I seem to have left out "lazy".
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I seem to have left out "lazy".
One thing i cant live without , 5 posts and a sig :sad1:
I got 99 problems but this 120 posts between posts ain't 1
Well not everything imported to the US will be hit with tariffs, and again the same as the exemptions with Canada and Mexico. And if you read the news today China is threatening the same back (soybeans and small aircraft parts) ..
But if a product is imported to the US and can be manufactured in the US and sold competitively, and give Americans jobs, do you see a problem in that??
Again i don't see a problem in that, what else you got??
You need to study economics. Any new jobs are more than offset by the job losses in other areas are consumers won't be buying as many goods because of the new higher prices. Also that an end product is made in the US is basically irrelevant as the materials and maybe even the machines needed to manufacture that product are more than likely at least in part coming from another country.
Of course you don't have to believe me or every economist or the Wall Street Journal or Forbes and you can take the word of a fat retard who has managed to bankrupt himself more than a half dozen times and seems unable to open his mouth without telling a lie instead.
More to the point about Trump supporters, it's like the Nazi supporters in WWII. If you're not seeing the truth by now it's only because your consciously not trying to.
Well said, Idol. I strongly suspect that Trump is dismantling the US in order for the rich to buy it back at discount prices. And Putin has billions of dollars to do so-- his fingerprints are everywhere.
He isn't bright enough to be behind a lot of the more evil things he does like appointing so many people in prominent positions who seem put there solely to dismantle the departments that they are suppose to be overseeing.
I mean this in all sincerity, if some other nation Russia wanted to damaged the US, they would make very thing that a priority if they could.
Just for curiosity?? Has unemployment gone up or down since Trump has been in office??
Being a consumer that buys things, what higher prices, why do you assume the prices will be higher?? People are going to buy no matter what prices are, that is just human nature...
And because someone does go bankrupt, you assume you can't make wealth again?? Do you want a list??
But being real, most rich people are corrupt in some way, and i am not defending Trumps actions or the financial system that backed him, do you think any politician is honest??
Again, Trump is not done anything wrong as President, be it economy or in the world power circle, to be honest, if you don't like him, even if he does the country good, that is not going to change your views on him....
After every past president is out of office, more and more dirty laundry comes out, none of them are angels..The Clintons give tons to charity, yet there wealth keeps getting bigger?? Bernie Sanders believes everyone should be capped for wealth, and now his wife is being investigated for corruptions?? and you can go on and on from past politicians....
Russia is trying to now across the Middle East, and causing shit with all democratic countries, war is money, being right or wrong that is reality and you don't have to be an Economist to figure that out buddy;)
But the US is a superpower, and most nations/countries/allies still know where there bread is buttered and being very careful not to piss them off..
You want the truth, no one know what goes on behind closed doors, and most of the time i don't trust media today, proof of that is all coming out with the Obama administration, and what corrupt shit they did....
One week someone is your allies and your friend and the next who the fuck knows??
PS. Idol , why don't you check and watch what goes on in the UN (or all of them) council meetings?? and see what the world says about the US in public, and then what happens because of the meetings after. They want the US money!!! , Now Trump says what am i getting back in return??
Is that wrong??
What the fuck is wrong with you:slap: Too much Cnn or something, Russia is tied up in the Middle East, and yes stirring up shit everywhere, but the US is never going to allow what you are saying to happen. Again, you pick a side and hope for the best, or when it comes to Countries today, if it makes you Money, that is what they do.
And Russia is ready to ship military arms all over the place, but no one has paid yet, so saying Russia has excess cash flow?? I would have to disagree with you at this point..
You live in a Democratic country that there are rich and poor people, do you think something is going to change??
You scare me and not in a good way like how much porn there is on the internet.
That and if you think people will keep buying no matter the price you should revisit Stehle's post about finding a take-out hamburger to be a financial consideration and maybe try to develop a little empathy for those less fortunate than yourself. :)
No you misunderstood me buddy :) you still have to live, and buy groceries, entertainment, necessities etc. I can tell you lately i have noticed all produce and other things have gone up big time!!, so you look for deals, but you still have to buy them Idol. And saying someone that used to do something all the time may have to cut how many times they do it, that is life and understandable..
Using the example i did a while back, If a package of underwear is from China and it costs $5, and one made in Canada is $8 which one are you going to buy??
some are patriotic (or stupid:unsure:), and buy the more expensive one, that is there choice right?? Trump is not putting Tariffs on everything, proof is in the Canadian and Mexico exemptions, it is the ones that conflict or compete with the US employment circle...
The same as a person that wants a new Flat screen TV with all the options out there you can spend thousands of dollars, or go to Walmart or online and buy a less expensive one, but if you want it, you will find a way to get it, again that is human nature..
Here is something... How many of the younger generation have a home/landline phone today?? I would say next to none!!, but i still have one, and being honest that is what i have been used to for my whole life, now do i really need it or the expense?? Fuck no!! but yet i still have one:)
PS. Truthfully Idol.. Me personally do i think Trump is that smart?? Really i don't know?? But he has not done anything wrong but stir up shit that every other President was chicken shit to do, and does he do it and the most vile way ?? sure he does!!, but he has not made anything worse in the US, the rich are still rich and the poor are still poor, just like every other politician does, and other than Immigration here(our home), what has really changed ?? And do you think Ford here will do a good job or change things??
This should answer your comments Meg....
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If you look at how rarely idol and I openly agree on something, that should tell you how ugly this situation is.
I am not sure how to answer you, or i would never ask certain questions in an open forum Meg, but i can only assume you have your reasons to dislike Trump, but anything he has done in my perspective has only had positive effects or none at all to me, so best i leave it at that and say sure i agree with your points :idunno:
PS. And i assume you know the three people in that picture right?? Again you don't have to be aeconomistrocket scientist to know the reason they are close right now $$$$$$;)
It's a good time to be rich. The things going on are going to have devastating effects on the middle class and poor.
Again what has changed in all the years you been on earth and so many different presidents or politicians Meg?? And what do you consider rich Meg??
Putting food on the table and putting a roof over the heads of your family members i would consider rich, the fancy restaurants and fancy gadgets are a bonus, and the poor and middle class still seem to find a way to get those too:idunno:..
Again one thing for sure needs to be fixed is your Health Care, do you blame Trump for that as well?? And talking to many American's, if you have a decent job, health benefits are usually connected/offered with it...
So what has changed for you right now Meg?? You have a new job (mazel tov again), you are making money that is a positive right?? Unemployment is down in the US....
You will get tax breaks as promised, will the rich get better breaks?? yes they will, and always will, that is life and reality Meg, and no president is going to change that..
Here is a thought for you Meg... Someone has a good job but needs some extra doe, so they get a second job, but holy shit it puts them in a different tax bracket now!!!
so now they lose 40% to tax instead of 30%, now you say it is not worth it to work because you are paying more tax, but you are taking home more money to pay bills and get a few more luxuries ....
Some people would say why should i work and make more money and pay more tax:huh:
Again the rich pay large amounts of personal tax (that is a fact!!), but if they own the business there is loopholes to save, but not on personal income period!!! so if your cost of living is more (fancy house, cars, wife:lol:), you pay large tax. Anything close to hundred thousand you are taxed 50%, you make sixty thousand you are taxed 40%, work out hourly rate who makes more?? and if you think like that you will never be rich ;)
PS. That is just a broad example of the tax rate, tax rate is scaled meaning first 35 thousand 30% next to 60 thousand 40.% over 80 thousand 50% for example purposes...And i know you understand and know that as well...:)
PPS. Meg, in the 8 years aa piece of shit!!democrat was in office, did you make more money or did anything change to benefit you?? Really i don't know??
Condensed version of the above. Let them eat cake.
Also I'm fairly sure that a lot companies found that they could avoid giving their employees proper benefits if they worked around morality by just hiring more people but only as part-time. I'll give a pass to this rather slimy practice to companies that are financially struggling but not to trillion dollar enterprises like Walmart where it's not so much about saving money as it is about maximizing profits at the cost of human suffering.
