Ray Terrill (who is currently engaged to his Earth’s Leo Snart).
Additionally, Supergirl for Season 4 is casting a transgender actress to play investigative reporter Nia Nal. And though Black Lightning is not an official part of the Arrowverse, Anissa Pierce aka Thunder is a lesbian.
On the positive side it's becoming increasingly easy to embrace the concept of of my own mortality.
Well, since the beginning it was only men in the lead roles, had the power and influence. Now it's shifting towards women alittle. The majority are still men. It's just all the publicity today that makes it seem like it's only women now.
I don't care if the actors or their characters are straight, gay, lesbian, trans. If the show/movie is good, I'll watch it. Same thing with music. I know a lot of guys that say they hate Queen (one of the greatest rock bands ever) because Freddy Mercury is/was gay. I don't judge artistic material based on the artist's personal life. What people do in their personal life is their own business, as long as they are not hurting anyone.
I don't believe that casting should hinge on someone having an agenda. It's as simple as that.
Speaking of which... I watchedJumanjiBlack Panther a while back. Was rather amused that the most advanced and richest civilization on earth would resort to spear chucking and battle rhinos. You'd at least expect 40" adamantium rims, super gats, and adamantium teefs... :idunno:
The best part of Black Panther was when the hippo ate Jack Black. If on the other hand the Jonas brother had died that would have been the best part.
Just read they're rebooting Buffy the Vampire Slayer with a black lead. Not because they auditioned loads of people and this one talented black actress stood out. Instead they're going to the black actress shop in search of their darkest, hardest worker. They've also said its going to tackle more modern issues so that would be vaping, anything that has a penis that shouldn't and school shootings.
The vampires in this reboot better be played by actual vampires or I for one will be morally outraged.
Hollywood has run out of original ideas. That's why all of these reboots and remakes are going on. If they can't get the original cast, they get actors that are the opposite of the originals. Female replace male lead. Black replace white. Rich to poor, poor to rich. They will all still be terrible, but a young audience that never saw the originals won't know any better.
Isn't that how casting has always been done? They like to think it's not that way, that they hire the best person for the job, but someone always has an agenda. Now that people can speak out, it gets more attention and people feel the need to look impartial. Affirmative action for Hollywood.
I was the right age to watch Buffy, it was basically porn for me. One of them was absolute filth, Giles I think she was called...
Giles is going to be Russian in the reboot becasue apparently the Midwest is at war with England now.
I think the last season of the show they had Buffy hanging out with a bunch of slayers. They had young women of all skin colors. So a reboot doesn't have to be a white slayer. They could get Sarah Michelle Gellar to train a new slayer that is not white. I assume there are slayers all over the world to keep the vampire population in control. The fact the show was about a white slayer in southern California doesn't mean the new show should be the same.
I don't care who they pick, I won't be watching the new show. I don't watch any of these reboots/remakes, especially if I watched the previous version. They will most likely ruin the memory of the original.
They think this is all really exciting and they're sticking it to the man - "go get 'im, girl!" - but in the long run this will do nothing positive for society.
For girls: encouraged to be masculine, they're becoming harder for men to approach and deal with, because more intimidating
For boys: constantly seeing masculinity made a mockery of, deprived of any proper male role models, becoming confused, androgynous and/or gay
There has never been a better time to go savage, Robinson Crusoe-style
Trump is really confused. He seems to think it's 1984.:ermm:
I'm at the point of believing that this Administration needs to be removed by any means necessary.Quote:
The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
Meg says "Quick, someone print me out an AR-15".
I've been playing that No Man's Sky, it's pretty decent. I hit some rocks and stuff came out and I put that stuff into a machine that made stuff that made my spaceship work. I'll probably never play it again now.
Fucking 10 hour shift today because the nutsack I work with called in sick, only been here an hour if my maths is correct there's another 9 to go :dabs:
What the face of true evil looks like. Willing to sacrifice the existence of whole species on the altar of greed.
I wouldn't expect anything less from republicans. They don't care about the environment. They don't think about the future except when it concerns their job.
You smelt it, you dealt it.
As long as people keep seeing and dividing politicians as R's and D's, they will continue to succeed in doing whatever they fuck they want. Once people stop doing that and start looking at individuals and their individual records, voting trends, and donors, and keeping politicians accountable for what they do, only then will any real change begin. Until then it just furthers the finger pointing and distracts from what is actually going on.
Politicians love this sort of polarization because they don't feel the need to constantly defend their actions.
What should bother people is how nothing changes with these assholes because no one holds them accountable. Like the concept of spending less money. That concept gets tossed around incessantly but its never actually on the table. Whats sad is that it never really matters to the average voter either bc it gets lost in the polarization (again this is why politicians love the republican/democrat finger pointing). Even when the curtain is pulled back and you're shown in black and white how despicable all of them are, it doesn't really matter to most people bc they feel better about just hating on one side or the other. For example, I spent some time with this over the weekend, The 2018 Congressional Pig Book put out by the Citizens Against Government Waste. LINK. The notables here are 232 earmarks in fiscal year 2018, a 42% increase over 2017 which is a 116% over 2016! All these fucks do is spend more and spend more and spend more. None of them spend less. To monetize that, the 42% increase from '17 to '18 was $14.7 billion!
All these fucks care about is their power trips and getting reelected. And how do they get reelected? They spend our money of course on all these little pet projects for their constituencies and they earmark it all so it doesn't get scrutinized. Stop finger pointing and start holding all of them accountable.
Jimmies have been rustled.
Look at the overwhelming support trump gets from the Rs. They are afraid to loose their jobs if they go against him. No individuality there. Individual records means shit when they are all complicit to what is going on now. Plus , the R's always vote the party line. The only Rs speaking up are leaving (nothing to lose). Unfortunately there is no way to hold politicians accountable. You can't vote them out and their campaign financing comes from corporate interests. That's why we need term limits for ALL elected politicians (and appointed ones). Get rid of lobbyists and dark money.
I agree with you up to a point Skiz. Individuals matter, but they don't act in a vortex. Especially politicians; they're part of a political party, and necessarily one's overall appraisal of any individual politician's performance hinges also on how congruent his actions and words are to his party's political programme.
Political parties are the the cement of representative democracy.