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I'm impressed by your restraint by not mention the Clintion kill list with this. Even I have to raise an eyebrow when looking at the sheer number of people tied to Bill Clinton who've committed suicide, been murdered or otherwise died under violent circumstances like car crashes. Thems a whole lot of coincidences there, William.
I don't however like others think Epstein's death ws faked because obviously too much of a risk to him ever then being found alive then.
Why should i bother saying anything Idol?? What is it going to change?? The Square Root of Cock!!!, Megs comment has some merit, but it still won't change his views thinking that the money will grow on trees to pay for all the free stuff he thinks he is entitled too or he is going to get it from the successful wealthy people :O.
You have made the comment many times that you would like to see an honest Politician or an honest person to run any country?? They don't exist period!!!
Olav Ha-Sholom, my father inlaw always told me his motto..... He had many partners in business and he has a few things that if someone wanted him to invest... All the cheques written on the business were sent to him and that he knew there were going to steal from him, but he requested that there would be some left over for himself!!
Do you think that is asking a lot?? When it comes to politicians or the President of the United States!! They can have the biggest mouth on the planet!!, but if they are doing good for the people that live there!!, Be it JOBS!! Economy!!, Security!! Health Care!!, Immigration!! and so on!!, and the Leader is trying to fix the problems!!, And put the fear in G-D to his enemies so be it!!.. Name one on the Democratic side right now that can do even 2 of those things, and have pretty much all the media out there hate your guts!!!??? That to me is Trump!!!...
Can you imagine that Trump is going into his 3rd year as the President and the United States still exists :idunno:, The other day flicking back and forth to different media news outlets, I say some of them still talking that Hillary won the "Popular Vote"!!??, i am still trying to figure out after 3 years in defeat that even has to be mentioned??
The stress on Trump with the bullshit Russia Collusion scandal seems to still be running the country and making American lives better!!, but you hear the loud left ones still chirping conspiracy crap!!!!. Fucking 3 years later and again the US is thriving!!!!..I can tell you the way Trump speaks at times is just ridiculous!!, but he is getting things done, especially most of his promises he said he would do?? What about Obama for 8 years?? or the one before him??...
There is one thing that you don't like the parties policies, but you have to look at reality as well?? I like to have a car that flies on cow farts or, enough energy after eating a plant based burger to use a paddle boat to get to Hawaii, but it just ain't real:idunno:...
Finishing!!... No matter who claims there were or not Epstein's friend??!!, I am glad he is dead!!, and know other people can't either benefit from him or be hurt by this sick individual!!!, bringing up the past is just for propaganda/redderick for weak minded people!!!!