I don't take orders from liberals.
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Come on now Idol!!!, if you really think it was a hit , Mossad would be the only one to pull it off undetected ;)
Two words, Alexander Litvinenko .
I won, at least for a few seconds.
Shit another one gone....
Rest in Peace Ric Ocasek, and the age of 75
Mea culpa, my n word.
Ionceseven times attended costume parties dressed as Canadians. I realize now how truly lame and lackluster this is as an idea. For this I am deeply sorry. The addition of whiteface to make myself even more pale to coincide with the bleak 9 months of the year without sun or warmth, while accurate, is still offensive. It was 2018. I have had time to reflect on my decisions. While I will still be using the same concept this year, I deeply regret having to defend my choice publicly. Bite my pale, white ass.
If the world is putting more on wrong doing on someone dressing up to look authentic in a costume??, what can you say about the parents that are raising Trans-Genders:idunno:
Here is a scenario.. For Halloween you decide to take an old sheet and you cut some holes in it for your kid to see when he walks to the door to retrieve his free candy, and just by coincidence, he is wearing his Cross that he got as a gift from his baptism, does that make him part of the KKK??
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I think in a semi-educated society, you should have some concept of what is right and wrong in the 21st century?? And i know there will always be exception to that, but come on!!! I will honestly say that if i believed/agreed in Trudeau's (Liberals) policies/agenda, my vote would not change on what he has done!!!, society and technology has come to a point now that you can find or manipulate dirt on someone to try to slander them..The thing i would like to see is people have enough common sense in the difference from a reality agenda that actually can be implemented with the truths they are trying to sell you???
Now the real question Idol??. Why didn't this come out the first time before he became the Prime-Minister?? And with his policy of legalizing dope?? Do you think anyone would have changed there vote??
Note and mark my words... Because there is no gimmick or big giveaway for the younger stoners!!!, the percentage of voters are going to be way less than the last one;). It will be interesting if i am wrong on that.....