Is it possible you have been drinking a product which should in fact be diluted.
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Is it possible you have been drinking a product which should in fact be diluted.
I've got an app that tells me how many books I've read this year.
Doesn't sound like a very useful/entertaining app but fuck you, Idol, I love it when the little counter goes up by one :mellow:
I don't really know anything about smoothies, they're too sneaky for me. Always including stuff I don't like in their conglomerate juice boxes.
Stay away from them is my advice, mate. You could be drinking broccoli for all you know.
last post one wins the internet
I am bored as hell , what should i be following at free times ? my mathematics plus programming syllabus is killing me . i have to imagine a horse as a point mass object
Attachment 172697
I am sick of standing still , i am slowly finding learning mathematics a bit exciting .
Where is the latex option of the forum ?
Please somehow install latex software in this forum ?
I am currently reading The Dresden Files serious of books.
They are garbage but whatcha gonna do.
Once you commit to things it's hard to stop, I am at number 10 of 15. They don't really deserve titles.
Prior to that I was re-reading some Kurt Vonnegut books, as it had been a while.