Aren't your main exports stolen phones and watches? Does not take too much education to enter the job force... :idunno:
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Aren't your main exports stolen phones and watches? Does not take too much education to enter the job force... :idunno:
I believe that you are thinking of China.Currently Canada's main exports are baby seal pelts and people named Ryan.
I meant anon. He was disparaging the perfect system we have in the US. The top 20% do pretty darn well here. Apparently that's good enough for (almost) half the voters.
It's called Democracy...look it up!! :dry:
A recent Canadian study cites that a family now needs a combined income of at least 200k a year to be able to afford a home in most areas. I honestly don't know how our parks are expected to house all the people moving there. I suppose we could regulate housing costs or something but that would be racist against real estate cunts.
The really obscene thing is some of the inflation is driven by speculation and people buying places at a premium to use as income properties. A lot of housing never even makes it to open market as people give a kickback to relators to give them dibs on properties. Sort of like how Ticketmaster works.
That means you overtook Oztrayleeyah at some point, so be happy.
Mexico is a special animal, as Carlos Slim basically owns all telecommunications infrastructure as well as half of the rest of Latin America's, except for Cuba where private enterprise is illegal, and Jamaica where they just couldn't compete. As an ISP, Claro is known to not hold settlement-free peering agreements (which improves service and decreases costs for both parties), instead expecting others to pay them if they want to peer.
Sorry. That was my Inner-shay speaking.
If only we could ship the homeless by train to camps or something. Or course we'd have to tattoo them first to make sure none of them disguise themselves as homeowners and hide in our midst.
Honestly, I think I could still stand talking to Shay if he could recognize these types of historical similarities. Unfortunately, there's no, 'Holy shit-- the extreme right has taken things to an extreme!!'
The retort is always, '...but what about...'
I'm assuming what with Brexit and the ongoing Conservative government farce that England has fallen into the sea by now.
I don't expect anyone from England to confirm this as we all know, water is deadly to circuitry.
Should have just let let the zombies finish you back in two aught aught seven, it would have been a nobler death.
They have King Charles to... Sorry, can't finish that sentence for some reason.
'Lock her up...'
'Execute him for treason.'
On a positive note, if freedom is ever in need of an inbred pedophile then England has that covered for us.
Likewise, we can always turn to Florida if for some reason we need alligators or crack. Mainly crack. I can't think of a reason for alligators.
Are you suggesting RealtY is a Brit living in Florida? :unsure:
Makes as much sense as anything.
I thought crack was cheaper and more plentiful in Brooklyn...
There is a god, and he lives in the Bronx.
God seems to be omnipresent these days
Speaking of 'merica, what the fuck is up with that?
Since voter intimidation is a federal crime under two different laws...
Disguise with intent
Every person who, with intent to commit an indictable offence, has their face masked or coloured or is otherwise disguised is guilty of
(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years.
Be nice if the police took a break from shooting unarmed black people and arrested a few domestic terrorists once in a while.
That's nothing. The guy who Trump appointed to make a nightmare of our Postal system because of mail-in ballets is still in charge.
It's fucking checkmate from so many directions.
Lock all those motherfuckers up for ten years and by the time they get out, apes will rule the planet and it won't matter anymore anyway.
Anon, Meg wants to know if elections are still determined in your country by throwing a sack over the challengers' head and then driving him out into to a field and shooting him?
Not all developing countries follow the Russian model. In here candidates give you a left soccer shoe, and the promise of having the other one upon their election victory.
Thank you for translating from 'football' to 'soccer' for us. :happy:
Usually sock her has different connotations around Meg's house.
I guess that's fair. No one in America gives a fuck about what's outside it.
Zuckerberg: -100 Billion
Ye: -2 Billion
Rough week to be a psychopath...
The good thing about being a psychopath is that at least he doesn't feel bad about it.
Elon looks to be more of an actual Bond villain all the time.
I saw something about Kanye being 'canceled'. He literally went on a week-long press tour spouting lunacy, acknowledging that he was being antisemitic, and dared the company that was responsible for 3/4 of his networth to cut ties with him. They did.
Now that there are consequences, apparently he was a victim of liberal bullies.
He destroyed his own public image. That image is what made it possible for him to work for Adidas.
Coincidentally I was thinking about Mr Musk this morning and came to the conclusion that he is literally evil. Someone want to dispute this then please provide examples to the contrary.
Btw inadvertently doing something that benefits people every once in a while doesn't qualify since I'm sure that Jeffery Dahmer occasionally did a good deed when he wasn't eating people.