Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Give me a House full of Ilhan Omars over a few dishonest right-wing yahoos bought and paid for by the NRA, the oil industry and big pharma anyday.
The fact that you support people who have none of our best interests at heart over people who do both baffles and saddens me. Btw to speak against current US and Israeli policy is neither racist against the Jews nor anti-US.
That is not what she did!!, and if you think that?? that is the problem......
Comments like this show a character of jealousy and resentment to people working hard, to be successful and succeeding and you are not:idunno: Having an idea and a agenda to change a way of life for the many is not always good, and some people saying things in public and then saying i don't believe or resent just doesn't fly, and if you read/watched the article/post you would see that if your own people don't agree with you then there is problems!!. Why do you say they don't benefit me personally?? Sometimes i don't understand your thinking?? Or better yet you resent people that are wealthy?? I guess i can only answer/reply that i am sorry you feel that way, and some people are lucky and some are not, and honestly no one has any idea what people have speaking in a forum nor they should!!, but being resentful for others especially successful people, i never would think you would be like that. Meg got a new job and i wished him a Mazel tov !!! I didn't ask him how much he is making nor did i care, all i hopped is he was happy healthy and his family was good?? If someone got a job that was making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and it benefits himself great!!, he has to pay his bills and we have to pay ours.. The biggest thing you don't get if you leave a country because of Socialism and Dictatorship to make a better life for yourself?? Why do you want to change it to the same thing?? Or not really understand the Constitution where you live?? Israel is an Ally to the US and Canada and all the Democracy countries..Considered Terrorist Countries are not?? There has never been a Jewish President?? And there are many in the senate that are not as well?? but the majority in US politics consider Israel an ally Why?? and there are of all Faiths and Races that live in proper Israel ?? And they share benefits of inventions and innovations to all man kind, Name somewhere else in the Middle East that does?? And not every bloody Company in Israel is owned by a Jewish person?? So why?? Funny how it is always Targeted by people?? Bill Gates, Warren Buffet , Jeff Bezos ?? Are they Jewish?? Jealousy is what always stands out?? It really makes me laugh:lol: Talk about Israels Governing!! Talk about Middle East peace, Make suggestions to help all people!!, But don't pick sides and slander one state without every talking about even your own Country that you left and try to fix that?? Especially you may still have relatives living there?? At least your bigotry and Anti-Antisemitism won't stand out as much !! People are suffering all across the Middle East talk about that?? Fix that?? Thinking peace between Israel and the Palestinians, is going to solve all the Middle East, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, is another laugh!!! If Israel said tomorrow the Arabs can have all of Israel?? There wouldn't be one Jewish or Christian person left!! Reality?? Say No I am wrong??;), The should have faith and trust!! The Chant!! "From the River to the sea Palestine will be free!!" Trust, and everything will be great!! Omar thinks Israel should exists :lol:, and i am now not sure you think it should??:unsure:
Jewish people bring Capitalism/Patriotism and self worth for the little of them there are, no one stops anyone else to succeed nor do they try to change everyone into there faith?? or push the agenda that everyone should be Jewish, can you say that for everyone else?? If you can't see that they you are blind. AIPAC NRA Big Pharma are for Capitalism and freedom of choice, just maybe not your ideals Who do you support Idol?? Talk of dislike and negative about everything but never speak your Likes/Supports?? Just Bash!!, A house full of Ilhan Omars, or OAC's?? Get real now!! Wrong Country wrong way of life for the Masses, Including your precious Unions ;), and of many many different faiths!!. Why don't you every hear them talk about the NGO's that support them?? CAIR?? PFLP?? BDS?? how good they are ??and lots more!! Never mentioned why?? They are good NGO's no?? They are in line with the US and Canada?? And help and benefit everyone?? AIPAC is sponsored by all Jewish people and only benefit them :lol: The NRA is really Pro Jewish:lol:, and Big Pharma yes needs to be shut down because the work they do doesn't save lives LOL!! Yes prices need to be regulated and negotiated the same with Alcohol here in my opinion!!, but that is not the complete fault of the Manufactures and Drug Pharmacy manufactures!!! It is the Government not negotiating the prices on drugs other then Generics!!! Blame The Government we vote in and get them to do something!! Always see that in there agenda, but never do anything why?? ,and shit every Jewish person wants to remove the 1st and 2nd amendment LOL!!!...And it is Israel's fault the same with NZ shooting!! Accosting Chelsea Clinton a pregnant woman because she spoke of Anti-Antisemitism!! It's her fault the shooting happened!! Trump!!! everyone but the actual shooter!!! And you bring up Omar!! That is not what she was implying nor her agenda!!, Don't single out something and then spin her true intentions, and being stupid on not knowing how the constitution/and fund raising works...but ya it was nice to see Israel and ally to Canada condemn the attack!! Again it shows the characteristics of people, and how they think??? "It's all about the Benjamin's Right"
Again i just wasted my time!!!! Enough garbage and everyone live there lives and be happy!!! Everyone can think and do what they want it is there right in a Democracy country:happy:
What is this!! Fake news propaganda!! LOL!!
Where is Omar on things like this?? Oh she didn't know?? If Israel is mentioned her eyes and ears are wide open!!! A country that threatens the US and Israel every day of destruction!! But use Israels not Egypt or Jordan LOL!!!! Not even sure if Lebanon is allowed travel there ?? Conspiracy!!Fake News!! Not reported on CNN not even Fox News!! What does Israel have to gain?? But the test that Iran can get away with it?? Gold!! If they could!!! And Iran won't even compete in sporting events with Israelis !! Christians, Muslims, Jewish citizens!!, but they will use and steal there Passports LOL!!! It is a really crazy world out there!!!
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There well may be real treason going on in right now but it's by those who don't uphold their sworn duties because it doesn't serve them to do so.
Well i guess you can only have faith in the people you voted in to run the country to benefit and make your life in a free Capitalist Democracy society to grow and be happy?? Like i said many times!! no one is forced to live in a Country that they don't like or can grow to self prosperity, but the majority do in Canada and the US, they just complain because they want more!!! Human Nature buddy!!!;), and if you try to drastically change things without thinking and on a whim and no common sense because you think it is a good idea?? And of course if you are in Government i guarantee you won't know or care what really happens to the middle or lower class?? Again the Middle class always complains because of a bit of Jealousy of the wealthier and wanting better for there lives, so take a shot and do it yourself!! Not get the money from the Wealthy that either inherited it or worked hard for it, in your concept what kind of self gratifications does that give them??? Why in some areas does real estate go up exponentially, and some don't?? Is that the persons fault who bought in the area?? And i am talking it could be a few streets over?? Now really they are all going up, but maybe not as fast?? So that is the worlds fault... Come on Idol?? There is fear in socialism because there is nowhere that it has been successful!! That is reality!!!..
They all fail, but thinking it will give people equal self worth is really the debate!!! It doesn't work. Someone will always be richer and someone poorer that is it. You don't see Canada talking about that do you?? right now our biggest accomplishment is legalizing dope!!, Did that have any savings in the economy here?? Did you benefit from it or do any change to your life?? Did it drop the price of Tomatoes in the grocery store?? How about the most important to most people!! Did it reduce interests rates ?? raise wages?? do anything to the Economy ??and that should tell you the people that went out in masses to make sure the Liberals got in to implement that!! And do you think all of those voters cared about anything else the Liberals said??!! The majority want wealth to provide and happiness and benefits that help there lives, even in Communists/Socialists societies!! But the difference is the masses suffer and the small amount benefit, I should let you talk to the my Russian friend now that got out of Russia and made a life and education here in Canada (Does my wife's infusion she gets), we discuss this face to face!!, and he even said he has lived and seen Communism and Socialism, it just doesn't work!! Trump is on the path to make the majority prosperous and have happy lives, but you will never ever please everyone, the same here in Canada!!!. We pay taxes up the ass here and the cost of living is nuts?? Rent in prime commercial is insane , no start up or sole properer can afford to be in any major mall!!, our health care is mediocre!! even having clout and connections!! But i am happy and live here:), because where is a better alternative??
The rich are already taxed here 51-52%!! (Yes there is a tax scale!!), you want to take more?? So you are saying you want to see more creative legal accounting?? Or finding loop holes to benefit?? The Americans some make less than we do here and consider there middle class, do you think they want to take away there Private Health Care from there employer and pay more tax to get free health care??
And you want them to have to pay more business tax and increase employees wages and growth of employees?? If you can figure all that out you should run for Government. The same here how some companies can give better drug/Dental plan benefits based on age/employee permanent illnesses/job risk on injuries?? Etc... Not all are the same and someone has to pay for that?? You go to a mall 10 years ago and you saw tons of single store/owner operators, today?? zero!! Even some of the American big box stores are seeing it is not so easy to make it in Canada, and the cost for operating?? If you do that in the US it will be a bloodbath!!! Economics?? And you don't need schooling if you have experienced it!!! or worked for these sole proprietors?? Or had your own??
Obama Care worked for how much of the population in the US?? Insurance company underwriting premiums deductibles they are responsible for stockholders to profits?? Socialists Countries are said to have slightly better quality health care TRUE?? How many countries have a Military budget?? ZERO!! , rely on US and NATO to protect them, Now immigration is staggering in these countries and not enough jobs for them!! More stress on the Health Care system in time, now you want to tax the rich more that are already subsidizing the middle class and everyone else?? Say goodbye to the wealthy!!! They well leave!! And there is not one true successful full socialized country!! They are modified and still Capitalist, again i repeat ZERO Military Budget for protection!! Really in the US it is not needed?? Open all the borders forget anyone coming in on planes too and just let everyone in!! A big melting pot!! Put everyone in one bedrooms you know 7-8 people ;) no problem, that will work. Just tax the rich more so they work for cents and people that inherit won't have anything for there generation line, the way they choose to live and it is none of anyone's business!! Ask Bernie Sanders...If i lived in the US you don't know how fast i would be moving to Canada:), and they would be even richer because there dollar is stronger. I am also guessing you have not traveled to the the southern US states during March Break or Christmas break Idol, and see the so called wealthy South Americans have Carts and Carts full of clothes underwear and shoes in all different sizes, and the Flea Markets with buying how many suitcases and everything you can think off!! because the cost of living is just Crazy there!! and most people can't afford shoes!! Are they a socialized ?? How are they doing??
Very interesting debate, with the illusion that the majority of Americans middle class upper and wealthy and seniors are going to take one look at the cost of the conversion of Socialization and come out in droves to vote for Trump!!!! And yes the Democrats are trying to pass legislation to allow illegal immigrates to vote in the elections, why not LOL!!!
Will be very interesting. Better than watching As The World Turns, or even Young and the Restless.....
Here you go!! Is this a fake site??
There choices and there money!!! You try to dictate to wealthy where to give they will give nothing!! Just like Dictators steal wealth in countries and don't give a Fuck about there people!! Communists Socialists Dictatorships Government Control!! Cry and Scream about them not Democracy Countries!! Trump is not taking one penny in Salary!! Name another wealthy President that has done that?? Better the Ex Presidents make there salary in two private guest speakings , no matter how shit they were!! Good thing Trump doesn't have to do that, he is already Rich and probably do them for free just to shoot his mouth off LOL!!!
Again my opinions. Just as you have yours Idol;)
Good thing i was bored and really don't give a shit if you read this or not:)
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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I can deduct that he's not a smart cookie.
As Donald says, you need to be Einstein to fly these fandangled modern planes.
Kushner is not a pilot.
Ergo. :)
You know Cabby it is funny... Think of all the good old boys that become Presidents, Look at Reagan, Bush do yo think the majority of the US really wants someone to talk down to them?? Or even know it may be 100% phony to talk to them and get them thinking?? The masses, that is how you win elections!! Sanders calling everyone a racists and bigot and say you well get everything for free!! 3 houses and a Millionaire himself, and the biggest closet Anti-Semitic guy out there That's how you try to win elections, Take from the rich and give to the poor!!, but again if you look at the rallies and see the age group is a ton of 16-17 year olds and now try to change the voting age?? Hmmmm!!! Everything free who the fuck wouldn't want that!! , But you my friend will be paying for it!!! And wait 8 months for an MRI or a CT scan!! or hopefully you know someone in the Medical profession that can get you in ahead of the line;) Or some may call that preferential treatment?? I call it hidden Tiers.......
Now Talk climate change and scare the shit out of young people!! Don't have families!! 12 years the earth will be gone!!! Everyone is going to have to move to China that will be gone first because of worse conditions!! How about the Middle East or the EU/UK!!!! Fuck Canada i forgot!!!
I can say honestly give the benefit of the doubt if things are not done to combat climate change?? Ya it will be bad!!, but to drastically change a way of life?? It just ain't going to happen!!! Too much fear and scare the shit out of the younger generation!! You and myself and our next 4 Generations will never have to worry about this crap!!!
Look at them Pump Handsey Beto O'Rourke:lol: The Democrats want diversity and a change in the White House now this guy comes along LOL!!!. I am telling you it is easy to debate here but really the only one that may have a chance to beat Trump in 2020 is Biden!! and really that may make me change my mind and go back to the Democratic side:idunno:.. Not sure what you think???
And OH!! Your comment on smarts?? How about a guy that knows how to make millions but doesn't know how to put wind shell washer fluid in his car?? Or know how to change a light or plug outlet?? Does that make him dumb?? Or a guy that doesn't know how to write with proper punctuation?? Is he incapable of being entrepreneurial and make money?? Again some people have skills in all kinds of things??
Kushner is a very bright guy and also very Lucky, and sometimes that what it takes to be successful and have self worth, and hang on to inheritance ;), You want the truth from me?? I think Trump has not grown his inheritance the way he brags, i do think he has added to it, but not the way he talks, and could be a reason why he doesn't want anyone to see his taxes, that is the Truth what i think, not the shady shit, which was all done legally. That will make him look more like a fool to the 1% if that ever came out!!. And you and i know he is an Ego Maniac!! I guess you could say the same thing about politics?? Some people are born for it, and some are born to be in the Financial/ Business/Real Estate sector or maybe in the Heinz Ketchup business and should have stayed away from politics :whistling.....
Biden 2020!!!
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Calling all Meg's :)
Meg i am figuring you are tired from working your ass off !!, but i do miss you and i will promise i will take a break and stop posting if you come back....
Hope all is well buddy :)
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
I have a gummy bear in my fridge that someone gave me for my wife to try, but i still haven't given it to her yet:D
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Well... Partially..... You would have to agree then that you still have to grow the wealth not deplete it right:D, so you have to have some good sense on who you trust and pick good investments not your nose :lol:. Again that does and may be done from schooling or being in a business at a young age or the biggest one of all Nachus!!!;). You do learn Cabby that if you do inherit wealth?? You become more cautious than maybe the original grower, that actually took the risk to make it. Especially if you are not as smart as the original maker of the wealth?? Caution and watching how you spend, and hopefully the next generation that inherits the wealth grows it as well, and you raise them not to have any bad habits that causes the bigger loses.
Just how many times did Donald (or one of his ventures) declare bankruptcy? What does that say about his abilities and his "good sense" according to your yard stick?
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Real amazing scam and Trump made millions and walked away with with zero investment of his money :shifty:
You make it sound like that's a good thing.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Just how many times did Donald (or one of his ventures) declare bankruptcy? What does that say about his abilities and his "good sense" according to your yard stick?
Wait a minute Cabby?? Bankrupt?? Or Bankruptcy Protection?? A huge difference, especially if you are the main secured creditor( landlord and Bank usually first and the original owner all outstanding taxes )?? Everyone gets fucked and he walks away with a percentage of his money back to pay his debt to the banks;), I have seen that many times!!, I have even seen the actual owner of a retail store run the bankruptcy sale and get paid LOL!!! That is the law like it or not :)
True story!!. I am helping out a friend that took over a furniture store and his brother in law owned the building, the owner was shut down in default of rent. Now i got people coming in saying they left deposits on floor model furniture!! Those sales are nil and void, and the customers have to go after the original owner, which of course is going to declare bankruptcy?? I thought we were going to have to call the police!!!
Finally made a deal with him and he did have to pay a bit more than he did (Wasn't a big deposit thank G-D !!).. Better we were bringing in new products as well to fill the store up for more revenue(was an amazing location on a Furniture strip), and pocketing you know what!!!.
Again all legal!! well with some creative arithmetic :sly:
I can tell you i learned a lot around wealthy and savvy business people, some may call them crooked and unethical, but it is all up and up and legal;) Oh the good old days Cabby......
I should have been better on the response of Trump?? Cabby, no matter how good you think you are!!, you are going to make bad business deals in real estate projects, it is now how you protect yourself not to be on the hook or separating personal wealth and using other peoples money and the Banks?? It is like you have 10 projects and a few go bad, you can't help that, and no one is perfect......Did you read the risk the Reichman family took?? We used to have a very wealthy family here that owned major Department company Idol will know this , The Eaton's Family they went broke and at that time they were worth billions!!, now they are worth half that:), No tag day for the family.. The manufacturers didn't see the signs and kept selling them, and not that the Eaton's family stole, but paid rent and staff etc, and did screw a few manufacturers for sure, now manufacturers are more observant and to monitor late/term or stalled payments...Plus they make these Big Companies sign PPSA contracts giving them the legal right to seize any inventory if they wish.....
And i should update for my friend Idol that every year likes to see his name on the richest in Canada list!! David Thomson, 3rd Baron Thomson of Fleet and second Gale Weston (But there is a few people that choose not to be on the list)........
Real amazing scam and Trump made millions and walked away with with zero investment of his money :shifty:
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You make it sound like that's a good thing.
Cabby it was all legal!!, and honestly with a project like that!! Everything in every contract should have been rock solid to protect every one!! I would have gone after my lawyers if it happened to me!!!
How many real estate developers are honest?? That is a hard thing to find anywhere buddy LOL!! Do i feel bad?? i am human Fuck Ya!!!, but Take these salesmen that knock on your door to sell you new driveways, landscaping, windows, and go to seniors that don't need any of them and swindle them!!! And sell the paper to finance companies that fuck them even more!! Here they get a slap on the wrist, but in the US they can go to prison for a long time if they are caught!! Again a big If they get caught!!!
Again i think it is disgusting!! but how do you stop it??
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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... but in the US they can go to prison for a long time if they are caught!!
But only if they're black or lack connections. Also most white collar felons are sent to "country club" prisons under the pretense that they aren't a risk to others.
Like swindling someone out of their life savings somehow isn't more harmful to a person than selling them some weed.:mellow:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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... but in the US they can go to prison for a long time if they are caught!!
But only if they're black or lack connections. Also most white collar felons are sent to "country club" prisons under the pretense that they aren't a risk to others.
Like swindling someone out of their life savings somehow isn't more harmful to a person than selling them some weed.:mellow:
It is fucking ridiculous the laws in Canada for some things!!!, Even Murder and Rape charges!! And i am not really sure how Federal Crimes are treated here either?? Like Bernardo even know he got life, in the US he would have got 5 or more consecutive life terms with zero chance of parole..And i agree with you those fuckers that swindle people out of money for work they didn't need or overcharge should be sent to prison!!!!
And funny If you saw a Dark man at your door?? Do you even open it:unsure:, I never really had many Dark people solicit here to be honest Idol, but a lot with hats and beards and quite a few ladies trying to convert me to a Jehovah Witness, they always go to houses with Mezuzah's on the door, they think we are easy converters:D.
I fuck with a few of them and say I only have that on the door to fool my neighbors, really i am Progressive Agnostic;), they look confused and leave fast. The same with the Hebs that come to the door and say they are heading to Israel and do they want me to say an Alea at "Hakotel Hama'arvi" (Western Wall), so i hand them shekels (Israeli currency), so they ask me don't you have Canadian or American?? I tell them to fuck off!!!!(I figure it would be something you would do).....My neighbor bought some painting of the Rebbe (the considered grand puba of the Hebs), and now he has them coming in droves trying to sell him shit!!LOL!!!! If i see them with crap to sell i don't even open the door i speak to them through intercom and tell them i am not interested......
Just thinking when we had that bad wind storm a while back a ton of houses lost shingles on the roof (I had a couple but i called one of my friends to fix it), so roofers were knocking on the door, or caught me outside and stopped and asked if i need it fixed. and some were kind of tanned, but none really Dark?? and the big crews that do complete roofs are egg rolls now, fuckin 10 of them come and bang out a roof like shitting bananas!!!!
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
OH OOH!!!!
The police named a person of interest as 37-year-old Gokman Tanis of Turkish origin.
Also reported..
According to eyewitnesses quoted in Dutch media, as many as four gunmen shot down at least seven people, and then escaped on foot towards the town's central train station. But again No Confirmation yet!!!
Thinking not Whites this time:idunno:
Reported some badly injured and a lest 3 fatalities..
My sympathies and condolences go out to all the families,and hope these wackos are caught and pay for what they did!!!!
On other tragedies Idol??.. These 737 MAX model planes all grounded?? Again terrible crashes, but my opinion, with the thousands of flights, by other pilots and airline companies?? Do you not think there is some sort of problem with Pilot Training or lack there of involved here??
Not saying there isn't a software issue on emergency cases?? but it is looking like pilot error training as well.. And shit there is a ton of orders with Boeing pending on this plane!!!
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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OH OOH!!!!
The police named a person of interest as 37-year-old Gokman Tanis of Turkish origin.
Also reported..
According to eyewitnesses quoted in Dutch media, as many as four gunmen shot down at least seven people, and then escaped on foot towards the town's central train station. But again No Confirmation yet!!!
Thinking not Whites this time:idunno:
Reported some badly injured and a lest 3 fatalities..
My sympathies and condolences go out to all the families,and hope these wackos are caught and pay for what they did!!!!
On other tragedies Idol??.. These 737 MAX model planes all grounded?? Again terrible crashes, but my opinion, with the thousands of flights, by other pilots and airline companies?? Do you not think there is some sort of problem with Pilot Training or lack there of involved here??
Not saying there isn't a software issue on emergency cases?? but it is looking like pilot error training as well.. And shit there is a ton of orders with Boeing pending on this plane!!!
Each time there was a failure of the autopilot resulting in a steep dive. There are other recorded cases where the pilots were able to overcome this but in the fatal instintences it might have some that froze the system to the point it couldn't be recovered from.
As for the Netherlands, you really have to be a moron to decide to time your attack when sympathy for Muslims is likely at a all time high. Nothing like shooting your religion in the foot is there?
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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I have changed my mind set because no one is with me
Don't take it personally jdye. People don't respond well to assholes in general.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Each time there was a failure of the autopilot resulting in a steep dive. There are other recorded cases where the pilots were able to overcome this but in the fatal instintences it might have some that froze the system to the point it couldn't be recovered from.
I actually thought they were saying the nose lifts up and puts the plane into a stall if they don't react on that action?? Again it sounds like you are saying the same result:). And so them saying it only needs a software update?? To me it is how the plane in balanced/designed, and really you need the training that if it does occur, you have to react and level the plane?? Still training and having the awareness that it is different design than an average plane. And by reporting they have a ton of these planes ordered everywhere?? Billions of dollars in contracts, and of course behind on production LOL!!
As i say it will be interesting, and really when they get them flying again no one gets hurt or defiantly no fatalities would be very nice....
Originally Posted by
As for the Netherlands, you really have to be a moron to decide to time your attack when sympathy for Muslims is likely at a all time high. Nothing like shooting your religion in the foot is there?
Do you really think any of these sickos have any brains!! Egypt is in Gaza trying to negotiating with Hamas for a Truce with Israel!! and the dummies shot 2 Iranian Rockets into Israel !! Read this...
How stupid are these rulers of 2 million people!!!!
Sorry to go off topic Idol.....
LOL!!! you got that right!!, and maybe if it was Iran/Hamas/Hezbollah , you can condemn the shit out of it!! and say it is expected from them, but From the Tyrant Dictator Erdoğan from Turkey, constantly condemning everyone on the planet like he is an Angle and control of the Terrorists Faction Muslims, it is sad to say Idol i can see the party leaders in Israel now very upset and condemning the brutal act of Terrorism!!,(And they did!!!) and having to hold in how Erdogan now looks like mud in the Democratic world.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people of the Netherlands, and hope justice is done for this Terrorists and anyone else involved!!!..
Now my 5 cents.... The Netherlands is the platform they want to introduce to the US?? So this terrorist from Turkey was living in Utrecht, does he benefit from all the socialist programs ?? Or does he have to become a legal citizen?? Again why is he living there?? What is wrong with his home Country?? The truth the beginning reports didn't flash this guy as a Terrorist ??
That will be interesting to see what comes out there??
And by the way did you see any of this on any Main Steam Media you watch/read??
I guess it is not worthy news anymore:cry:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Above all else , why does it suck to be a human being , especially at night ?
Because where you live there is no power at night, hens the short span of spamming here and back to spewing your Terrorist crap for your real job.... This place is just filler for you, and what's with the 9?? Did you get a promotion??
Saying that you will probably be out of power when you get Banned, so i will goodbye to you now.....
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Jeez!! Idol!! I was watching Shepard Smith i had to look twice!! I thought CNN hired someone new that actually reports the news with no opinions:D. Now it is back to back with Neil Cavuto!!! What the heck happened to Fox News:angry:
The Democrat second coming Beto O'rourke already raised 6.1 million!!, out did Bernie!!!!:idunno: Fact... Trump spent half of what Clinton did and she still lost :cry:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Fact. The free advertising that the media gave Trump exceeded what Hillary spent many times over so it's not as clear cut as some would like to think. Also Beto has already revealed himself to be a bit of a phoney and not someone who you'd be wise to put your complete faith in. He also thinks way too highly of himself.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Shep Smith seems like a reasonable person. That's all I really ask of anyone.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Fact. The free advertising that the media gave Trump exceeded what Hillary spent many times over so it's not as clear cut as some would like to think. Also Beto has already revealed himself to be a bit of a phoney and not someone who you'd be wise to put your complete faith in. He also thinks way too highly of himself.
I gotta give it to ya buddy, negative!! Bashing!! insulting!! free press was hands down more than double Clinton no question LOL!! So you can say any Press/Advertising is great!! And guess what it is still happening:). Without Trump 3 major news stations and how many news blogs/sites wiill be showing furry kittens blowing kisses all day LOL!!! . Or shit will have to actually report other news LOL!!!!
Now you got this white wholesome ass kissing suck boy, random apologist, morse code hand signing, stunt stage skateboarding (If i missed any Idol let me know) doofus , Beto that all the Late shows are just going to eat up and are!!, if Saturday night live is not all over it!! , they are proving that they are a biased Leftest Comedy Show!!. And he is going to get so much publicity it may help the true Democrat contenders out there. I mean you Got Biden out there saying he is more leftest than anyone out there!! I never laughed so hard in my life!!. If he thinks that?? I have to rethink myself and i could be a very big hypocrite!! and we know we can't have that now Idol. So far the only one that has a chance against Trump is Biden, and he will continue Obama's agenda, and i hope with some minor changes;), You put Trump and Sanders on a stage together and Trump will eat him for breakfast!!, Beto worse, any women?? stuffed!! Biden is it so far??
It is a long way away 2020, and we got comedy, shocking, dream land, embarrassing, things being said and it is not Trump:lol..
I miss Elizabeth Warren!! Where is the foul mouth Truck Driver, the Man side of a lesbian relationship gone?? I know she thought in another life she lived in a Tepee and smoked a Hanukkah pipe:unsure:, but come on a small mistake, that she doesn't have to worry about the Indians coming out and not supporting her LOL!!. They are too busy buying cars tax free and selling them for cash and manning the wholsale cigarette depots.. I would add the Casino's but they are usually hired to clean the toilets and emptying the heroin/diabetic needle boxes..
Shit i am on a roll:D Speaking of a roll of jelly?? Where the heck is Meg??? Telling him i would quite posting if he came back and didn't take advantage of it?? I really hope he is ok:unsure:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Shep Smith seems like a reasonable person. That's all I really ask of anyone.
Really there is a lot of great news Anchors on Fox, kidding aside, and they are fair, but because it has always known as a Right leaning Conservative news channel, but really i don't see it?? I just like the Anchors have a really noticeable difference from the Majority news stations out there, they don't make Opinions!! They report the news, and let the reporters report. And don't bash because we all know Hannity and Tucker are not news Anchors and never say they are!!, but they are a laugh to watch, some stuff they come up with is crap!!, but things being said lately Idol if you put it together Clinton was really corrupt!!, and also got away with a lot of shit, and i do think the voters saw it.. Trump was a massageinist , but I think his show and pushing he had business sense and was giving tax breaks, he had a agenda and gimmicks, all Clinton did was bash, try to say togetherness but no new agenda, just a continuation of Obama.. And people ate him up and wanted more coin in there pockets, his voters didn't give a shit about unity..
