Some teeth are connected to sacks in your face, it sounds menthol but its probably true :eyebrows:
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Some teeth are connected to sacks in your face, it sounds menthol but its probably true :eyebrows:
I think someone wanted you to pay them a shed load of money so they made stuff up.
That's your typical Arabian for you.
If I had a camel and a wife with mutilated genitals for every thyme I've fallen for that :no:
Two troublesome youths got on the bus this morning and the driver turned the bus off and announced that the youths had to get off or he'd call the police. Apparently they had been spitting at buses after getting off them :huh: they of course didn't get off so the driver got out of his seat, walked past me and right up to them and said "seriously, I'm not taking this bus anywhere with you two on it, off now or I'll call the police". The leader of the two replied with " fuck off m8 call them then". Driver calls them, police say they'll be 40 minutes. Driver radios his boss to explain, boss says you can't wait that long just take them. Youths get off at their stop, spit at the bus then leg it like bosses :smilie4:
Dave probably didn't want to do it but Bo told him that he was a poof if he didn't.
Spitting at buses after getting off, though. Never heard of that before - you've got a new breed of chav in the Queen's England and they're perfectly harmless.
Also, m8, wtf is happening to you? All this medical treatment. I think it's because of your clean living.
The human body needs a certain amount of alcohol and/or goofball poison to train itself for fights against bacteria and aids. Someone explained it to me once but I'm fucked if I remember the science details as I was pished at the time.
I'm trying to have a minimum of x2 takeaway pizzas a week to balance it out lyke but fear it might not be enough...
Well, there we are. Thanks, Idol. Proof positive, if it was ever needed after my eloquent surmisation.
Mulder, you'd better start getting pished and stoned - or else enjoy your mouth and brain aids for eternity or until you die :smilie4:
not if I kill my self first :shifty: