That's just the kind of dude I am.
My internet is totally fecked btw.
Except the upload speed which is normal.
That's just arse.
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That's just the kind of dude I am.
My internet is totally fecked btw.
Except the upload speed which is normal.
That's just arse.
Thyme to give back to the community. Oh, no. Weight. Ewe already do that.
As well as the bonus dead celeb round (above), I now have 30 questions, ranging from the stupidly easy to the ridiculously difficult...
Might need to work on that a bit. Also, if I do a quick-fire round rather than the standard write down the answers thing, it doesn't matter if the questions are easy, the point is, you're supposed to know the answers, it comes down to who buzzes the fastest :)
I'm gonna do a couple of picture questions where I photoshop my face onto the heads of celebrities, to keep it interesting :D
You're the big dawg on campus now, barbs. I can see you revelling in it.
I take it that this quiz will be in a pub somewhere, does your missus know what japes you're getting up to.
Also, can you slip Gillian in there somewhere, she'd like that I think.
Attachment 172967
I once talked to a burd from Middlesburgh, she was selling legal representation to people who'd recently been in a vehicular accident.
I didn't want to buy any, but I chatted to her nonetheless. Single mother with three kids and she was just doing the cold calling from home to make a few squid after the kiddies went to bed.
At the end of the call she said I'd brightened up her day, which I initially thought was quite nice but, really, talk about being damned with faint praise.
I shouldn't post this, but what the hell...
Attachment 172968
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:glag: :lol:
Outstanding. You've also got less plaque on your tongue than Sir Bradley.
Ever been tempted to photoshop your face onto both chicks in a complete set of lesbian porn pics :eyebrows:
It's not for me, Mulder wanted to know so I thought I'd ask the question to save him typing it later.
ermmmm :eyebrows:
PM me.... * :naughty:
* don't PM me