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You say "irrelevant", Shay. Read any article regarding treatment of the Mexicans at the border simply substitute the words "Mexican families" for "Jewish families", "Mexican children" for "Jewish children"... you suddenly realize how disgusting and dehumanizing your choice of politician resembles the Nazis. But you won't because you have been brainwashed by a shit propaganda machine that pretends to be 'news'.
I give up on you ever getting this.
No Meg, it is you that has been brainwashed......
It is not just Mexicans trying to get in, they are travelling from other Socialists/Dictatorship countries through Mexico!! And they are being funded to start a raucous in the United States!!!!
First off why all the sudden do you fucking care!!! Second the Nazis tried to exterminate an entire race plus more, enough with your garbage of caring!!!. The Americans are not trying to do anything of the sort!!!
They need funds and help at the border to control what is going on!!! The Democrats before (Obama), and now don't give a shit, they just want to let everyone in!! That is not the solution period, the problem needs to be fixed at the source and stop the people instigating and funding the droves of people coming!!! Or this will never stop!!! The Republicans wanted to send the overflow to sanctuary cities, the Democrats refused!!, and want all of them just let in!!! Is that what you want?? Instead of comparing completely different situations like what the Nazi's did!!! Let me see your actual ideas and views to fix the problem instead of acting like a confused Left wing moron, The Republicans know what to do and they are trying to get the funding to alleviate the problem the Democrats don't want to do anything to help before 2020 to make Republicans look bad!!! Again if you feel they should be all let in without vetting ?? Then have the balls to type it in your post!!!
I get exactly what is going on at your borders!!! Our government let all the shit in and now it is putting stress on all of social government controlled benefits!!
And a lot of the Immigration that was let in here was on the assumption that many will go home when it is safe, because i can assure you they don't want to be here nor do they want to be patriotic to Canada!!! They want to change it to there home country they came from!!!!..
I get a lot more than you do Meg!!!! The difference is i try to look at the solutions out there, what are you doing?? Don't ever compare an extermination to what is happening at your borders, you will just look like a fool. Mexico was threatened with Tariffs, now they are helping!! If i was and American Citizen i would not let one fucking person in without complete Vetting!!! That's my view what is yours??!!!
PS.. I am not sure you really understand the word Ignorant!!! Having a hard life because you are poor is not the same as living somewhere and put on Trains and exterminated. That my Father In law went back to Germany and Poland after the war to see if he could find family members and get them out but they were all DEAD!!!!! , Or my sister's Father inlaw looking at his tattoo number on his forearm and was lucky to get out, but saw parts of his family murdered right in front of him , Did you ever in your life talk to a Holocaust survivor!!?? You do know that you don't have to be Jewish to do that right, but i know trying to educate a Left wing thinker, they will never understand!!!. And one kid out of thousands die at your border is fucking terrible but not an extermination. Don't talk ignorance of history if you can't tell the difference!!! They try that crap in the Middle east and it just doesn't fly!! You want ignorance Meg!! Try explaining using the word extermination when your population grows every year?? Assad kills over 500 thousand people!!!! Where the fuck is your sympathy or cry out there!!!!!, and still is not a Fucking Holocaust!!!!!!! Over 6 million Jews were slaughtered !!! there is only 17 million in the world now!!! how many would there have been if they weren't exterminated!!!
Why i respond to this nonsense i really can't figure out...Get your fucking Democrats to fucking help fix the problem!!!!! And not let all the shit in!! Especially after so many interviews that the Parents that are arriving with kids at the border!!!! They are not even the blood parents, some not even fucking related!!, they are being told it will put more pressure for them to get in without being vetted!!!! What the fuck do you want done there Meg!!??? Again Fox News on this crisis/issue was telling the world, CNN MSNBC, no crisis at all!!, that means Meg you shouldn't worry so much it is not true what is going on right:rolleyes:
Read some of the comments Meg..You should also bookmark the News Sites, one is actually a leaning Left site but most of the time accurate on posting incidents and what is going on in the Middle East if you are interested in learning;) I guarantee you won't see news posted on these sites reported on your Left ones......
Ok Meg...
You want Nazi Thinking.... Iran has a population of over 83 million, yet they fund factions in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and a few others in Africa yet they don't take care of there population at home, what is the purpose of being in those other countries?? Why don't rulers care about there people at home?? Really what is there goal being in all of those places?? Why is it that most of the places there in are in the toilet, economy, violence, zero care of killing millions of people that won't conform to there beliefs!!!!, Yet China or Russia don't give a shit what they do, as long as they can make money on them!!!
Again i know there is a lot of Persians and Iranians that are really good people, yet they have zero say or a lot of them can't get out?? How do you think this type of thinking can be fixed?? How can the people better there lives if the governing people won't allow it?? Thinking that they actually went from a Democracy style living to a complete Religious Fanatical Dictatorship???
What do you think?? What is the purpose or Iran's reasoning/goals??
You'd have a hard time convincing me that any country's political and economic controlling interests are a whole lot more evil than those of the United States.
Oh fucking please. Give me a break.
Is everyone coming to the US a good person? Obviously no, but there isn't some fucking huge conspiracy behind it .
After decades of interference by the US into those countries it's simply as the saying goes, the pigeons coming home to roost. That and there is a strong case to be made with the constant talk of further closing the border immigrants may be thinking if they don't act now later maybe too late.
PS WWII era Germany references are valid simply because it's the exact same slippery slope in play here. Not that I think the people of the US would ever allow things to go so far but the exact same political reasoning behind the racism apply.
That's an interesting comment Idol, and i agree with you to a point, especially if there is an asset or interests involved in another country, but the difference is they are not planting a "FLAG", as a conquered piece of land Idol, and bring there rule of law, does that make sense??
I mean if you take the US and they have made allies across the world and do have strategic military bases, but i do look at it as Capitalism considering that Russia and China does that as well. I mean if you take Israel in that perspective, you do have China, Russia, and the United States competing in business with Israel..And funny Everyone talking Blah Blah Blah about Russia while sneaky and quietly China just moves across the world making strategic economic deals with everyone. you really want to talk about whores of the world China is well on the top of the list, and that is one thing that Trump Trump Trump has brought out in the open.....
Does that make sense?? And what do you think about that....
Again i agree with you Idol, but what happens if 10 cross and 2 are bad?? or a 100 and 3 are bad?? now thousands come??, it is interesting that the border is the only place being talked about, what about trains crossing from Canada?? Or planes coming into American airports?? or Driving borders??
I am by no means saying Immigration is bad or all bad!!, I just don't think open borders are a good idea in any country, Europe is proving that theory now, even your supposed successful Mock Social Countries, when a few come and see great corrupt opportunities they all start flocking in.. And from true experience, even if you have good intentions to bring business or start manufacturing in the US, you are put through the ringer Idol!!, but speaking of that doesn't win elections, suffering and misery does, and Left and Right wing news stations/web sites thrive on reporting it......
You know Germany right now is also being flooded with crap immigration, and in big trouble, but your reference is not even close (I don't agree), they are far from stopping immigration in the US, and there always will be growth, and for sure they are not trying to exterminate a complete race!! or people that didn't fit the profile of there perfect race!! and if they want to go home at any time they are welcome to recross the Mexican border Idol!!, WWII and the Nazi agenda, no one was allowed to leave and they were slaughtered. And go further worked and starved to death as well!! Everyone at the border is being fed and all there health needs provided, but YES they need more money and staff to fix the massive influx of people coming in!!!!! Look at what the Left is doing and Wayfair!!! They want to supply beds and they are boycotting because they just want everyone let it!!!! Not going to happen and it shouldn't!!! Walls do work as well they need proper staff for the vetting process, and this can all be done in there own countries, and if they clear!!! Welcome to America..
I mean seeing that father and son trying to cross the water and died was really really tragic!!!, and plastering it all across every Left Wing media was brilliant for propaganda!!!, but it not fixing problem!!, going to the source and help and coordination with Mexico is the only way, plus funding to process the influx at the border now!!!!
There is Zero Comparison!!!!
The Statue of Liberty doesn't qualify that the huddled masses require an MBA, facist.
PS No one in their right mind uses the train so in the interest of security we should just have all the trains' final destination be a mental institution anyway. Logic.