I'm sure hateful right-wing fucktards accusing them of being crisis actors had absolutely nothing to do with any of this.
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I'm sure hateful right-wing fucktards accusing them of being crisis actors had absolutely nothing to do with any of this.
I haven't even touched the Jewish money manipulation, debt finance, private banking monopoly. Jews learned the manipulation of money during their captivity in Babylon and used the same tactics everywhere they went. Goyim are not so dumb after all, kicked them out of almost everywhere.
List of 109 countries Jews got expelled from:Quote:
History proves Jews have been ran out of every country they’ve ever inhabited in numbers and it was always for being charged for doing the same things which include; usury, taxation, theft, deceit, devil worshiping, pedophilia, child sacrifices and mass infections of non-jews with poisons and plagues. (genocides)
Mr. Trump gave them Jerusalem. Terminated the JCPOA which is the first step in the invasion of Iran. Now recognized Israel's sovereignty over Golan. Now they're lobbying Trump to give west bank as well.
After Trump’s Golan Heights Announcement, Israeli Politicians Now Pushing for US Recognition of West Bank as “Israeli”
Not to mention it's the family affair now. Jarod the son in law and recent convert to Judaism Ivanka.
It can only get better if they have the Jew as a president himself.
Shay: I would like to ask you some questions if that is ok....
-Do you think Muslim Countries should exist?? Yes
-Do you think Muslims should live the way they choose?? Yes
-Do you think that Sharia Law should be implemented or made law In Canada or the US?? No
-Do you think that Judaism should influence Law in the US or Canada?? NO!!
-Do you think Christianity should influence of Law in the US or Canada?? NO
-Do you think any religion should have influence of Law?? No!!!!
=Do you think Muslims should exists?? Yes
-Do you think faiths actually give advantages in a democratic society?? No
-Do you believe all faiths have a right to believe and follow?? Yes
-Do you think that religion should be kept in your place of worship and home?? Yes
-Do you think religion should not intimidate or threaten other people?? Yes
-Do you think any bigotry should be acceptable anywhere??No
I may have follow up questions or the audience may have some for you in the future is that ok?? Yes
Whatcdfan/Idol: I would like to ask you some questions....
-Do you think Muslims can say that Sharia Law is above Canada and US laws??
- Do you think Sharia Law should be Law in Canada and US??
-Do you think Israel should and has the right to exists ??
-Do you think Israel has the right with any borders in the Middle East??
-Do you think Israel has the right to protect itself from threats and attacks??
-Do you think Israel has the right to call it the "Home of the Jewish People"??
-Do you think Jews have the right to exists??
-Do you think all Israelis have the right to exists??
-Do you think Jews alone influence the Laws in the US and Canada??
-Do you think Antisemitism should be accepted anywhere??
I may have or others may have questions later is that ok??
Word of the day: Reticence
* This all came about because there was sympathy for the Jews after WW2. Nobody saw the Muslims as a viable threat, so their land was carved up and literally given to an outside, invading force. *All* the trouble, hostility, death came as a result of the disrespect shown to the people of that area. Had it not been for oil, we still wouldn't give a fuck about the inhabitants, but as it turned out, those people had a much-needed resource.
Had the Jewish homeland been given by Americans on American land (like Arizona or Nevada-- apparently you guys like it miserable and dry) there would not have been bloodshed. Instead, millions have been needlessly killed over a bunch of fucking sand.
I've never been able to justify the creation of Israel(where it stands) because the US/UN gave away lands it had no right to give away. We actually fucked some allies who supported us in that area. Yay US...
So i can assume your "See Below" explanation is all "No" of those questions :yup:...
Now that is the greatest laugh i have heard in decades:lol::lol: "This all came about because there was sympathy for the Jews after WW2Nobody saw the Muslims as a viable threat". They too were involved in WW2!!, and were always considered a threat, Really read history and see. Again there were always Jews scattered across the Middle East and elsewhere. Once Israel was seen as a safe place for Jews to go they flocked!!! Some places in the Middle East everyone except a certain faith was considered second class citizens, now there is a place where things have changed they don't like that either;)
Now decades later and seeing what is happening all over the world , now the US and Canada and the rest of the EU, decide to open there borders and let everyone in LOL!!! You say sympathy!!! There was actually zero sympathy compared to today!!!, the difference was a solution then not sympathy!!, at least interpret that correctly Meg. Now what is happening is the opposite Sympathy without worrying about the strain or consequences of a Democratic Society.. If you go back in time and look at true Zionism, Democracy was never ever part of it!!! But it is now!!!Hens the closeness Israel has to most Democratic societies... Again times have changed and that is the bigger threat to places in the Middle East, any influence of more a domesticated society and removing Dictatorship and faith based rule!!! But you can sure say they all like the US handouts and give zero back in any contribution to the US people... That is reality my friend ;).. Let me say this, Israel gives ZERO threat to anyone in the world or the Middle East!!, saying that!!, if you stop threatening there existence and leave them alone, that would be more transparent....
Meg: I had a longer post i written in response to what you have replied and decided to remove and save it on my PC...
I can sum my opinion with just few more words......
Now we just go round and round again and again ever having a solution without removing Israel out of the equations ??
But that is never going to happen , So?? Now use this scenario Meg, many different faiths are fighting for the sovereignty of Israel, now the other side is killing there own people!!, will the rest of the world condone or look at that?? Forget about the Jewish people?? What about the 3 million others (2 million plus Muslims/Arabs, and Christians etc..), is that acceptable for the destruction of Israel?? That would be an interesting Debate:)
I should also add the Reporter thanks you for participating in the interview if you have any other ideas or suggestions Meg :D:idunno:
Take a step back, that is indeed going to happen if you infer with reality instead of your Talmudic ambitions. Israel, like the Crusader kingdoms, is heavily dependent on the support from the outside. You take that support out and Israel is rendered defenseless. The host that this Jewish parasite thrives on can only take so more. Just wait for the Petro-Dollar to fall which is looking even more possible with every passing day. As for the Jews in general, their interests as an ethnic group are always at the odds with the interests of the human race as one organic whole. That is why system beat the shit out of their chosen asses far more then any other group/nation. This is why the system is going to cut you off. But hey, the root cause of the issue, that is the "Talmudic declaration" of Jews being the God's chosen people kills the argument. This belief of my having a divine right over all what is on offer, in time, creates the culture based on psychopathy where "everything bad that has happened is someone else fault" and "my right over this is absolute"
This might surprise you but I choose my ideals over my loyalties. Before the Syrian invasion, I was fully aware of the brutal oppression of the indigenous people but still I was the most vocal supporter of the 2 state solution. I believed the Jews who were born and raised in Palestine, it's their home too. Sometimes it's just better to forgive and move on and allow the time to sort it out. But that forgiveness can't be infinite. If everything is forgiven, it's something else but not Justice. For the very essence of Justice, criminals, beyond a certain threshold, must be punished. Anyhow, no one needs half a brain to figure out that Israel is on it's way not just sucking the entire Palestine but the entire Middle East. And the population residing there has no place in the Jewish world order. Their only fate is to fade into oblivion.
This pretty much sums it up.
"Remember, hatred of Islam and Muslims, the ‘clash of civilizations’ and the ‘war on terror’ is Judea Inc’s BABY. It conceived it, allowed it to gestate in her diseased Judaic womb, birthed it, nursed it and now has handed it off to the nanny, meaning the white Christian West, so that the blame for all the murder and mayhem will fall anywhere and everywhere except on where it should, which is with those organized Jewish interests who lit the match and set the inferno ablaze in the first place."
Other groups that called themselves "God's chosen people": Solar Temple, Heaven's Gate, Jonestown, People's Temple, Waco.
Not bashing. Just saying nothing good ever comes from habouring that sort of delusional arrogance.
Also The Knights Templar. They didn't mass off themselves, they were just a bunch of incredible dicks.