:) :gunsmilie :)
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:yup: :naughty: :lips:
Attachment 187893
Despite having used the Internet on 2013, I don't recall what the fox says... but here you go.
Attachment 187894
I am awake and thinking....
I gave my word to stay away from politics and i am trying to keep my word.......
Here is a question tho....
What and how do you think a Democratic society/country could become equally split in ideals or policies??
The same do you really think the percentage is the same for a Socialist/Communist run country how the people really think??
Really is the mass in either system happy??
My one opinion is that the Hard Left or the Hard Right in a Democracy are not the majority of people that control the vote.....
Even know they will be targeted or accused of being that way from there choosing.............
In a socialists communists run society is that the same??
I Googled the sources that spread that and surprisingly it came back stuff like Breitbart, The Blaze, The Washington Post and most tellingly RT.
The unmitigated truth is that a small handful of Democrats did call for impeachment before he was elected. It wasn't "Democrats" in general which though headlines pointedly make it seem like.
I'm sure that a handful of Republicans want to see Biden burned alive but at least I'm not yet brainwashed enough into believing that small group is "Republicans" in general.
Also and this for shay because I know he likes nothing better than a good Hitler reference, but would it have been OK to speak up against Hitler or was the polite thing to do was to wait until he had at least invaded Poland?
Oh yeah, I conveniently forgot about the whole "Lock her up" campaign thing. Being consistent is one distinction between a belief and and excuse.
I will say you obtuse instigator, the Left Wing media outlets were still busy bashing Trump at the time for other things, they forgot to mention there own parties wrong doings...
As for the great probability of the Republicans getting back control of the house and depending on the numbers the senate , i hope and pray they are not stupid enough to try to impeach Binden for the next in line alternative will be way worse:fear:
The same again you forget that you blame the Republicans for the rejection of the Left Wing Agenda !!!
How many times did the Democrats filibuster when the Republicans had full power of the senate?? You are a smart guy right!!!
Look it up!!!! Did they ever talk about removing it for there agenda??
Now you have Democrats that also against the Left Wing agenda!!! What are they traders, or looking after there constituents they represent??
That will be seen what happens in November;)
Now dealing with your consistent antisemitism..........Quote:
Also and this for shay because I know he likes nothing better than a good Hitler reference, but would it have been OK to speak up against Hitler or was the polite thing to do was to wait until he had at least invaded Poland?
Using the reference with Hitler with any American president or Canadian prime minister is just bullshit, and actually shows your stupidity and propaganda intentions....
Now i really do know you are obtuse in many things Idol, and it shows quite often, but i will type it here for you now... Biden or Trump are nothing like Hitler nor are there agendas, so comparing them to Nazis or Hitler makes you a what?? Guess:D ???
Get It;)...
Now take Putin now with the Ukrainians, until now you can see he is a mad man and killing a lot of innocent people, but is it Genocide or attempted annihilation of a race of people??
Well obtuse one, you tell me???
And be it wrong what Putin and Russia is doing, is he really wrong what his reasons of doing it???
Here is a really good question that was talked about in a OPED on RT news and surprised i didn't see it anywhere else...
How many Times has the US invaded countries?? Again sovergn countries, and ever been sanctioned ?? Can you explain this Idol??
War is dirty and even Israel trying to protect itself, using the Geneva convention rules of combat and going further and dropping leaflets saying they are going to bomb a location.. Do you think Terrorists Countries or Communists countries have that same humanity ??
Or you get the Biden Administration, real fucking idiots send there actual agenda to China how and what they were going to do with Russia, and what happened there Idol???
It is amazing that Putin flew to China for the Olympics isn't it, and he waited til they were finished before his invasion;)
Did you actually read or see any of that posted where you get your media?? I doubt it very much...........
Now in 4 years!!! That piece of SHIT Trump was in the White House, what happened anywhere around the world during that time Obtuse One!!!??
Again we won't go into corruption proven what the Biden Family did and still is doing today!! And you Take China, Russian, Ukraine before Zelinsky, and Iran, What pattern do you see more?? And if any had something on Trump?? Why didn't they invade then???
Even North Korea, is getting bold!!!!
What is that saying keep your friends close your enemies closer and to be a super power make sure they all fear you !!!!!!
Interesting Questions Obtuse one;)
So wait, are you saying that was Fake News??
Forget Crooked Hillary was the one that did finance the whole Russian Collusion nonsense LOL!!!!
But all of July 6th is real right LOL!!!!!
Again if i keep calling you a Homo is it going to come true LOL!!!
Or maybe it is true and if you go on Fake News and deny being a Homo, it then will become true:lol:
Now i am confused if you are really a Homo or not:unsure:
As a child of the 80s, what I want to know is how we got from this:
Attachment 187900
to this:
Attachment 187899
If we could harness the energy of Ronald Reagan spinning in his grave, we wouldn't need any Russian oil or gas...
You are 100% right Cabby, it is disgusting and people like that should not be nor ever be called Americans!!!!!!!!!
Period!!!!! Sick troublemakers and radical Right WingSHITBAGSimbeciles what else can i say!!!! :cheers:
I do have a question Cabby....
Where did you find the images?? Where were they posted??
Was it from a site that showed it as a Right Wing Positive??
Or a Democrat site to spread more divide??
Again asking that for curiosity , and my views either way are still the same :hug:
Google image search. No commentary. For everyone to see.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
Oh, and for what it's worth: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ru...mocrat-shirts/
The article is from 5 August 2018??
Truth or Fake, do you not find it strange that it suddenly pops up now/again?? Especially the propaganda meaning fits better??
Now Cabby either way it is disgusting but, does seem fitting for a side to instigate and cause more divide...
What do you think??
Now i think i can find some pics with T-Shirts that read "Deplorable's" on it from around the same time yet none of those are popping up:unsure:
PS. A cigar is not just a cigar :)
It you are ever in my neck of the woods buddy we can sit on my balcony and i will show you the difference between a cohiba vs montecristo;)
Stop overthinking. It did not "pop up now/again". I specifically looked for that picture to make my point above. This is not a conspiracy.
I think what Cabby is saying that if this was the movie Lifeboat then you would be Willi.
Sorry, wrong forum. I thought I was posting on a site where everyone had a working knowledge of Hitchcock.
Oh, ok:)
Your point is noted and I still think it is garbage and disgusting and ridiculous;).........
My point would be bringing up the past of some nutbags, makes it look like all of the group is, and that can work on both sides Cabby, if you know what i mean:yup:
Again disgusting.......
Attachment 187906
See my point:hug:
Never would my thoughts be that Trudeau is a racists!!!, he may be a fucking moron!!!, and nothing like his Father, but you put a few words underneath the picture and link a few radical NGO's/Groups/Political Parties, and BINGO!!! you start ruckus/divide/animosity towards others:frusty::sadwalk:..
Something I have never taught my kids nor do you do that to yours :)..
But someone is teaching this shit!!!!!
I see something that causes more animosity towards others!!!!!
Don't you think being a HOMO, you should try to find the good things in others (If Possible), no matter there political views???
My point always, bashing a leader of a party, doesn't change if you agree with the party views/agenda/beliefs, moving the country forward....
Again Cabby and i have different views, but that has nothing to do with friendship and helping each other....
Can you understand that obtuse one;)
I really don't care what anyone calls me but you seem to be advocating one thing while doing the opposite.
And now this....
but the gymnastics federation is fine with holding the event in Qatar which has a very bad record on human rights and has been accused of habouring terrorists.Quote:
Russian gymnast Ivan Kuliak criticized for 'shocking behavior' after wearing 'Z' symbol next to Ukrainian athlete
Gee, shay, you and the FIG should get together and compare notes.
And that is the last political thing I will post until someone makes me do otherwise.:)
Idol, i saw that;)
Did you not see my comment on the US invading sovergn countries for there interests and i have never seen anywhere them being sanctioned ??!!!
They just had the Olympics in China didn't they?? And every major sponsor in the world still advertised and promoted it??!!!
If you live in a different part of the world does everyone agree with there actions including the people that live in a communist socialist country??
The difference may be that you will be shot for protesting peacefully or not...
When it comes to that Idol, why do we interfere with other countries that chose to live differently, why do we try to stick our nose in it??
Why not care about the country you do live in?? And the question is why doesn't elected political parties care??
You have people fleeing from countries Idol!!!, for a better life, yet a political party wants to change to the same these people are leaving??
Can you explain that??
Compare, Me Too, BLM, Antifa, Quanon, KKK, JDL, and on and on!!! If you peacefully protest, that is a right in Democracy countries no?? But in Socialists Communist countries.... Well?? Hens the comparison what happened to the Truckers here, were they terrorists Idol?? Is Me Too?? Is protesting for Abortions either for or against??
My point is.... Politics are Politics, killing innocents or trying to remove a race off the planet is that politics or madness?? I assume the people that are getting annihilated have something to say, as well as the party that is trying to do it....
We both live in Canada, and you being a HOMO do you think you could be open in Saudi Arabia or Iran being what you are?? Now there is Gay people that do live in those countries, but they would be closet HOMOS, or they will be hung in the streets!!! not like in Canada you can get any penis you want in your ass as long as they want too:naughty:
What gives us the right to say if it is right or wrong in a different country?? That is China's thinking!!! And we have to protect our way of living and not let them dictate to us, but protect our way of living!!!!
I will just say look at the Middle East??!!!
You get what i am saying buddy:)...
So the big problem here when we discuss politics, you don't like to hear there is another side...
Think about that for a second ;)
And then..... What ever is discussed has nothing to do with friendship between one another, meaning what is going to change if you argue about politics or disagreements??
If anyone asks me for a favor, do you think there political views bother me?? As long as they don't want to erase me off the planet,(a true anti Semitic!!!) who the fuck cares!!!!
I am not paying there bills, and they are not paying mine;)
And Just Remember..... There is two sides to every story, and in the middle you will find the truth or it will come out sooner or later:01:
Does that make sense???
PS.. I am not sure if this has happened yet??
Do you think there should be Transgender Men cycling with Women??
I'm a big enough man to admit when you're wrong.
Fields should be split by sex, not gender which until some freak comes up with a way to alter chromosomes means you are stuck in the one you were born in.
The current not insane talk says that transgenders should have their own separate events like the way they have them for people with disabilities. That way everyone still gets to play but there isn't any argument about someone having an unfair advantage, wah, wah fucking wah, losersas much as I would love to enter blind tennis events and teach those visually impaired bastards a lesson.
Wtf, Idol, a supremely sensible answer - well-done, that man.
Even Shay would be proud to be it's author. ;)
:) :artist: :)
You may be a Fudge Packing Jehovah Witness after all Idol ;)
I won't be the last, but why not.
Is this Reddit?
It's Monday though, right?
I can see that you're a man of fewthoughtswords.
Men with few thoughts have long dicks.
Few thoughts have men with long dicks.
It's not some much the words as how they are arranged.