Incidentally my face on Justin Bieber's head looks like an albino Hugh Grant.
I'm not going to post it, like, you'll just have to take my word for it...
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Incidentally my face on Justin Bieber's head looks like an albino Hugh Grant.
I'm not going to post it, like, you'll just have to take my word for it...
I had occasion to be in the vicinity of Glasgow Sheriff Court* recently.
There was a woman walking about asking people if they had been involved in an accident, and would they want to discuss legal representation.
I though " Fuck sake we have finally morphed into merkins"
*Europe's busiest Court**
** It makes one so proud.
Feck sake Barbie you're his double, that was pointless.
Oh wait, there's a spoiler.
I totally read that "hoop skirt" and I have to believe it was because that's what you were really thinking when you wrote "Hoops shirt".
Morning cunts. :mushy:
2 new burds started today in t'office, both smowking hawt1! :drool:
They're not for you.
NOT FOR YOU :nono:
It's a bit like if someone was wearing a Leafs jersey, except it's a Hoops shirt as it's Glasgow Celtic and not Toronto Maple Leafs. That's such a weird thing, btw, 'Leafs', why not Leaves? Get a brain, morans.
I probably over-explained that, but I literally wouldn't have been comfortable had the three people, max, who read the post been of the silent opinion that I'd made some kind of error.
He's in a different postcode, barbs. Don't you even watch films like Roadtrip and Van Wilder.
He's constitutionally entitled to some xmas frottage and year round arse and boob watching.
Also, he's very unlikely to cheat on the hefty but watchfully nimble Sri Lankan in the newsagents over the road, so you're worrying about nothing again.
I think cos I'm marrying her it's cool to have 10 wives or something else as is their savage custom :eyebrows: