Thanks for the spoilers! :snooty: no doubt its shit but I have to watch it, they might bring back a C or D rated member of cast from previous seasons or even the great man himself despite him saying he'd never be in it :eyebrows:
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Thanks for the spoilers! :snooty: no doubt its shit but I have to watch it, they might bring back a C or D rated member of cast from previous seasons or even the great man himself despite him saying he'd never be in it :eyebrows:
You knows it :smilie4:
As i seem to be the last post, no need for anyone else to continue then. Thanks for win everyone:D
Attachment 173269.
We should build a damn dam.
@mulder. The money drops are back. For now. :smilie4:
Attachment 173289
I spent the last month correcting speeling erors in google maps and they gave me that to say thanks.
Noice. :smilie4: