Don't blame RealitY. The real answer to why people left this site in droves is that the question "What's in it for me here?" stopped being relevant to them.
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Don't blame RealitY. The real answer to why people left this site in droves is that the question "What's in it for me here?" stopped being relevant to them.
Those 'people' were never the heart and soul of the site-- generally just cannon fodder.
I'm sorry but as a white American you really need to disqualify yourself in any discussions regarding heart or soul.
I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. You're basically my go to guy in all matters asphalt though.
I don't know Rich so unlike yourself I didn't want to make this a wholly personal attack. I can however understand him being a Dick considering that's basically his name anyway.
I guess besides my good looks that's the real difference between you and I. I'm still capable of a little empathy, you heartless, soulless bastard.
I wish I was rich. I'm lower middle-class. If I was rich I wouldn't be here.
If I was rich I'd make someone else rich too and we'd get butlers and make them kiss and then fight to the death.
It would be hot if you make them fight to the death and then in the middle of it they realize their love for one another and then start kissing.