Just when you think the current US government has reached rock bottom, you realize there's still further it can sink.
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Just when you think the current US government has reached rock bottom, you realize there's still further it can sink.
That makes "Big News" on a supposed what you call a high reputation news station:slap: What next Trump wiped his ass using his left hand instead of his right.......
Now this is CNN and all Idol, but saying that it is really disgusting if this is true, But "Breaking News!!" , give me a break!!and how about actually talking about the progress (if any either way) and what is going on with the talks with Japan and the US??...And as a matter of fact Clinton and Obama, Bush did ridiculous things in other countries, but it would have never been shown on CNN or MSNBC, and the Left social media was never this hot before Trump made it popular to voice on Twitter etc.....
But we all know Bashing Trump is just better news on CNN;),If Trump cured cancer they find a way to Bash him LOL!!! and i am not sure where you picked this story up but i can tell you CNN ratings are in the toilet and people are just sick and tired of there programing. I hope that Democrats are stupid enough to impeach the President as well, knowing the only two getting media coverage Pelosi and Biden think it is a very bad idea, and really it is only 28 or so Dems pushing for impeachment, out of what 236 or so, and the others are scared shit if they do because they will end up losing there seats being from either a Rep state or being a moderate Dem. It is a lose lose situation for the Dems if they try. Then what?? Even if they get Trump out and now Pence is in, what changes?? Now impeach Pence and Pelosi runs the country :lol:
Will be interesting, that is for sure Idol;)
PS.. Ask yourself this Idol... If it wasn't for the Russia probe and pushing lies out there for 2 plus years, would have the Democrats won the majority in the house?? My opinion no... Now that is done with and the rest is just crap!!, What do they have now that can keep those seats in 2020??
The same do you think Trudeau is going to win in the next election??
Ask yourself this, Shay. If Russia hadn't interfered to help Trump win would any of this even be a topic of debate?
Btw are you Sean Hannity , someone who admits to not reading Mueller's report but still somehow can pass judgement on it's conclusions or simply his ventriloquist dummy?
Note to Sean and others, though I'm not a fan of the guy, Mueller is the very definition of non-partisan, much to the rue of many people.Quote:
SEAN HANNITY : You've had two years of lies and hoaxes and conspiracy theories pedaled every second of every minute of every hour of every day. And it's just one more round of lying tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, Trump bashing over a narrative that is totally dead and buried, because tonight, well the fact remains, there was no Trump-Russia collusion. There was no obstruction, nothing has changed. Mueller has spent 20-plus months, $25-plus million investigating a hoax and now for the fourth time we have a conclusion: no collusion, no conspiracy. Now today, he officially resigned from the Office of Special Counsel but not before showing the world, of course, what we already knew on this program: his partisan hackery true colors if you will. You have a career bureaucrat, nothing more than a Trump-hating partisan, who is now all but cheering for impeachment based on nothing. And we were right the entire time.
PS Trump's totally unnecessary trips to Mar-a-Lago have cost the taxpayers at least $80 million dollars so go fuck yourself about trying to appear to care about wasted money, Sean.
As for Trudeau, I don't support dishonest people no matter their political stripe or who their fathers were. All in all he's still better than Doug Ford.
Ask yourself this Idol:), If you go back to the beginning of all of the Russia shit, who really started it?? And really backfire on?? Is is possible to look at it that way right??
Hannity?? I like to know where you read that he didn't read the Mueller report??, plus he is a conspiracy opinion guy on Fox News, he has always admitted that, he has never said he is a news anchor or reporter, he has his guest that do all of that, so it is your choice to believe him or not?? I myself laugh at some of the things, that is the truth, but he has been more accurate on his opinions than CNN and MSNBC combined and the ratings prove that no??
Trump Trump Trump!! So the money he saves for not going to Camp David like every other President, that is not reported right?? Again every president wasted money, just they report or spread shit out there Trump Trump Trump!! because the Left and Democrats don't like him!!. Again i will repeat!!! I don't really like him either!! Does that make you feel better?? , but i like the policies/agenda of the Republican party (now i am feeling like a parrot already!!!), If Pence was the president you still would scream and shout and find bad things about him, It would be Pence Pence Pence:lol:, but if Hillary won?? Would that have made you happier?? Do you think the world and the US would be better off now?? and she lost again because of the backfire of this Russian shit plus Most of the country can't stand her!!!, again winning the popular vote means zero because it is 1 or 2 states that make up the difference of that popular vote and they are pro Democrat states with the biggest population, and really her agenda was another 4 years of Obama, and the spread States didn't want that again, agree or not buddy is up to you;)....
Canadian Politics... Always goes back to the same old same old!!! There is no honest Politicians Idol.. So saying that you have to hope that they do there platform, that you like and you voted for, and hopefully the rest of the country agrees and they win.. Really repeating!!! you can say you dislike or "Hate" the leader but is that true?? Do you really dislike there platform and agenda ?? What is really more important?? Is Ford really that bad?? Was his brother a bad Mayor?? Look past the face and mouth and look at the agendas and policies!! If that you don't agree with Idol, then there is something to really talk about and voice those so it is more understandable not bashing any Leader anywhere!!! Putin is a great leader for his people right?? Yet everyone ain't lining up to get into Russia:lol:, why are immigrants flocking to Canada and the US, to live in a socialist society?? Maybe you know better, but me personally I don't think so:idunno:
It is like walking into a car dealership and the salesmen knows he can give you a discount on the car, but you never asked for it and paid full price?? Is the salesmen dishonest because he didn't tell you?? A ton of politicians do bad shit!!!, but if they are not news worthy or a high enough figure to knock out Trump Trump Trump fake news out there:).. Now you don't hear a peep about Avenatti on the Fake News outlets (MSNBC CNN), and they had him plastered 24/7 on those channels!!, now he was proven to be a fraud (or accused right now), he is bad press and can't be used to bash Trump Trump Trump!!.. You hear about more controversy on the Supreme court judges than Kavanaugh's decisions?? He has been more neutral than the rest...Where is Blasey Ford, Julie Swetnick?? Not a peep!!!! They couldn't use it to hurt the Republican party now they move on to other crap!! The Russian shit backfired and the Democrats are now getting caught!!! That is politics!! Dirty yes, but politics;).
Trump Trump Trump is just a great excuse to have 2 parties fight!!!. The same would have happened if Clinton did win, all the difference it comes down to is the Policies and Agenda each party chooses....
Again my opinion
Well Idol...
Right or wrong truth or fake, what do you think??
This causes most of the problems, they need to pick and choose and verify what there job description is....
After reading these articles, ask yourself this Idol.. There are Liberal and Conservative News Anchors on Fox and they have Democratic and Republican opinions and guests, CNN and MSNBC has lost all republican guests because they refuse to go on and spew CNN and MSNBC conspiracy crap especially if they don't agree with it, in other words if they don't follow there agenda, they are kicked off or forced to leave, or not invited back and that has been happening every since Trump Trump Trump won or better since the Republicans won. Saying that again!!! There is zero opposing opinions representing Republican views on CNN and MSNBC. So if that is where people get there news from, and not look at other networks,you can say without a doubt they are Left wing agenda believers and voters, Trump Trump Trump;)
Again my opinion and Facts ......
You are amongst a group of uneducated whites. https://pos.org/whos-watching-a-look...nnel-watchers/
So i guess i am considered a White supremacist with zero brains, if that is so what does that make you Meg :unsure:
That's interesting Left wing opinion site, but interesting... So where do intelligent and the rest of the non white uneducated people go to get there information/news/what's going on in the world?? MSNBC is an extreme Left Wing news outlet, so any internal polling should be on the opposite side or it wouldn't make any sense. Fox News is known to be a Right news station, but has a ton of Center Liberal Anchors/News Reporters with high reputations on being neutral... CNN just forget it period these days since the new Programing Bosses.....
PS. Most of the poles that Fox News goes by are from other agencies that everyone uses including CNN and MSNBC?? And will say if it is there own polling or group...
So you have some suggestions on where to go to find more neutral news information Meg?? Other than Cable/Sat Fox News;)
PPS. What is more interesting is Fox and MSNBC are rated top watched in cable news, yet CNN seems to win all the awards for there reporting, especially high awards on the Trump and Campaign being guilty of Russian Collusion :unsure:
Why do you still think that Faux News must be correct "all the time" because it has higher ratings than all the other cable TV news channels (if that is even true, I don't care)? I think most people don't give a shit about "news". Only the crazy Tr*mp fanatics and the hardcore right watch Faux news all day long.
And i don't think at all they are always right "all the time", but it is nice to get a different perspective of how people view things, that's all, plus you actually hear what the Republicans are doing and trying to accomplish and not having to view Trump Trump Trump bashing every five seconds :happy:
I have never said that Fox News is always right, but i will say that CNN and MSNBC are mostly fake news;)
Still waiting for Meg's response where i should visit and read/view non Radical Left news:whistling
Not to be harsh, Shay but spoken like someone who doesn't know what he is talking about. CNN and MSNBC not only fall all over themselves to have opposing opinions ie lies by liars represented but they also even have conservative anchors in people like S.E. Cupp and Nicole Wallace.
True they use to have more Trumpian contributors but and this is fact, almost all were forced off the air due to scandals.Corey Lewandowski, Scottie Nell Hughes, Jeffrey Lord, Ed Martin and Paris Dennard to name a few. Then there was Stephen Miller. Sad.
Fruit doesn't fall far the the tree or something.