Re: Last one to post wins the internets
In other news Trump wants to increase miltary spending by 5% while cutting every other department's budget by 5%. That's your real basic dictator shit right there.
So is wrapping yourself in the flag with naming stuff perfidiously like "A Budget for a Better America". :ermm:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Iran Tries to Expand Business in Iraq to Blunt US Sanctions
Geez, nobody but anyone with a brain could have seen that coming.
Most times it's more important to deal with one's enemies that it is one's friends.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Seriously though, Shay, it's the corruption and the hypocrisy that upsets to a much greater extent than most of the policies do. Although there is a good argument to be made that most of the policies stem from the corruption. And yes, when the Left are corrupt or hypocritical as in cases like Clinton or Trudeau it bothers me just as much. Still for what it's worth there seem to be at least some uncorrupt people left on the Dems with the true progressives and maybe the NDP.
Btw say what you will about Bernie but he was marching with King Jr. when it was dangerous and not just politically expediate to do those sort of things.
Just to get out of the way first.....Sure Bernie did do what you say, and yes that is great, but what is around him now is a different story, and just to get it out there he is not Jewish!! , and his analogies are far from protection of the race, again that may not be important to you but i have to say it is to me, and who he has as advisers are defiantly not pro Israel, so that is just me right...On free Schooling?? I had a really good conversation with my son and his girlfriend on Saturday, about free College/University ,I will make a separate post on that and please read how the younger generations think now, even on abortion buddy......
And you other points Idol, i couldn't agree with you more!!!, but the bigger problem is once you are put into the limelight Idol, and you know that every piece of dirty laundry comes out!! Even pre school incidents are open game with media today!!!! It is ridiculous!!!!
And seeing your examples of NDP or Dems, and not reading everything into it honestly, knowing you did type that shows me your views on politics, where i would have posted there are good people that could be in PC or Republicans now we do have to add our views on there agendas/policies and go from there right??
Because the other problem really Idol, I have to say that Trump didn't win just because of Trump!!, the party won because the people chose how the country should move forward, I say that because people in the US saw that if Clinton did get in in it would be an extension of Obama's policies and nothing new?? and remember before the Election, honestly i never watched Fox News that much (I didn't have the channel on my cable package), i did watch CNN., and thought Clinton was going to win by a landslide!!!. Now i have fox news and see all sides and try to read in between the lines, but the problem may be that i do agree with a lot of the Republicans policies, i think you don't??(or not sure??)....
The same if you take the Dems winning back the house and how they did it?? There is only a handful of left wingers in the party, most of them are Moderates/Liberals/Center, but it only takes a few to fuck up and corrupt a whole party, and that is on both sides!! Dems and Reps.. Now you have to watch and see how they vote on things and see on both parties which way they go on policies?? You are seeing that the Dems are not voting together the way they used too, there is splits, where you don't see it as much on the Reps side,plus on simple things you would always see both sides overwhelming together not now on the Dems side just saying Idol.....
But really on an ending note to have.... I do agree with you that it would be great to find a Candidate that didn't have any dirty laundry and was incorruptible.....Good luck on that.....
Edit: Not sure if you saw the reporting the other day about Ilhan Omar interview she had?? She went after Trump and his immigration policies and basically said that is was the same as Omam's policy, just wrapped and told with a pretty bow. Now you go to every left wing or especially CNN, they all went livid!!!!!! How dare you knock Obama!!!!. Fox News just reported it and really didn't pick sides or say i told you so!!, more they said they couldn't believe Omar said that, and she tried to back track it and say it was i lie, but the whole interview was recorded and the reporter posted it word for word that she said, so she deleted the tweet that she slammed the reporter for!!! Again got caught in a lie!!!..
Please answer this!... I really want your opinion on what i said in the other post??
Is there a difference in saying someone is "Anti" or "Hate"??
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
In other news Trump wants to increase miltary spending by 5% while cutting every other department's budget by 5%. That's your real basic dictator shit right there.
So is wrapping yourself in the flag with naming stuff perfidiously like "A Budget for a Better America". :ermm:
That is false!!! Fake news!! The budget increases everything, but the military was lacking from the Obama administration, both sides would have no problem voting all of that in, except maybe the far left Dems (not enough to change anything either way), but it was canned as soon as they saw Border Wall Funding LOL!!!!, again there is a real border crisis for sure, will the wall work?? Well it does in Israel and pushes them to the border crossings, and it decreased a ton of terrorist activities issues, will it work there in the US to the degree they need ?? I don't know?? But it will decrease illegal's/drugs etc. for sure....
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Iran Tries to Expand Business in Iraq to Blunt US Sanctions
Geez, nobody but anyone with a brain could have seen that coming.
Most times it's more important to deal with one's enemies that it is one's friends.
What did you expect?? They off shoots/factions, are there just like Syria Lebanon, what did you expect?? The sanctions are killing them and war is more important, than the people. And Russia will milk off of all of them LOL!!!, They are the biggest instigators, and you know that Russia dislikes any Democracy run system ;), But the Feud of Shiites and Sunnis, the US has some Allies to protect them from slaughter!!!. But it is funny that no one cares when there are millions of innocent Muslims are slaughtered by there own kind, it's really sad what radicalism and greed of power/dictatorship does:idunno:,...477118,00.html
You don't have to worry it will be destroyed whatever Iran tries in Iraq;). Either by the US,and it's allie force there, or by some unnamed other state. It really is too bad that the Mullahs are not happy taking care of there people in there own land/country, and prosper, even if they choose to live under radical Sharia law, that is there choice, but don't spread it and try to take over the middle east.. Someone tried to do that in Europe and look what happened to that plan. And think about this?? Muslims started off with how many practicing countries?? Now there is over 50 plus moving into the majority of the population?? And we are talking a lot of these countries had Majority Christians... Again if that is what the people choose to live like?? I don't have a problem with it, but don't make people change by force!! when that is not the law of the land, Then i got a problem with it!!!
Again my opinion.....
Edit: How real is this news Idol?? Then ask why US the spending/Budget?? I think it is fake news but.....
There is nothing on American News outlets yet on this but here we go!! I guess Trump may make a statement for others here??
And Russia ain't happy!! They been fronting and bankrolling the Maduro’s government, that will be history!!, and oh oh!! there will be really upset with there ally Trump LOL!! and the Left Democrats are going to be upset that the US is trying to help the people of a failing socialist country:idunno:, but i do have to say not all the Democrats feel that way, that is truthful.........
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Idol: I will try to keep this short.....
Socialized University/College....
Well i had this conversation on Saturday with my son and girlfriend, again both now have great jobs and highly educated!!. So there true perspective is it will work, but there is catches on this, in other words it is not like everyone is going to be able to just go and get a BA degree, The free education will be geared to the environment, meaning that if you live in a city and they need plumbers, the degrees will open up and the highest grades will have the option of taking the spot, or electrician, or dentist, or General Doctor, or MD specialists??. So now if there is no need for any more doctors in your city/state?? Well then you are shit out of luck if you want to study that!!. Now i asked what if you want to go into a family business?? Well if it is not considered an open field by the government!!! too bad !!, What happens if you choose to pay?? The answer is not sure if the placements will be available the way it has to be structured?? What do you think about that?? And now saying that between you Idol and Meg and all of your education is absolutely useless in this concept!
No offense to either one of you:).
Really i am not sure how any system will work?? You can't take away freedom of choice?? And where does the money come from/generated to pay the Staff/Professors/Assistance etc??
Have at it LOL!!...
I think i will stay away from Roe v. Wade/Abortion on an open forum:D, I will say my views that i am a modified Pro Life, and will say that a baby that is gone to term and born, and say that the choice should be between the Mother/Doctor/G-D is just ridiculous !!!!!!, and saying that the Father/Spouse (LGBTQ thing) has no say??
If you want to comment on this Idol, it would be interesting to see your views??
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Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
That is false!!! Fake news!! The budget increases everything, but the military was lacking from the Obama administration, both sides would have no problem voting all of that in, except maybe the far left Dems (not enough to change anything either way), but it was canned as soon as they saw Border Wall Funding LOL!!!!, again there is a real border crisis for sure
There is no crisis at the border in terms of either migrants or drugs and if anything the Canadian border is far less secure and terrorists would be coming in from here and yet there is no talk about walling off The Thousand Islands.
As for needing more military spending let us compare the US to the seven next most militarized countries and see if that pans out.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Are you doing this just to instigate or something:lol:
Israel spends more than five of those countries LOL!!!!!!And sells to 4+ as well LOL!!! Where are they??
It is fake crap, China is selling and producing, as well as Russian, right now they are pretty close in budgets for there specialty arms productions...
Gimme a break Idol ........
And second.... I assume you are thinking that our Government lets all the crap in our country.We are really lucky that they are not more strict at the Canadian borders, considering we harbor many terrorist here and many have been caught by intelligence from various sources that stopped plotted attacks..And being true the bridge borders to the US are pretty strict when it comes to non Canadian citizens trying to cross, but you being a legal citizen in Canada wouldn't notice that, I have, and noticed/experienced when i had to go in and declare i was carrying more than 10 thousand dollars cash into the US. Do you think the Americans have milk and cookies ready for non Canadian citizens try to cross?? They are refused and turned around back into Canada or the Canadian customs is notified and they have to deal with deportation if necessary...
Again there is a crisis on the US/Mexico border and they are trying to seek asylum but not the legal way, so it is jammed up and needs more workers and increase the legal system to process all of the people.... Again an interesting fact from the Homeland security on having to give 10 year olds pregnancy test because of what is going on in the large immigrant packs trying to get in, raping young children on the long journeys!!! i guess you didn't hear that on CNN, but it was in the Homeland Security Briefing in front of the Committee, not really that important tho............
Now the Democrats want to pass a bill/law that lowers the age to 16 to vote and you don't need to be an American Citizen!!???
Perfect for Trump!!, he can let in all the Russians he colluded with to vote LOL!!!!
All Crap!!!!
And of course Forget everything else i posted like usual and avoid the one question i did want answered :happy:
Edit:Jeez Idol!! What about Iran's spending and they are broke!!!
I can make a bar graph and show my penis length compared to yours and Megs, and mine will be just 2 inches longer but the graph will make it like it is 10 just to boost my ego, and make you feel worse LOL!!!!
How many propaganda or so called real accurate sites i go to and Israel is erased off the map and Palestine is put in its place is that real ?? LOL!!!!. Yet you Google Map /Waze Israel and wow it pops up and can't find Palestine anywhere?? Which one is real/reality???
Yes America is a super-power and they spend and manufacture a ton of military things and also buy, and sell, that is why they are a super-power and wars /protection costs tons of money!!! Now Trump is telling them to pay there share (Not Obama!!!), and NATO as well to increase there budgets to match what the US contributes.. Trump is trying to say no more free rides unless there is a benefit for the US interest.. There is nothing wrong with that in my eyes.. And it is a good thing Canada is not a super-power, but more peacekeeper roll, because we couldn't afford it, and thank G-D the US has our backs!!. I hope you feel the same way even know you don't like war (neither do i!!), but someone has to protect our way of life right??....
How many countries out there :unsure:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Word of the day: Nomenklatura
Quote of the Day:
"But we don't currently have a capitalist system. In 2008 the banks were bankrupt and the state bailed them out. Our entire financial system is now underwritten by the state. Its just a really mean state, which is only prepared to give money to rich people.
So we already have socialism. We just need equality now."
A little bit older article but very interesting to read.....
How much money does the Fake socialists Netherlands budget for Military?? Fucking Zero!! They expect the US to bail them out if they have troubles!!, and right now with open borders all the shit is moving in there and taking over!! Good luck with open borders, and i am praying it won't fuck up Canada!! and the same a one term Liberal in charge and Hopefully the PC party gets back in, even second choice NDP will be better......
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Idol: Funny post for you:D
Hint: Take a close look at one of the storefront names :lol: