"We got big enough to do whatever the fuck we want" -- spez[citation needed]
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How did we ever get by without the wonders of AI?
All I know is AI is evil but it's still better than most people.
That may or may not be saying much.
Shay probably strongly disagrees with this. Not the protests but the part about being educated.
If you look closer, you can see Bill Gates in those pictures... QED.
The world would be in an entirely different timeline had Bernie run against Trump instead of Hillary.
Quick show of hands. So who here besides Kristi Noem has murdered a puppy?
V for Revenge was right.
So that one group who is relentlessly and mercilessly obliterating that other group who had another group inside their group who did a thing like a while back, they can't be critiqued because a lot of the grandparents of the first group were horribly treated but then were given special land to make that better. So since this group is doing to the other group what was done to their grandparents, the grandchildren are using their *one* get out of doing a very very bad thing pass, right? :unsure:
Talking about current world events is getting more difficult lately. :mellow:
I've got a question for the Windows cognoscenti...
I was under the impression that Windows 10 Enterprise is basically Windows 10 Pro without the telemetry. Right/wrong?
I also thought that Windows Enterprise needed to be activated by a KMS license server. Yes/no?
I just came across a "RTM Generic Key (retail)" for Windows Enterprise. So what is this? If this is real, should I update my Windows version from Pro to Enterprise to get rid some of the spyware bloat?
I get the feeling those are X/Y questions, so I'll tell you this much. Enterprise allows setting the telemetry level to the lowest value "Security" and supports a few related policies, but (less) data is still sent to Microsoft, and the only way to close the tap completely involves doing DNS-level blocking on your own as well as breaking Windows Update, Defender and Store, because those phone home even when supposedly disabled.
If you want to make a compromise, ShutUp10++ and W10Privacy are good and work on any edition.
I saw somewhere that the Enterprise-D had about 3,237 Windows... WAIT! We are talking about Starships here aren't we?... yeah, they probably have that telemetry you're looking for...
Did she eat the puppy?
Was the puppy critically injured?
Was the puppy so aggressive that it was a danger to other animals and/or people?
These are the reasons a farmer would put down an animal. If I understand correctly, this puppy was merely 'troublesome'.
This woman was so proud of her 'accomplishment' that she not only wrote about it in her book, she also tweeted about it.
Do you like the youth in Asia? Noem clearly does. This event was put out there to signal that she really likes the youth in Asia. What's the opposite of Virtue Signaling? That's what this was. There are a lot of 'troublesome' people who may not be to the approval of Herr (Hair :lol: ) Trump and his followers. Many of the same ones he didn't care about during his covid failure.
I come from a long line of the unwashed. Every single one of those hillbillies would have chosen to just give the healthy, living, feeling creation of God up for adoption instead of going full Patrick Bateman on it. It's not a rural thing, it's a "I'm not right in the brain" thing.
I have something to say about the Jews!
Warning, this is about Jews.
OK, so about the Jews. They can have state and international policies just as bad as Americans and any other nationalities/ethnicities around the world. This concludes everything I was going to say about the Jews.
Really, you can see the reason for every culpa ranging from mistake to atrocity that are being made by every group and state in this conflict in every decade. I'd list them all with a simple cause-effect relationship that doesn't rely on a single individual seeking power (let's say that's just the cumin of motivations), but it's not that difficult for anyone to recognize what those are. Ignorance is an active pursuit rather than a passive one, driven by a strong attachment to beliefs that one doesn't want to see altered, and this will always stand in the way of progress small and large.
I will say that above is the reason we never got a season 2 of Firefly.
Fun fact : One of the most searched questions on Google "Is Bernie Sanders related to Colonel Sanders?" And I wish I was making this up.
W10Privacy has options ShutUp10++ doesn't and can recognize preexisting changes, so it's more like one then the other. Worth reviewing both after every yearly feature update too, never know what Microsoft will try.
While not related to spyware, I'd also like to mention https://winaerotweaker.com/ and https://win7games.com/ on the basis that they solve a lot of annoyances.
Seems Noem executed her own future. Rolling Stone has an article "Trump ‘Disgusted’ by Kristi Noem’s Puppy Execution Story". Apparently he's not so bothered by the killing itself, but the poor public relations in telling about it in public and in writing. Some things are unforgivable-- not for ethical reasons, but for not being sly enough to get away with doing it.
Yeah, I got a good laugh after that last one! :lol:
I've just organised my ebook collection manually in categories
Attachment 193692
Attachment 193693
For those wondering my categories
It's absolute chaos but works surprisingly well. I'm moving towards a hatred of DIRs and prefer tags as a file structure.Code:cul-bev-beer nonfict-hobbies-language
cul-bev-general nonfict-mags-fishing
cul-bev-wine nonfict-mags-food
cul-chef-memoir nonfict-mags-gaming
cul-cooking-business nonfict-mags-general
cul-cooking-chefs_rest nonfict-mags-health
cul-cooking-general nonfict-med-dental
cul-food-bakery nonfict-med-general
cul-food-burger nonfict-med-health_fitness
cul-food-butchery nonfict-med-nsfw
cul-food-charcuterie nonfict-med-pharma
cul-food-cheese nonfict-med-psych
cul-food-cookbook nonfict-pol-sociology
cul-food-ferment nonfict-ref-general
cul-food-menus nonfict-sci-ref
cul-food-molecular nonfict-selfhelp-leaders_management
cul-food-pastry nonfict-selfhelp-mbti
cul-food-preserving nonfict-selfhelp-personal_dev
cul-food-ramen nonfict-selfhelp-psych
cul-food-sauce_condiments nonfict-survival-garden
cul-food-smoking_bbq nonfict-survival-hunting
cul-food-theory nonfict-survival-offgrid
fict-novel-general nonfict-survival-prepper
fiction-novel-adventure nonfict-survival-ref
fiction-novel-fantasy nonfict-travel-culture
fiction-novel-scifi nonfict-travel-food
nonfict-biography_memoir photo-technique
nonfict-business-marketing tech-ai
nonfict-business-sci tech-coding
nonfict-design-arch tech-comp_sci
nonfict-design-art tech-hardware
nonfict-fin-general tech-mechanical
nonfict-fin-invest tech-networking
nonfict-fin-real_estate tech-ref
nonfict-history-cul tech-sec-general
nonfict-history-germany tech-sec-hacking
nonfict-history-greek tech-social-marketing
edit: I can't wait for an apocalypse to happen so I can put this NAS to use.
Organization is something you have to decide on from day one, otherwise it's a nightmare to implement later... something I learned after not doing it.
Anyway, seems all that's left for you now is to actually read those ;)
Fwiw... you're very correct anon as I just had one of my SSD's go flakey, but it didn't go down completely dead like I've had HDD's go in the past.
I was able to slowly transfer about 1.4tb's of audiobooks onto a new 2tb SSD... then I get it into my head that I need to categorize them as our friend iLOVENZB did.
Naww... I just shook my head and thought I probably should have started that about 10 years ago...
I absolutely do applaud his effort though. :clap:
One lesser known fact about SSD durability is that their data decays if they don't receive power for long enough, making them unreliable for backups or archiving.
As for me, I have tried to minimize the amount of new files that get in, and maybe one day I'll sort everything that's already there...
That was weak... :rolleyes:
Thanks for that lesser known fact... I'm evolving and learning. ;)
If the terrorists are looking for a target, the Cannes Film Festival is on right on. Sadly you missed the Met Gala but now is your chance.