Earthquake in America!!!
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Earthquake in America!!!
Nesting marerial.
Rat nesting so appropriate.
As an investigator, I think it is my duty to report any possible online crimes.
For fuck sake, it's the Japanese who stab, the English preferred method for murder is poison. Haven't you ever read Miss Marple, wank investigator?
Btw the British also like to use large dogs,satanic cults, football hooliganism and boring you to death. There, now you are as well informed as I am.
Lostmyvoicesup :01:
Got a throat full of stds and have the next couple days off sick. It hurts to vape, it's everything I've always feared.
Stranger Taints season 3 is absolute homo dog shit. The first Terminator film is just ok. Battlefield 5 is full of bugs. The battery in my fire alarm is dying and keeps beeping every 2minutes but it's non replaceable and I'm not allowed to take it down as I rent. I hurt my ankle running in cheap old trainers. The new Wolfenstein comes out in a couple weeks. There's not enough mother stepson incest pr0n on the internet. Decent woks cost too much. I want to watch 3 from Hell but it's not out yet.
Ever consider that vaping may be the cause or is that a bridge that you're not prepared to cross?
Stranger Things, why exactly wasn't it homo dogshit?
Original Terminator should be looked upon like the orginal Desperado - a step in a process.
I stopped playing Battlefield when it became apparent to even someone as slow as myself that they are all going to be pretty much the same from now until the end of time.
The solution to your battery problem is to kill your landlord. Sometimes you need to think outside the box.
Shit shoes don't kill people, people kill people.
New Wolfenstein looks sick ie good.
3 from Hell looks sick. ie you have mental problems.
All your base are belong to us