That's probbly because worse than afreets run at the mere mention of your name.
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That's probbly because worse than afreets run at the mere mention of your name.
RE: Bond, Emasculated Bond...
Death of the franchise.
For Shaina:
"And after refunds, the IRS collected about $93 billion more from individual American taxpayers than it did in 2017. Interestingly, that number stands close to the tax break amount that corporations received from the TCJA in 2018. Last year, big businesses paid $91 billion less in taxes than they had in 2017, prior to the new law’s passage."
Ah yes, that great tax relief program for the American middle class... Looks like I'm not the only one who paid more than the previous year. Did they mention that on Faux News?
No, I'm sure they've thought this through completely and are going after the large female base that regularly goes to Bond movies.:mellow:
In other news, in response to sexism accusations all "women's movies" will now have to contain at least one scene of big trucks exploding and one scene of a stripper with larger than normal breasts. Goose/gander or something.
Wrong Again Cabby, I guess you didn't read any of the comments about this Editor that wrote this either...
"Let's check this math. After refunds, the IRS took in $93B more from individuals and $91B less from businesses. The article says, "The center noted: “The lowest income households (those making less than about $25,000) got an average tax cut of about $40. Middle-income households (who made between about $48,000 and $86,000) paid about $800 less. Those in the top 1%, who made $733,000 or more, got an average tax cut of about $33,000.”" With these three brackets for individuals all paying less, then the other two brackets not mentioned in the article must have paid a lot more to make up for others paying less plus more to make up the $93B net increase. These two brackets of higher payers were apparently taxpayers who earned between $25000 and $48000 and those between $86000 and $733000. Either these two groups really got slammed or something is off with the numbers provided by the IRS per this article."
And i do know you have common sense that if you give tax breaks to the rich, sooner or later the less fortunate and the middle class see it in large charity donations, and of course the wealthy that own the large businesses that did bring "JOBS" "JOBS" "JOBS" back to your country your patriotic Americans are making more money, and yes that will bring the government more tax dollars right;)..
I can tell you it will be interesting what happens in 2020 buddy, even with how we view what is considered a great economy, that the majority of your population doesn't seem to deny, including every "LEFT" wing news outlet :D...
Did you know that the illegal immigrants are in cages and drinking out of Toilets as well :yikes::noes:
Here is some more quotes from your patriotic Americans.....
"Hey, how about fixing Medicare for those who cannot afford health insurance, and leave the private healthcare side of it the hell alone??? No, the Medicare benefits may not be as good as private insurance, but people who live on welfare generally don't live as well as those who work for a living. There are tradeoffs."
"My employer pays for my health insurance, 100%. You think I wouldn't care if it went away and I had to pay $300-$400 a month, or more, so that an illegal can hop a wall and I get to pay for his/hers too?? Seriously?"
And there is this!!! Headline!!!
"Sanders campaign slams Harris over refusal to admit 'Medicare-for-all' means higher taxes"
And I can see what is happening to Bernie Sanders in the polls, if you want to believe them??
Are they not true?? And to me it seems that you will sooner or later see these "Left Wing" nutjobs end up making another party or else there will be no Liberal/Moderate Democratic Party left to save......
And to actually answer your question Cabby... No Fox News didn't report your findings because it is"Fake News"bullshit ;)
Here is a riddle for you?? Is 1 + 1 = 11 or 2?? Now ask a underage weak minded child not old enough to vote supporter of the Socialists Left Wing nutjobs and see what answer you get:)
Of course taxes will go up. But you know what, if I have to pay an extra $500 in taxes per month and in turn don't have to spend $1,800 in medical premiums every month for my family, I'm okay with that. Your republican buddies are doing a great job getting everyone focused on the tree and not the forest.
^^ Real number, by the way.
Oh, and for what it's worth -- those large businesses that brought JOBS, JOBS, JOBS after their tax cut...?
AT&T -- 16,000 layoffs after the tax cut
Citibank -- 10,000
General Motors -- 1,500
Hewlett-Packard -- 5,000
Kimberly-Clark -- 5,000
Tenet Healthcare -- 2,000
Verizon -- 44,000
Walmart -- 10,000
More layoffs announced by Comcast, Ford, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Pfizer, Macy's, Viacom, etc.
Oh, and of course Harley-Davidson (there's another 800 people who lost their jobs). But that was probably due to the tariffs that the fearless leader's trade war started.
So with all those assumed layoffs Cabby, how do you pay for Socialized Health-Care:lol:
What is it over 190 million people on private health care and minus one (you!!), don't like it:idunno:, even the leader so far Biden knows socialized health care is a fantasy for the United States;)...Face it Cabby, Your Country can't afford to pay for it, and it is not structured to make the changes to implement it,..And they don't want to pay anything if there employers are right!!!!
As for you job loss list?? I am not seeing that anywhere so i can only assume you have some sort of inside information and really you should take a trip to the border and tell all those immigrants to stop coming because there is no work for them:)...
Anyways arguing back and forth is not going to solve anything and neither is Socialism that everybody in the world is trying to get out of those countries that have it. As most normal media outlets are saying, there is flaws in the United States and are solvable, but all and all it is one of the best countries to live in and raise your children!!!, and as Myself and Trump has said, if you think there is some place better on how you want to live?? GOOOOO!!!!!;) (I mean that sincerely buddy).. Really if you ask yourself?? I was born and raised in Canada as the same as my parents, but my Grandparents came from Europe!!!, and they didn't come here to make a worse life for there family, and really how much has changed??, well how about happiness!!, success!!, prosperity!!, and the opportunity to make better lives for the next generations!!. I can tell you i am not moving my family there!!!
Again no place is perfect!!!, but those places that my Grandparents til today that are still way worse than Canada or the US!!!, I will complain about things here and yes i hope there is improvements, but i am not trying to change the way of living for others!!!, i like to see improvements in Health-Care, roads, some services!!, but not the laws and structured society,
Some Immigration today are trying to do that!!!, and they send that Influence right to the people you vote into government!!! Thank G-D it is only a few that really have zero influence on the many!!!! Why don't you look up the Obama project for solar panels and the government put in 100's or millions of dollars into it!!! The money was stolen and in the toilet!!!! and it never would have worked for sustainable energy source!!, savings maybe:unsure:
Do you really want open borders?? Do you really want wait times for minor procedures (9 months and longer!!) in your health-care?? Do you want all of your products to skyrocket to pay for those things?? Crime??... Again if you do?? Great!!, but i can tell you I Wouldn't!!!! Always Keep in your mind!!! The Rich will not be paying for this ever!!!!, The Middle Class will!!!! And behind the scenes!!! Your hospitals are not paid by your taxes!!! or Government!!! The Rich pay and build them!!!! Donations!!!... What if you lose that as well???
I do not want FULL Government Dictatorship!!!, If i did i would move to a country that has that;)
Again Cabby, 2020 will be very interesting, for not only the Presidency, but how many of those Left Wing Nutjobs will not get voted back in??
In Canada we have the "Green Party", you should look at our media and see how the Majority of Canadian's view there agenda/policies, and how many seats they have ;)
Biden 2020:unsure:
You know Idol, maybe i should put it this way, I think every party in Canada has some good ideas for our country, but you also have to look at how many are realistic and how many are just nuts!!!! If you want to take a country backwards??, There is lots of places to move that will suit you, but i think i can say the majority of the people don't want that!!..And it is proven in the voting process that we have the privilege to do:yup:..
The next thing really is what would be considered a child then and what is considered a child now considering the life expectancy, and if you add religious faiths into it?? When are you considered a man/woman/adult???.. I have this laugh that a person of 21 years old tries to stab someone to death or run them over with a car and they plaster it all over the news as this person being a "Child"??!!, and again it is usually done for propaganda purposes!!.. The same if a 15 year old has a automatic rifle in his hands pointed at you!!!, is he/she considered a child??. And i am guessing depending on how the laws are in the society you live in dictates that right??
Again that is the luxury of living in a Democratic Society, you do have choices, but if i ever come across as dismissing all the parties ideas/policies/agendas then i am being misunderstood!!!, But i do look at the full agenda of any party and choose which one has the most that suits myself and my family.. I hope that everyone would think like that. But i do now for many years the parties were usually predictable and one would be Moderate and one would be Conservative!!, Now those days are gone and you do have to look at the parties polices/agenda!!!, Like i would be amazed if the Liberals get it again!!, not unless they have something they can offer that is radical enough to get the Weed lovers back to the poles!!!, because the majority of those voters didn't give 2 shits on any other policy the Liberals had!! Do you disagree with that??
When it comes to US policies and parties, it is the same, you have to look at what they want to move the country forward!!!, Not backwards!!! Even having this debate with Cabby, i don't disagree with his ideas or thinking, they are just too hard to implement in a country that works with some small flaws, but to radically change everything there will be no country left to live in!!! So if there is certain things you do want and other countries do offer them Go!!!, saying that, i would think the majority of the people in those countries are happy with those policies??, with the exception of the over 1 million immigrants a year trying to get into the US:idunno:, and thinking how many more actually do??..And that goes for the same here in Canada i would think??
Wait I remember, you're one those those types hypersensitive to brainwashing. Tell me when a Coke commercial do you suddenly have this uncontrollable urge to go to the nearest 7-Eleven?
Sorry that was rude and uncalled for. I get how it's easier to have other people thoughts inhabit your head than going to the bother to have actual ones of your own. Seductive even. That's why I'm always on the lookout for a cool cult to join.
Btw a man is an adult when he kills his first dinosaur, same as it's ever been - clearly you have no respect for traditions that have made this country great , commie and according to Jeffrey Epstein a woman is an adult whenever that helps him avoid statutory rape charges. I think that's currently around 12ish.
Meg says that sounds about right if a little on the high side.