Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Okay, anon... helicopter sim... close, but I remember more 'sposions, but my memory being jaded... perhaps more realism as missions became harder. IRDK
"Descent" I remember fondly, but "Tunnel B1" I have no recollection of. Bet it was great though! :)
I dislike flight sims now. I have neither the eyesight or hand equilibrium (shakes) for them. "Comanche" was the last. :(
FPS's... were barely okay on "Easy" mode until a very young grandson kicked the shite out of me on "Call of Duty".
I mentioned it a while back... as one of my first DOS forays "Another World"
Edit: Damn! You all got me thinking... (Dangerous I know.) ...I KNOW I have a newer version of that old game!
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Mr. Mulder
I am not an old person but my first bit of kit was a c64 hand-me-down because we were relatively poor and it was old as fuck when I got given it - I remember taking the cassette for International Truck Racing and putting it into my Walkman to listen to and it's how I know to this day that the government is hiding something.
I remember Short Circuit the game being shit but maybe it wasn't?
Brilliance acknowledged. Be sure to only use it for good.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
By the way, those NFOs I posted yesterday came from a CD that I burned about 30 years ago. With a bit of care I guess that storage medium does keep for a while..
I still have all my most important CD-Rs (and floppies) and take good care of them, yet I took the time to make raw images of everything as soon as I got enough disk space. Even with good safekeeping measures and all, I've had several cases of media becoming partially or completely unreadable, and that's not a gamble I like to take with my data.
650 MB was so much back in the day :shutup:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
"Descent" I remember fondly, but "Tunnel B1" I have no recollection of. Bet it was great though! :)
The perspective was unusual: first person view from very slightly above the ground. Once you got used to that, it was a pretty good shooter (with many difficult missions). Great soundtrack by Chris Hülsbeck, too!
We can't talk about first-person shooters without name-dropping Wolfenstein 3D and Doom. The boot floppy I once made to free up as much memory for Doom as possible is sitting just a few meters away from me right now :turned:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
The boot floppy I once made to free up as much memory for Doom as possible is sitting just a few meters away from me right now :turned:
Ah, what was the name of that software that was supposed to manage your memory and freeing up extra space by moving some data into higher RAM or something, and of course it turned out to be a bog hoax... Shit, I bet it's on one of my CD-Rs... Must have been around 1991/1992, before moving to Windows. Was part of autoexec.bat and was lading some drivers in config.sys (<-- all that means nothing to today's kiddies anymore).
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
There was QEMM, of course... Not the scam I was thinking of, though.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
There were a lot of memory managers promising magic... same with disk caching programs. I cheated a little and looked some names up; based on this mention it seems SoftRAM may be the one you're referring to after all.
Keeping data on upper memory blocks was not itself a scam, but it didn't do miracles either, and had to be fine-tuned by hand in any case. Even Microsoft's own MEMMAKER couldn't do a good job.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Watched the video. MagnaRAM's modus operandi still sees use today.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
You guys... :lol: I've taken so many trips down memory lane you made my holiday weekend! :)
(The ex is giving me the stink eye... she remembers much, so have a great holiday!) :alien: