Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Honestly, I think I could still stand talking to Shay if he could recognize these types of historical similarities. Unfortunately, there's no, 'Holy shit-- the extreme right has taken things to an extreme!!'
The retort is always, '...but what about...'
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
I'm assuming what with Brexit and the ongoing Conservative government farce that England has fallen into the sea by now.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
I don't expect anyone from England to confirm this as we all know, water is deadly to circuitry.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Should have just let let the zombies finish you back in two aught aught seven, it would have been a nobler death.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
They have King Charles to... Sorry, can't finish that sentence for some reason.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
If only we could ship the homeless by train to camps or something. Or course we'd have to tattoo them first to make sure none of them disguise themselves as homeowners and hide in our midst.
Can't we just feed them to the hungry? I mean, they say "eat the rich", but those guys have better security and others actually notice when they're missing.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Honestly, I think I could still stand talking to Shay if he could recognize these types of historical similarities. Unfortunately, there's no, 'Holy shit-- the extreme right has taken things to an extreme!!'
The retort is always, '...but what about...'
But her e-mails :smilie4:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
'Lock her up...'
'Execute him for treason.'
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
On a positive note, if freedom is ever in need of an inbred pedophile then England has that covered for us.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Likewise, we can always turn to Florida if for some reason we need alligators or crack. Mainly crack. I can't think of a reason for alligators.