True dat. Not like them Eye-ranians. I mean, Salman Rushdie is still breathing, innit?
^^was that the right usage of "innit"?
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I don't blame anyone for wanting to hunt down Salmon Rushdie and eat him with some fresh dill and maybe a side of asparagus.
All this wonderfully silly postage just to lure Shay back...he'd do well to be appreciative if he chooses to reappear. ;)
There was a rather lengthy list of yoyo members back in the day who would go away over perceived offenses no one else could spot, then come back and ask if they'd been missed. :wank:
You know what they say; it's all fun and games until somebody loses a Jew. :(
Impeach Trump, gas the kikes, healthcare reform.
Don't mind me, just doing my part.
It must suck living in Argentina right now, knowing all your personal information got hacked and is available on the internet.
At least in the US we only assume that all our personal information got hacked and is available on the internet.
You had the Equifax breach, so I guess this means we're one step closer to being a first world country. Time to get rid of tuition-free colleges and free healthcare next :)
Today I learned that portions of humanity are even stupider than I thought.
Those are dogs, Idol...:rolleyes:
Meg's ghost says that "FST is down for maintenance" is code for RealitY is finally having thatsex changesurgery done.
Meg's ghost says that he has a million of them.