Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Isn't iLOVENZB from Australia? Why can't he just apply his obsessive personality to triathlon like other people with mental disorders from his country?
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Originally Posted by
I couldn't handle stacks on stacks of random shit. Unless it's cash. Granted in the old days everything was organised in those disc wallet things.
Glad there are poeple in worse position than me.
I laugh that you make that comment and yet when you really look how false that statement is:lol:. Even worse if you have kids!!!. It is amazing what ends up in a drawer/cabinet or the basement/storage area and you just forget about it!!!..
It is funny iLOVENZB that a lot of people out there think old random shit is cash, i can tell you if you want to sell something for $100.00 they offer you $5:lol:, it has come to the point that leaving shit at the side of the curb and seeing people in brand new Mercedes stopping and loading it in there trunks or hatches gives me more pleasure that my garbage gives them joy:)..
Truth i just don't have the patience to get 50 texts/emails and have to reply to what they offer....
Even more amazing is you don't really know how much crap you have until you have the drive/motivation to go through it and clean it up, now you really have to have the drive to keep going to the end, if you know what i mean...
Now to your issue... I can tell you i have gone through transferring stuff from drives, the pain in the ass i had was if there was a file or something with an error it would just stop transferring until i clicked on the "OK" to skip!!!!. So my next drive i wanted to go through i really did just skim through it and if i didn't see anything that really i needed or say wanted i just deleted the whole fucking drive and said the heck with it!!!!. Again if i did want something again i just re-download it, but that happened rarely. And yes the disks were at one time organized and done either by alphabet or genre with printed lists and each case numbered or lettered for ease to find, now how the fuck long do you think that lasted LOL!!!!...How many carousels of Verbatim disks as well stacked all over the place!!.. Now that space has spare drives or just random crap to take over it's place:stars:...
Like i said how long it takes to transfer shit, really doing a quick skim i guarantee thinking moving it to a permanent place, it will still never see a tv or PC screen to view:lol: ..
Again I will never say to anyone what they think is cherished to them but really from experience now i can tell you personally Women have purses and shoes and we have so much more shit to go through!!!...
Again patience and i wish you good luck buddy:).....
My Dad explained to moons ago. "Things are only worth what people are prepared to pay."
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
I just can't stop.
FINISHED --2020-05-11 04:35:35--
Total wall clock time: 1d 3h 54m 11s
Downloaded: 734 files, 206G in 1d 3h 14m 45s (2.15 MB/s)
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
My Dad explained to moons ago. "Things are only worth what people are prepared to pay."
Your Dad was a very smart wise man buddy:), my point being i never like to turn down a buck, but if there is too much aggravation to make it, it becomes a loss of interests to me. I ask everyone if they want it, and if the answer is no, it goes to the end of my driveway, and some lucky person in a fancy car/sport utility can load it up, and save me a trip to the Dump.. There was a suggestion to actually have a garage sale, but really i would be the first one on my street that ever had one, really not something i want to be the first:). And i would have to hire Idol so i don't end up in jail after someone tries to haggle on the fair pricing i marked everything already, and they may end up with a Tie Domi hockey stick across the head....
Clear your PM's iLOVENZB they are full;)
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
PSA: I have a love/hate relationship with Jared Polin.
Thank YOU iLOVENZB!... I got 1000's more of slides too! (I once was a cheap bastid wit da Kodachrome!) That will keep'um busy a few more months! :)
(...or I go broke.) :alien:
EDIT: That is the shit I have been looking for! ...Steamer Trunk here I come! ;)
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Mr. Mulder
I paid £3 for uTorrent Pro because the ads were annoying :emo: Material Files only has 1k downloads on the Play store, I'll assume it's Chinese spyware and give it ago anyway :smilie4:
You did WHAT? :O
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
There was a suggestion to actually have a garage sale, but really i would be the first one on my street that ever had one, really not something i want to be the first:). And i would have to hire Idol so i don't end up in jail after someone tries to haggle on the fair pricing i marked everything already, and they may end up with a Tie Domi hockey stick across the head....
I'd carry a 39 tooth chainring in each hand and cut any bitch that tried to jew haggle you down or had the affront to be Asian.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by
Mr. Mulder
I paid £3 for uTorrent Pro because the ads were annoying :emo: Material Files only has 1k downloads on the Play store, I'll assume it's Chinese spyware and give it ago anyway :smilie4:
You did WHAT? :O
They tricked me comrade :no: they'd play these ads for puzzle games that went on for 10 seconds until the X appeared but the solutions to the puzzles didn't appear until after the 10 seconds and I'd find my self angrily waiting for the X but at the same time waiting to see what the solution was thus watching longer than needed :dabs:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
I'd carry a 39 tooth chainring in each hand and cut any bitch that tried to jew haggle you down or had the affront to be Asian.
What the fuck could i say about this fucking racists anti-Semitic comment!!!!!
Thank you:01:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Arabs are Semites so ironically a large number of Jewish people are also then technically themselves anti-semites. :mellow: