I live here-- it's pretty fucking obvious what state our 'union' is in... :dry:
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I live here-- it's pretty fucking obvious what state our 'union' is in... :dry:
You are right about any real substance, a few things and more bashing on both sides really.....
Was kidding about the teeth thing buddy:), A joke in bad taste and i just watched the Nutty Professor the other day. And not all the points were true by any means but not worth aggravating both of us right...I do think Pelosi is a hottie:naughty:
Voter suppression is used as an excuse on both sides, and i do think that being a Canadian i should be able to vote in there elections, Fuck that ridiculous rule of being an American citizen!! get on that would you:P
As for the Confederate flag?? I will keep my Avatar the way it is because i support Democracies and Capitalism thank you. And by your posturing you don't :unsure:, just like the PC (Ford) document that just leaked about our health care here?? What is wrong with a 2 tier system in some instances?? You have a problem with that?? The same with my sons new Job/Promotion, was added a great Drug benefit plan?? Do you think all drugs should be free to everyone??
Paulinha Brazilian lawmaker, is it me or does the guy look cross eyed:angel1:
Attachment 181809
So the stats of the economy all are wrong Meg?? Not being a smart ass by any means buddy, Do you think that can be put on every news station regardless how they lean, and lie??
One thing i can say hurts Americans for sure is if you don't have a job that gives Health benefits defiantly needs to be fixed!! How i have no idea!!! but some relief is needed there. The rest with immigration?? Who the fuck really knows as well, we have it here and to be honest if you live in certain neighborhoods i guess you would notice it?? But i really don't, or i should say not affected by any of that now?? But i like to think that Governments in control have the interests of keeping Canadians safe as well as yours in the US....
What really would you like to see changed??
So you're saying that you're not racist only sexist.
Cool. I'm not a broad so I can live with that.
As for the leaked documents - that fired worker is both a hero and a patriot and if there was a shred of justice in the World the lying Health Minister would lose her job and the leaker would replace her.
Btw I understand you don't base your views on reason but the Tory excuse about "everybody drafts plans that they have no intent of ever acting upon". :| I suppose then you are of the belief that if the RCMP discovered some Muslim's printed plans to bomb Pearson then they should just let him go 'cause everyone makes plans with no intention to ever act upon them. Geez. Give me a fucking break.
Also I'm fine with a two tier health system if that means that rich people have to be the ones to go without. Because fair is fair and they're like cunts, right?
So the wealthy should be penalized for being successful?? Interesting :wacko:
As for your leaked document opinion.. A draft is a draft period, is it in a thought process?? Absolutely!!, and lets face some reality here, if the Tax paying true Canadians want to have the option of having a chance to have better health care, and are willing to pay for it?? You think because they can afford it, it should be denied to them?? Again interesting:wacko:
Full socialism never works !! The poor get greedy and take advantage of the freebies, and the rich try to scam to save from paying!!, in the Democratic middle hopefully that can be fixed. A draft leaked and now you don't hear shit about it again, Ford PC Government won the majority votes, The wonderful NDP leader Horwath should have been advocating more on the Union jobs lost from GM to Mexico!!, that is always known to be the NDP's job, Unions!!!
One thing you know about me Idol, if i am wrong i admit i am wrong!!, so far again the health care draft is a concept and was discussed by the Public, Health Care workers, and Doctors, if that was a lie , it was never in the news or rebutted. To think something is not going to come out or implemented of some sort of 2 tier or privatizing part of our health care ?? Well then i would be lying!!, and i am not saying that by any means...
To finish... How would you feel if a guy worked and became successful/millionaire and the economy went to the toilet and he lost everything because he invested everything back to keep the employees??. Do you think the government should step in and bail him out even know he has 30 employees instead of 3000..
Do you feel sorry for that guy?? Or maybe you feel sorry for that union electrician that makes $80 per hour?? Way more than some retail owners make running there business!!!
Sometimes i think you just goad me on and i take the bait :geptardrod:
If a Man/Women/Transgender is worth a 100 million dollars and they give 10 million to various charities?? Is that enough or should they give all of there money away?? Remember MacDonald's to feed a family is not a cheap as it used to be my friend;), And the Americans complain on there cost, and it is less than half even with the exchange rate of our dollar!!!
Just my opinion :D
Yeah clearly the poor are greedy bastard, wanting food almost every day and not having to die from exposure in the street and selfish stuff like that. And obviously clinging to excess millions of dollars that you are never, ever going to use instead of putting it to use via taxes for the good of society makes billionaires basically the equivilent to Mother Teresa though, right.
American Billionaire. "Wahwahwah. Why you want to oppress poor old me, OCA? Clearly I'm the Gucci slippered victim here. Anyway the poor will get by somehow, they also do. If not then bleed the middle class some more. Unnlike myself they are use to hard work and doing with less."
So you focus on the word "Greedy" , that maybe i shouldn't have used in the statement "Advantage of Freebies" was the actual meaning...
I am not sure the last time you had a stay in a hospital here Idol!!, I can tell you i don't wish it on anybody!! and you better have either the time or have cash to shell out for a Caregiver!!!!. I was there 24hrs a day and showered there!!!. If you saw the people that were brought into my wife's room you would understand "Taking Advantage of our Health Care System", and know what there are entitled too!!, and they were not born in Canada!!!...
One was told to leave before breakfast, and the nurses and the floor supervisor was humiliated and that patient didn't leave til after dinner!!!, and all because they were stalling so they didn't have to take her home and do anything for her!!! Fact!!!!. While there is many people waiting in the hallways in the Emergency waiting for beds!. Now how about you go to many sections of the hospital and it is empty, because there is not enough funding to keep them running and staffed with nurses!!, We all pay a ton of taxes now!! where are they spending the money and who is in charge?? A ton of Executives that know fuck all and don't give too shits getting huge salaries and not the nurses and staff!! and we are talking a 6 patients to one nurse!! How many patients sat in piss and shit because they didn't have enough time to take them to the bathroom, and ya they put diapers on all of them that couldn't go to the bathroom without assistance, or the time to put a bed-pan.... I have many stories of our health care system that would make you puke!!!
G-D forbid i have to go through that again, i will pay for a private nurse to stay with my wife!!!. And i won't get into Providence Rehab either!!!!!
The meaning of that rant that you know i don't like to talk about my private life on the open forums, is there is a lot of stress on our health care system here, and if a small fee will help to get better care so be it!!. There is people that are getting free health care here and going across the border (US), to get procedures done and paying for them!!. They find the money even if they are not rich!!!.
We have to also interpret what you consider poor?? The way you are talking is "Homeless"!!, you are never going to stop that and in socialists countries the unemployment rate it outrages lea high!!!. Democratic platforms work..
And you talk about the middle class?? Well that is how i was raised buddy, I lived in a 1100sq foot bungalow with 2 brothers and 2 sisters, that's 7 people in a 3 bedroom with one bathroom!!. You are on family assistance and you have a child you get a 2 bedroom apartment!, now they get knocked up again from a different person and have a different sex child, that is an automatic 3 bedroom, because they don't allow different sexes in the same bedroom!!!. Fuck i remember when i had to take a bath with my sister or brother, so my mother could watch the younger ones!!!....Now 7 of us in one small house by today's standards?? were we poor?? were we middle class??
Some wealthy or well to do people i know lived in an apartment there whole lives?? Are they considered Middle Class?? Or do you just base Money on how you classify people?? I told you before some of the wealthiest people i know are cheap fucks!!!, and your so called middle class want to keep up with the Jones and are in debt because of it. One or Two Tv's for some middle class is not enough today, now you have to add a few i-pads and everything else, as you said people find a way to get what they want if they really want it...
You can try to tax as much as you want, it doesn't work for industry in a place that the cost of living is high!!, They will leave the country or state and go where it is cheaper, that is reality, and if not they will always find loop-holes, and really if it is a generational business or money that is inherited, it is for there families and future families, you may not like that but again Too Bad, that is real life in a Democracy....And really instead of trying to drastically changing things that have been proven don't work, you could always move to the examples of success of socialism and live there right??
The way you talk is if a Billionaire gave half of his wealth away to a charity he chooses, it is not enough, to be honest if i was a Billionaire i would give it to charities because if i gave it in taxes for the government to control ?? Who the fuck knows where it will be used!! Socialist or Dictator Countries really show where the money is distributed :idunno:. Now tax the rich 90%!! It still won't be enough, because the people in charge of the money have no clue.......
Edit: I should add that you think because a billionaire is not spending all of his money, that it is wasted?? So what happens if G-D forbid his business is sued?? or it sooner or later becomes obsolete and you have the next greatest thing and the next Billionaire?? Or it's a large family that shares the wealth and plans on it being used for generations?? Then you hear the stories of a rich person leaving all there money to Charity??
It is there choice.. Not a socialist run government in a capitalist country.. And do you think the government really knows what the fuck they are doing??!!. I read an article a while back that forget the taxes even on alcohol!!, being independently run in the US, they negotiate the prices on the cost of liquor!!, here the government doesn't give a shit what it costs the consumer!! they don't negotiate because they make more taxes!!!. How may Canadians that live near a border buy things at the duty free shops, or even crossed the border when our dollar was strong to buy things or get gas even ?? Who is negotiating the costs of items used in a hospital here?? You ask that question to a politician or the person in the health care system that is supposed to be in charge and see if you can get a straight answer !!!. Someone has to pay the salaries of all the executives that run the health care system here!!. You get rid of 1 useless executive that fucks the dog all day and i guarantee you could hire how many nurses!!!. There is no civilian over-site watching what goes on!!, just suggestion boxes, that they look at and the garbage they go!!.. I am still waiting months for calls from the higher ups about my experience in one of our supposed great health care hospitals!! Zero response!!!. I told a few managers on the floor that there hands are tied, that i would even help for free!! on some recommendation for a better experience for patience??!!. The reality is we are cattle because it is a pool of money that pays for out health care and not individually, and some obviously pay more taxes and some pay less, but one thing i will say to you is YES!!! the way the health care system is set up is should be equal to all Canadian Citizens!!, but if it goes to a 2 tier system that will change, and you will still get the same treatment if you can't afford to pay, but if you can you will be privileged to get better, and i don't have a problem with that, again as long as the standards don't change for the free health care. You want a funny one!!! How about $400 extra a day out of your pocket for a private room?? No different care!! just the room!!, There was no way i was paying that, my wife stayed in a semi private room, and i don't have health insurance buddy, that came out of my pocket!!!, But the person next to her didn't pay a penny because she the bed was empty and they put here in it!! What happens if she could afford it?? they never asked her to pay!!, is that right?? Luck of the Draw!!, And she could barely speak English!!! Nice lady tho:)..
the same in Providence Rehab!!, i wanted an semi private room for her there, and they only have wards or private, so they didn't charge me for the private room because it came available at the right time $475 a night!! and she was there for just over 3 weeks!!. You do the math on our great free health care if i had to pay!!!. And at night there it was one nurse to eleven patients!!, again all supposed to be in rehabilitation, the majority in diapers, and most able to go to the bathroom with assistance !!!..
Government Socialist Health Care vs Employer or Yearly paid in the US?? Why do you think the ones that have jobs and get the benefit of a good health care plan know how the treatment is in the hospitals in the US. And not everyone is making a million dollar salary, plain old white and blue collar workers etc. And they still don't run to the doctors or hospitals like they do here!!..
And if you see some doctors want Socialized health care in the US?? Because they will make huge bucks, not have to carry insurance , which most doctors post on the wall that they don't carry insurance and make you sign a waiver!!, they can't be sued!!..
I truly would love to see the actual budget of our health care system and see where the funds are spent!!!!
You have been rich too long, Shay. Certainly all looks great from that top 1-5% you are in. For the rest of us, times are shit. Nothing I or Idol can say will serve to help you understand, that'as why I refrain fro typing walls of text back at you.
I wouldn't call myself rich Meg, comfortable yes, but not rich, and again i am not sure how you say times are shit?? If you have a roof over your head, your kids are happy and healthy, and the wife keeps busting your balls , what else is there?? Weather you drive a Ferrari or you drive an older Mini Van or compact car?? Who cares. I never look down on people, and i have seen some that have lots and i have seen some that lost it all, again i don't care and that is not the point. And honestly even if you did think i am not like that , and saying times are shit for a lot of people?? Do you really think taxing the rich is going to change everyone ?? They already pay over 50% no matter what you think..
Here is a true story... I told you when i am in Florida i made friends with this older Couple, they are from New York (originally for Ireland),and one was a painter for the city and the other works as a hair dresser, they have kids and lived just outside the city there, he is retired and she stills has some clients she cuts hair for. Again he didn't make a ton of money, but his pension and health benefits were excellent (yes we talked about this on the golf course). They saved up and bought the condo in Florida many years ago, and again it is not a condo on the Beach buddy:), it is a gated community and not for race or color!!, everyone can buy there as long as there are over 55 to own it. He leaves a car there that he bought really cheap (old Honda accord), and they live there life as modest people. My point really is do you really think that Taxing the rich is going to change any lives really?? Will that money every really help the economy and change food or housing costs?? or luxuries costs??. Using an example of a TV(because i like them:D), you can buy one for under $300 or you can go nuts and spend thousands, same with all electronics or gadgets. What is the difference?? A guy living with his parents, and has a part time job, and saves enough money to buy his first car on his own (while getting an education), regardless what car it is he feels rich!!, and if he thought that taxing the rich is going to some how trickle to help him?? I can say that is crazy!!..
My Father owned 2 clothing stores in the 80's, interests rates were crazy!!, and rent in malls was nuts then!! times were tough and he lost the stores, and our house. So he went to work for someone again, built up and saved and bought a condo later again, all my brother's and sister's were either married or out of the 2 and a half bedroom apparent i just turned 14 when all of this happened, The rich nor the government never helped him!!..My father in-law and my father were the same age and actually grew up in the same neighborhood (Idol knows it well Spadina and College, and boy has it changed over the years!!), he worked in sales as well day and night!! built a business, and with a little luck and hard work he was very successful. No one helped him!! he was not bankrolled!!, and the Rich and government never helped him!!.. Thinking the Government is going to help you in some way and hasn't all of these years?? Should give you a hint it is not going to change, and don't take this the wrong way, but you or Idol thinking taxing the rich just sounds like it will boost your pride or take some of the jealousy away it won't. Truly anyone working hard or if you are Lucy and inheriting to help you, that is life, and taxing the rich is not going to change anything.
Example on big loophole that can never be fixed... Tax the rich personally, they well take out of the business inheritance below the bracket of least tax, tax there business they will leave because of the overhead costs and no one benefits.. Socialism, Capitalism, makes no difference that is reality.. They again will never at least in our lifetime see Free Health Care for All in the US, why?? because a high percentage of Americans that have decent jobs get good benefits from there employer, you know that is facts.. Most retired seniors can't afford to pay more taxes to subsidize health care, so that is a bust, or they will never vote for a person that seems to think they have a way to pay for it without hurting there pockets??.. And for the record, you guys can write off so much shit on you taxes compared to us in Canada, and yes our pay here looks like we are making more?? but our tax bracket is higher and our cost of living is as well!!..
So really Meg, the truth is be happy and work hard and as long as your children are healthy (touch wood !!), and the wife or better half sort of is:lol:, that is the reality of Middle class today and for the foreseeable future...
What i really would like to know Meg (Or Idol), is that if you could explain to me how you really think that taxing the rich is really going to help Middle Class, Homeless ?? And don't make it sound like i don't understand?? It is like i can't afford to go out and buy each of my kids houses to live in?? or i would have nothing!!, but if i can help them out i will and do!! Is there something wrong with that?? The same i made sure they were fed and clothed and had food on the table, as well an education is that wrong?? so instead of going out every night and having nanny's or paying for small things like gardeners or snow removal, or a pool guy?? I do it myself!! So does that make me rich or poor ??
A guy that has a nice size bank account and wears half decent clothes, or a guy that is wearing Hugo Boss clothes, and is in debt?? which one is really rich?? Saying i have learned never judge a book by it's cover Meg.. We are sitting on a chair typing to each other, if i see you or you see me in person?? There still wouldn't be any judgement !!!, And you have internet a cell phone some sort of PC/Mac you are communicating with me?? Again what is the difference?? The same economics!! If your kids G-D willing go to college?? and by that time maybe there will be better tax benefits or savings ?? That is great!! And the money that you are trying to save now either it will be for that or you will spend it on something else, again what is the difference?? Idol did say, everyone finds a way.........
Again just sayin, you can build a wall and there is no right or wrong just opinions, some good some bad, but maybe in that wall of writing it helps get things out that could change someones thinking, for the good or the bad???
New word of the day "Facie"
Also saw this....
When a person dies early, is it also premature?