Btw if anything I just said isn't completely true then tough beans, I'm just going to be like Trump and lie and pretend it is anyway.
Nothing is stopping the imports from coming in Skiz, actually giving a playing field for competition, and lets assume even with the tariffs, maybe they still can sell the products cheaper than local, but they make less profits?? Is that possible?? And do you really think that is going to stop imports?? I can say every economy needs imports and exports..
I don't see you complaining about all the box stores closing because Internet sales are way up and cheaper to buy?? Thousands of people losing jobs, Soon is that going to be a choice??
Like one company dominating sales on the internet, and running his operation with way less employees, how does a brick and mortar store compete?? Again this falls into an Idol thing where greed takes over in some cases. So how do you fix that??
Example.. There used to be dollar stores all over the place, and i mean different independent owners, now someone gets the idea to start a massive chain of stores, which gives it way more buying power, now that company goes public and pretty much kills all the little guys to compete, now you go into those chain stores and now see how many things are still a dollar that should be?? less than half, they jacked the prices because they can by killing off all the small guys. Again greed/profits take over and that is that. How do you fix that?? And yes it is still cheaper than say going to Walmart even, but could they sell it for cheaper and still make profit? Yes they can..
The same some people have different views of convenience, to be honest i prefer not to purchase things online, but without a doubt in most cases it is way cheaper to do that, so now you scout in what box/retail stores are left, check it out in person, and if they don't have a price match policy common sense forces you to purchase it online today. Being a brick a mortar store owner your whole life or generations, who employs many people can't survive anymore. Is that really progress??
I am just saying.....
No you would be 100% right Idol, making shorter shifts (not full work weeks), scams them not to pay benefits etc. Some do and some don't, and really is there a way you can fix that?? I see that in the new hospitals being built, they hire people part time to avoid certain benefits, and wages negotiated, so there are some complaints, but look who is being hired now, unless you specialize, immigration has now taken those jobs.
A discussion was taken place around the Seder table this year about the minimum wage increase, so when it goes to $15 per hour here, what happens to the people that were making $15 already?? so if it went from $11.50 minimum, all the other people hourly going to get the same or some sort of raise?? If not what does it do for moral in the other jobs, or better yet loyalty?? Then comes out that at least the place you work is still in business and you have a job??
Is there really a solution?? They tried to scream Union at Walmart at one time and they were ready to close there doors in Canada, would that have been better or worse??
To me and seeing it for myself in negotiations and seeing the corruption/greed with Unions and workarounds so you can still make a product and make a living, having a Union in your plant is possible, ya that may help, but when a small retailer owner trying to make a living makes say $30 per hour and a guy driving a TTC bus or working in the subway or a Union electrician makes double or triple that, and a portion of that is given to the people running the Union, is that better??
What if the last one to post wins the drawing room ? :ph34r:
What if i have a tendency to post democrats ?lol
Then i have to suppress it
My accounting course is progressing slowly , now that is a good news for me
The current subject is about estimation
I divided the subject like this and made an avatar for it . lol
The avatar represents the accounting transactions
Estimations and such
From the past information to the present plan for the future forecasting
Estimation can be for different purposes , as a manager one can set some standards and can estimate even the performance of the employees against a set of standard .
Supply and demand still is such an important concept
The other objective is clearly maximization of profit
But then comes competition .
Competition could only mean one thing , a better estimation of cost .The keyword here is estimation .
Thus was the subject what we call commerce
We're breaking the usual program to do nothing, to tell you that this girl, the new sensation of the internet and after this picture with her became viral, was complexed during her adolescence "because she was too black". Her name is Anok Yai, she's from Sudan and I don't know white women more beautiful than her.
Is somebody gonna talk to this jew about those paragraphs? Does it know that it isn't paid by word count?
Dion: ;)
She is stunning:)
More black women:
I like your avatar when it looks to the right , It looks like Steven Spielberg's bawls hanging out out of his pants
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