The French and the Italians but they watch Malle and Antonioni so clearly they'll watch anything.
Also Belgians but it's Belgium and standing in the mud being bored for six hours is probably the best thing that will happen to them all week.
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The French and the Italians but they watch Malle and Antonioni so clearly they'll watch anything.
Also Belgians but it's Belgium and standing in the mud being bored for six hours is probably the best thing that will happen to them all week.
This thread just got nine million percent better.
Bored, I watched Mortal Engines last night. I quite enjoyed it.
What do you do when you're bored, that you quite enjoy? :unsure:
Watch speedruns of old games.
Jerk off to Asian mother daughter incest pr0n.
I too am double bored, work made me take two weeks off cos I hadn't taken anything and two in a row is a requirement in my sector ...or so I'm told :eyebrows: t'misses has no time off and has claimed the front room as an office and so I'm banished to the spare room where my various electronic devices live. I still have use of the toilet and the kitchen and even bedroom if I wish but the telly is broke in there so what's the point. I spend my days waking up around 9:30am, unheard of before covid. I wake up, do a shit and go to the probably covid ridden gym up the road, spend an hour on a treadmill that the previous person 100% didn't wipe down, come home and shower and then there's 6 hours to kill before dinner. With these 6 or more hours over the past 4 working days I've played Mafia Definitive Edition from start to finish and watched all 10 episodes of Raised by Wolves which is the shit! 10/10 telly that I almost never bothered with. It is the tits!!!!
I've also gotten heavily into those cold coffees wot come in small box form, Arctic Iced Coffee is the preferred choice. I buy one from the newsagents most mornings and the Indian fella that runs it tells me stories about his fat stupid wife (all under the cover of facemask and appropriately socially distanced of course).
I need a new game and telly programme now though :unsure: I've also been playing a wee kids game on my switch which I can't beat. After dinner I stay up till roughly 2am watching old horror moviefilms and various adult swim cartoons and because of this I have to sleep in the spare room but I don't mind it the sofa is comfy as fuck.
Wife went away for 10 days but left the little one with me. Between that and work I don't get anything done.
Ask me about the living hell they call "kids' birthday party".
Just tell Little Johnny that if he has that birthday party, he and all his friends will get corona and die. Covid is the new boogeyman :ninja:
Whenever we went to the park, my mom always told me that if I got too far away from her, gypsies would kidnap me and sell my organs in the black market. It was safety first and mama did not fuck around (even though there wasn't a significant Romani population in our area).
Give me these 20 dollars
The true $20 was the friends we made along the way :mushy: