That's because you are not American. We love violence. :wacko:
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I wonder if you guys are getting as screwed as we are by Tr*mp.
I guess you can say i have more issues with Trudeau than i do Trump MacGyver:idunno:
But i can say i am following the Judge Kavanaugh hearings, and switching between Fox News and CNN, and then reading between the lines, you guys have some serious troubles with the Left there, that is for sure........
Do you think he is going to be Appointed??
Edit: Not sure if i should move this subject to the other forum section or not??
And being honest, if you take away Trumps mouth!!!, really what has he done bad for the Country??
He is going through all of his agenda that is he said he would do being elected, how many other presidents can you say have done that??
Now the Democrats?? If you take the liberal old fucks still in the party, you may have some sort of sane Country, Maybe?? but take the far left Democrats that have taken over, and there fucked up ideas!!. If they have control, i would think you guys are really Fucked!!!
Just my opinion :)
Just because he is accomplishing some of the things he said he would, doesn't make him a good president. Implementing bad ideas is not good for the country. They are good for him (all that matters). If you look at the past, it's all going to come crashing down. Republicans keep doing the same thing hoping for different results (or maybe not). Juice the economy and then grab as much wealth as you can (during and after crash). When it all comes crashing down, blame it on Democrats. Then Democrats fix it. Complain about the fixes. Take power again and fuck it up again. Vicious cycle.
I'm sure Kavanaugh will get in. The one week FBI investigation (controlled by white house) is a joke. Tr*mp wants him, republicans are afraid of Tru*p. Evangelicals want abortion illegal. The guy is a scum bag. Reminds me of Swaggart.
I don't know about you, but I want clean drinking water, clean air to breathe, and food that won't slowly kill me. Republicans just deregulate everything so companies can just do whatever they want. The EPA is a joke now. Our National Parks are shrinking in size so fossil fuels can be extracted. Our education system is run by a silver spoon cunt. Keep the people stupid, the republican way.
There are many more old fart conservatives around.
I personally don't feel that any country should be run by someone who is entirely corrupt regardless of how well the economy is doing.
It's not like the US is a homeless person pathetically pawing at garbage hoping to get enough crumbs to last another day. No, anytime this economic bullshit is thrust to the forefront by conservatives they are speaking directly to the greed of .01% of the population who frankly have way more than they deserve already.
The US really is at a point of being an aristocracy where the majority's wishes play second fiddle to the demands of the robber barons.
Btw for the record, violence in media does not have to equate to the type of nihilistic cruelty that in my opinion shows like The Sopranos represent. Me loves a good action movie just not a Killing Them Softly sort of action movie.
The US has plenty of homeless people pathetically pawing at garbage hoping to get crumbs to last another day. A lot of people pretend it doesn't exist, others just ignore it, and others try to do something about it. Unfortunately those that control the money (that could fix the problem), rather spend it on the military and keeping rich people rich. The way things are going, the US will be like a homeless person. The US has so much debt, and it is only getting worse. We'll have to start selling land to Canada and Mexico.
Well you look around the world and to be honest socialism doesn't work, (again my opinion and just seeing those countries), you say greed is not good Idol and everything is kind of based on the 1%??. Well either the ones that work hard or inherit there wealth, what you do with it makes the difference to me, saying that if you take Amazon in the news today, he is increasing the wages of there workers to way above minimum wage, is he making them millionaires? No, but again he is not obligated to do anything more than follow the standards or the law legislated. And really those filthy rich people are the ones giving the middle class jobs, so saying they dictate how the world runs or get away with say tax breaks, well if they are producing jobs and using there wealth for good to me that is great!!.. If you choose to live an a socialist Country, well there is a few still around, and can always move there, but i will say if they tried to do it in Canada i can tell you my bags would be packed fast and i would be moving somewhere else....
Again my opinion :)
Not that i am knocking your opinion on your choice of Movies or TV shows Idol, but being real Sex and Violence sells, and saying that, that is real life shit!! Using the Sopranos as an example, made into a show or even exaggerated, i can tell you personally it is real life, being friends with some shady people, and seeing some bad shit happen, i am not bragging or saying i agree with some things, me saying something is not going to change it, peoples choices are there own, and the same with the consequences that could happen to them..
Saying that really i do understand your feelings toward stuff like that, and would never think of changing your views...
Again saying that, i remember when the first Jurassic Park came out and my son was really excited to go see it, he really loves nature and Dinosaurs and stuff, well, i never thought it was going to be that violent!!!, but being real, never really showing him that knowing that a T REX or a Rapture is a carnivore, seeing that movie and bringing the 21 century into an environment that was extinct, really what can you expect??
Do you consider that kind of violence bad or over the top?? Or is it just reality or common sense ?? I can say my son loved it!!, and he didn't grow up and think to go buy a Uzi and shoot up a school or kill the neighbors dog:happy:
I don't understand this comment Idol "The US really is at a point of being an aristocracy where the majority's wishes play second fiddle to the demands of the robber barons"
Do you have an example of this??
shaina , you are a strange dick nothing else , you and the other guy hi doll eyes 7 8 9 is another dick who wants to win some sort of special presents from the dog almighty himself
Everyone has been saying this for generations MacGyver:), and what has really changed, you have Filthy Rich, Rich, Comfortable Rich , Middle Class, Poor, and Government Assisted, what has changed other than the names and the people that fit in those categories??
Thinking of TV shows.... Lets go all the way back to the show All in the Family (Not sure how old you are buddy), and take the spin off show The Jeffersons, an African American family, that lived in a poorer section in a considered Middle Class white neighborhood . Now George Jefferson opens his first Dry Cleaning store, and expands to more, now he moves to a deluxe apartment in the east side!!:D Boy Berni Sanders thinking really would have worked then:rolleyes:..
Seeing how old that show is and how in that day having African Americans starring in a TV series that ran for 11 seasons, Wow!! who would have expected that!!! And i am thinking that most Black Americans (or Canadians)today never even watched one episode of it, i can tell you i sure did and it was hilarious!!! a really great show!!!
Edit: Your comment on war?? Well what would happen if you didn't have protection?? Do you think you could survive without it??
My opinion Buddy, not a fuckin chance!! Trump or any Republican President protects your country!!, and keeps the shit out!!, and is now thinking America First!! really what is wrong with that??
I wish Trudeau would do that here, all the shit ejected and can't get in to the US is coming here!!, and before it is too late!!, and i can tell you if it wasn't for legalizing the "Gunga" here, he would have never got in, and can't see him winning a second term!!, or at least i hope!!!! I can tell you i am not voting for him!!!!