Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
But the Feud of Shiites and Sunnis, the US has some Allies to protect them from slaughter!!!. But it is funny that no one cares when there are millions of innocent Muslims are slaughtered by there own kind, it's really sad what radicalism and greed of power/dictatorship does:idunno:
You don't have to worry it will be destroyed whatever Iran tries in Iraq;). Either by the US,and it's allie force there, or by some unnamed other state. It really is too bad that the Mullahs are not happy taking care of there people in there own land/country, and prosper, even if they choose to live under radical Sharia law, that is there choice, but don't spread it and try to take over the middle east.. Someone tried to do that in Europe and look what happened to that plan. And think about this?? Muslims started off with how many practicing countries?? Now there is over 50 plus moving into the majority of the population?? And we are talking a lot of these countries had Majority Christians... Again if that is what the people choose to live like?? I don't have a problem with it, but don't make people change by force!! when that is not the law of the land, Then i got a problem with it!!!
What a mothetfuckin' disgusting piece of Jewish shit you are, aren't you. Is there some kinda program that all you Jewish maggots are required to attend where you are handed down the talking points to deceive the gullible goyim ? I've encountered the exact same lies by the Jewish speakers/posters on other forums too.
They are killing each other and has got nothing to do with us or the host, the US, we survive on ? May I ask where did you get this revelation from ? What's your source ? Any proof, motherfuckin Jewish bastard ? How convenient is it to kill and then blame the victims for it, no ?
I wonder how they lived with each other in peace for 1200 years and weren't killing each other before the Zionist showed up with the newly drawn maps of the Middle East for the Jewish homeland project. The apretheid most satanic identity of all, that is a scourge on the face of human notion of rights and value of life, commonly known as Israel. Recently declared the country for Jews.
I can't help but notice how you were feeling sad on the "millions of Muslims being killed" and then in the very same post you apparently were letting yourself of the worry that Iran still stands, indulging yourself in the hope that it will soon be destroyed. The persona of a compassionate person you wear is quite thin, you inbred fucking faggot.
Also, Russia's got to be the bad. You can't leave a fraction unsolved in an expression that might come back to haunt you. You figured out early in the days and and ended up killing 8 million of those democracy hating Russians. Your Bolshevik bloodlust for the goyim blood never satisfies, now does it ? World wars, revolutions, destruction of the goyim is all that your chosen fantasy is left with.
Lastly, you were asking about who would feel better with a room filled with Muslims, Whites, Jews etc ? Let me just ask you, why is there a need for us goyim, to identify human as something that would highlight our differences ? Anyways, why don't you undo the 60 years conditioning of the naive goyim through your MSM and Hollywood and then someone might be able to give you an answer that would be more beneficiary to the goyim then to the Jews.
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Re: Last one to post wins the internets
I wanted to share my insight on what's gonna unfold next but this I found this guy randomly on Internet who has put it more subtly then I could.
Attachment 182162
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
What a mothetfuckin' disgusting piece of Jewish shit you are, aren't you. Is there some kinda program that all you Jewish maggots are required to attend where you are handed down the talking points to deceive the gullible goyim ? I've encountered the exact same lies by the Jewish speakers/posters on other forums too.
They are killing each other and has got nothing to do with us or the host, the US, we survive on ? May I ask where did you get this revelation from ? What's your source ? Any proof, motherfuckin Jewish bastard ? How convenient is it to kill and then blame the victims for it, no ?
I wonder how they lived with each other in peace for 1200 years and weren't killing each other before the Zionist showed up with the newly drawn maps of the Middle East for the Jewish homeland project. The apretheid most satanic identity of all, that is a scourge on the face of human notion of rights and value of life, commonly known as Israel. Recently declared the country for Jews.
I can't help but notice how you were feeling sad on the "millions of Muslims being killed" and then in the very same post you apparently were letting yourself of the worry that Iran still stands, indulging yourself in the hope that it will soon be destroyed. The persona of a compassionate person you wear is quite thin, you inbred fucking faggot.
Also, Russia's got to be the bad. You can't leave a fraction unsolved in an expression that might come back to haunt you. You figured out early in the days and and ended up killing 8 million of those democracy hating Russians. Your Bolshevik bloodlust for the goyim blood never satisfies, now does it ? World wars, revolutions, destruction of the goyim is all that your chosen fantasy is left with.
Lastly, you were asking about who would feel better with a room filled with Muslims, Whites, Jews etc ? Let me just ask you, why is there a need for us goyim, to identify human as something that would highlight our differences ? Anyways, why don't you undo the 60 years conditioning of the naive goyim through your MSM and Hollywood and then someone might be able to give you an answer that would be more beneficiary to the goyim then to the Jews.
I had a long response to your post Whatcdfan, and i decided that whatever i say wouldn't make a difference:idunno:
Israel is always been the "Jewish" state, and the first language is Hebrew, and every Israeli citizen no matter what faith or ethnicity has Equal rights. That is the fact.. The main language in Canada is English, second French, and if you want to learn Arabic/Farsi or Hebrew or Italian that is your choice is that a problem?? What is the first language in Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia?? If the Palestinians choose to negotiate directly with Israel for there own state?? They can do what they want right, and i can tell you the majority of the 2 million Muslims in Israel proper don't give a shit about that, and would never leave even if there is a Palestinian state in the future. that is reality on the ground...
If you don't like that in any Country, you don't have to live there right??..And you are blaming Israeli people for the fighting of Sunni and Shiites in the Middle East, In Syria killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims?? China putting thousands in camps?? Turkey killing Kurds?? All Israels fault?? Well then Israel is not going anywhere so what now?? They are not trying to take over the Middle East?? How can you justify that knowing there are no Jewish people in any of the Muslim countries, But Iran seems to be all over the place?? You are ok with that?? and that is Israels fault?? I am sorry you feel that way Whatcdfan, and what do you think will solve the problem??
Again taking something out of context to fit your narrative doesn't work, I didn't mean anyone that is Liberal/Moderate in any faith, i was speaking of all Conservatives, or religious, again if you put a room of Orthodox Jews, in a room with what you said Goyim American's?? or Goyim American's with Religious Muslims with Niqab's ?? What do you think?? I can tell you it works in Israel Proper citizens without any discrimination or Antisemitism.. In the US?? And to finish Russia is an ally to Israel;), and most of the Arab world is changing towards Israel, maybe they are now figuring that they are not the threat but someone else is in the Middle East:idunno:
So calling me any profanity names and not just stating your opinion is why there will never be peace. As you can see by my reply to you?? I would never do that;)
And again.... Israel is not going anywhere, so it is time to face reality on the ground that it is a Democracy society with all faiths and ethnicity, and if people choose to live there by there laws in society, great!!!! If not?? They can go where ever they want.. And i hope you can appreciate that.....
OH!! And by the way!!...This again was just my opinion, and Nice to see you too Whatcdfan:happy:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
I wanted to share my insight on what's gonna unfold next but this I found this guy randomly on Internet who has put it more subtly then I could.
Attachment 182162
Nice Propaganda Whatcdfan:), Does that work if you substitute Syria and Iran ;)
Edit: Hamas just shot a rocket into Israel!!!! Now the response should be Milk and Cookies for all in Gaza?? Now you are going to see why they should leave Israel alone.........
Another Bullshit excuse that is going to cause lives!!!!!!
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Oh! look look the inbred Jewish prince got triggered.
Cut me the slack of 900 lines of "because God said so" bullshit and provide me the documented proof of "Muslims have been killing each other for centuries" Documented proof you motherfuckin' pigface. And while you're at it, also explain to me why those fuckers aren't killing themselves in the countries which are not the part of the Greater Israel project A.K.A Yinon Plan ? namely Morocco, Algeria, Bunch of Central Asian countries, Malaysia/Indonesia et al. If this sacatarian conflict as you you say is the center of Islamic thought, mind telling me why the fuck the the leader of the Shiites, Iran hasn't attacked anyone for the past 200 years ? How were the Syrians were living peacefully with each other f before the your army of headchopping mercenaries showed up fighting under US air cover ?
The Oded Yinon Plan for Greater Israel by Paul Stevenson
So the people you're currently engaged in the genocide of aren't allowed to throw back any rockets ? mind also tell me how many airstrikes did Israel carried out Syria ? Also, be warned, next post I'll provide you the documented proof how Israel triggers these rockets by shooting Palestinians in Gaza then using the rocket excuse to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians. Wait for it pigface.
Lastly, I suggest you start working covertly and shoot some PM's to convince people that those savage Muslims are just falling and dying by themselves in millions while you're an eternal victim, Just the way you did last time.
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Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Attachment 182168
Is there some kinda lying ability enhancer serum that they inject to into your Jewish asses at birth ? Also tell me, is calling the truth, Propaganda as convenient as killing and then blaming the victim for it ?
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
You seriously want me to form my opinion on the matter based on what the John Bolton says? :glag:
Israel's inside man: How John Bolton sabotaged US foreign policy in Israel's favourby Richard Silverstein
Zionist Organization of America gives John Bolton ‘Defender of Israel’ award
The same John Bolton who was on the team of the Zionists that instigated the Saddam's WMD's and caused 1.5 million deaths in the region by the Subsequent war.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
You seriously want me to form my opinion on the matter based on what the John Bolton says? :glag:
Israel's inside man: How John Bolton sabotaged US foreign policy in Israel's favourby
Richard Silverstein
Zionist Organization of America gives John Bolton ‘Defender of Israel’ award
The same John Bolton who was on the team of the Zionists that instigated the Saddam's WMD's and caused 1.5 million deaths in the region by the Subsequent war.
You mean the reactor that Saddam did have and someone else allegedly blew it up before the US went in?? The same as Syria?? but hey they are both innocent right.. And did Israel instigate the Mullahs to try to take over the Middle East and EU as well?? I think Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan would think different, but hey they don't count;)
So all the garbage you choose to say in all of those posts including insults again, i assume you don't want peace, which is really sad but if that is the way you feel, what can i tell you,:idunno:
Good luck....
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Lastly, I suggest you start working covertly and shoot some PM's to convince people that those savage Muslims are just falling and dying by themselves in millions while you're an eternal victim, Just the way you did last time.
Why would i do anything like that?? I am not the one name calling or acting like a child ??
Again how do you answer that every news station out there is propaganda other than Al Jazeera :unsure:
Good luck Whatcdfan.........
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Beginning in 1929, Arabs and Jews openly fought in Palestine, and Britain attempted to limit Jewish immigration as a means of appeasing the Arabs. As a result of the Holocaust in Europe, many Jews illegally entered Palestine during World War II. Radical Jewish groups employed terrorism against British forces in Palestine, which they thought had betrayed the Zionist cause.
It only makes sense that the US would support the genocide of an indigenious people by an invading force 'cause they have such a rich history of it themselves with the Native Americans.
Cereally though, maybe if Israel had been created by simply annexing Texas this all wouldn't have been such a massive fuck up.