That movie looks terrible. Don't know how it was top at the box office.
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That movie looks terrible. Don't know how it was top at the box office.
I'd rather see the ghey than the Meg but can sharks be gay if they don't have dicks? :eyebrows:
Considering you're American I suppose it's expected that that would have racist overtones.
Well, it isn’t racist as long as it’s directed at white males.
I found the end of the internet once before and then a new generation was born and i had to look to see what had changed.
I assume you are basing that on the premise that white males are the predominate ruling class and historically have actively opressed anyone that wasn't them.
If that is the case I can't wait to go to China so that I can start calling people there Chinks.
I found an avatar for a life time :lol:
This is the summary of my everyday states , it starts from the morning and ends sometime late at night