Fixed, and interesting humor:slap:
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Is that a scratch from a girlfriend on the side of his face? You know those Jesus freaks are usually sexual deviants.
LOL!!!! That's hilarious buddy:). The post was actually to show that Israel is a Democracy and everyone is able to go free anywhere in Israel proper, and even pray at the
"Ha Kotel". Even if the Terrorist faith chooses :D, But again the Terrorist's have to be Israeli citizens:). And i have to say it does look amazing to float like that in the Dead Sea....
Ya i agree with you again buddy, but i just don't remember any News Anchor ever saying his or her opinions, and i still remember the news on a few times a day??, Just at 11pm there was some repeats from the morning and day reports. And your comment also applies to cable or sat tv shows, and hour show ain't no hour!!!, only if you are watching premium HBO etc. shows, and if you notice there they waste bit showing previous eps , and some long ass intros!!!. But i can say i always like the Soprano's intro, and Dexter's was up there too for premium shows, and my wife always seems to blast the Hawaii Five O intro:)
Everyone on TV wants to be a personality. They hope someone will notice them and they will get a better job (more money).
That picture of Pence wearing a beanie has nothing to do with religion. All politics.
DUH!!! Of course it has to do with politics (and a tiny bit of religion in that case:)), it is all about peace in the region and knowing that everyone is welcome in the area that wants peace, especially under the people that are giving the security for the area, everyone is welcome under any faith and no one it turned away that wants to get along with everyone, just remember that small area has significance for every faith pretty much, and it needs to be protected so everyone can enjoy without fear of getting killed for there beliefs. Do you think if someone else controlled the area everyone could enjoy it?? Well the past proved that it couldn't , now the future will guarantee that everyone can enjoy and hopefully be safe......
Yes that is politics MacGyver;)
But do they really want peace? They say one thing, but think the opposite. War is big business and the ones in charge are making a killing (pun intended). That area has significance for most religions because they are all based on the same story. A story that spread out and changed to suit the culture. They all need to realize that religion is a bunch of bullshit and move on.
I agree religion is bull, but it depends how it is used and interpreted, sometimes having that crutch of religion in your life can be good, as long as it doesn't teach "hate" and consume your life, especially in a democratic society, But most of the middle east is rulers and preachers of hate and brainwashing, and religion is used as a tool to rule, and made up laws on there interpretations as well. And we are talking worse than communism!!!
And do they want peace?? That is a very hard question to answer on both sides of the board in every conflict in the Middle East, and not just Israel. Even if there was no G-D Forbid Israel in that territory, there still would be bloodshed in the region, just from the different Muslim beliefs, It is there nature, but they only difference is no one would really care about it, and as long as it didn't spill into democratic societies. So the question again you are asking me, do i think Israel wants peace?? Ya i do think they do, but it is complicated, especially the way they need to secure themselves for future protection of being attacked from all sides, there is no way to really make everyone happy on the sacrifices they need to make for that to happen. And remember there is sort of peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt that Israel has in the region, but when it comes to the other Arafat invention of people just to destabilize the area, no one wants them and they just use them as pawns, to disrupt a balance that could happen in the region, and everyone could live in peace.
And funny it would put a lot of people out of work in the US if they ever had complete peace in the Middle East, but again being a big profit business like you say and i agree, i don't think it will happen in my lifetime, but putting the fear in people having the arsenal and know how to use it, and add to make it better;) at least gives the little Democracy in the Middle East a chance to survive:)..
What is really amazing MacGyver is with just 9 million people of all faiths in the desert what they give and accomplish for people living in the 21st century and beyond ;)....
Now you take the Billions of others that do live in the Middle East?? What do they really provide to democracy living?? Or better yet do they really want to live in the 21st century lifestyle?? Again i believe everyone should have a choice on how they want live and raise there families, but as long as they respect others, and if they don't like the way the lifestyle or laws in a Democratic society, find somewhere else in the world that will suit them better.....