Really if you look back that is the way it played out.The next questions?? What would have the Republicans done??Pretty much the same shit the Democrats are doing to Trump?? And really forget about Israel, they know how to take care of themselves, but i would have liked to see what she would have Done with Iran, Saudi Arabia , and North Korea and the Mexican borders ?? How do you think she would have handled it??
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Fortunately Republican talking points don't necessarily equate to truth.
I know that Warren made a mistake with the Native American bullshit but I'm sensing huge hypocrisy on your part by not at least as outraged by the much worse sins of Trump and his cronies. At least Warren's lie didn't hurt anyone but herself. You can't say the same about Trump or Mnuchin or Ross or Mulvaney etc. She's also measurably more intelligent than any of those people unless they also happen to be former Harvard Law professors and for reasons unknown are hiding that fact.
As for hand gestures, kettle black or something.
Btw Bernie would kill Trump in a debate simply because Bernie, agree with him or not knows the facts and would be prepared with answers whereas Trump knows nothing and wastes his time watching TV and playing golf.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
.... but things being said lately Idol if you put it together Clinton was really corrupt!!, and also got away with a lot of shit, and i do think the voters saw it..
Only thing is that it's 2019 not 2015 and anything Hillary did or didn't is now irrelevant and people should just let it go and stick to something that actually means anything.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Another interesting thing was raised today Idol....
One thing the Left news stations are avoiding to talk about... Trumps agenda is to build this wall?? and say it does stop some illegals getting in?? Ok now it will push them to the border entrances, so way is no one talking about the cost Billions of dollars to keep them in these detention facilities!! all tax payers money, why are they not complaining about that?? The majority of them are not going to get in and are going to be sent back to Mexico, but if that takes months and months, it is costing billions!!.. Either let them in or send them back!!. Or now add tons of enforcement and vetting tools to screen them, and if they no information or true identity?? Back they go!!. And before they get status give them a date to appear and back they go!!. I mean i may sound evil and callus, but I will tell you being Canadian, and if i wanted to move to the US to work?? If i am taking a job away from an American citizen, i ain't getting in so fast, and my record is clean, my wife was going to run an Upholstery Company that her family actually owned, and that wasn't so easy, to even get Temporary status to live in the US, it took umpteen months with tons of forms and interviews..And then they went after me as well on what am i going to do?? And this was an established business majority owned by a Canadian, and documented. And they ask if you are going to give up your Canadian citizenship!!
Now if you want it and you are willing to come in Legal and give benefits to the Country really there should not be easy and no problem, but it isn't, now you are keeping all these people in detention centers that cost billions, really how do you fix it???
I myself would not let them in without vetting, and proof of something who you really are??
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Originally Posted by
.... but things being said lately Idol if you put it together Clinton was really corrupt!!, and also got away with a lot of shit, and i do think the voters saw it..
Only thing is that it's 2019 not 2015 and anything Hillary did or didn't is now irrelevant and people should just let it go and stick to something that actually means anything.
Now do you say the same thing should be done with Trump?? Let him run the Country, and forget about crap??
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Fortunately Republican talking points don't necessarily equate to truth.
I know that Warren made a mistake with the Native American bullshit but I'm sensing huge hypocrisy on your part by not at least as outraged by the much worse sins of Trump and his cronies. At least Warren's lie didn't hurt anyone but herself. You can't say the same about Trump or Mnuchin or Ross or Mulvaney etc. She's also measurably more intelligent than any of those people unless they also happen to be former Harvard Law professors and for reasons unknown are hiding that fact.
As for hand gestures, kettle black or something.
Btw Bernie would kill Trump in a debate simply because Bernie, agree with him or not knows the facts and would be prepared with answers whereas Trump knows nothing and wastes his time watching TV and playing golf.
No one would ever take away that Clinton is very intelligent, even know she was the first fuck up for Health Care in the US;), and very hungry for Power, and i am not sure if it was resentment being smarter than her husband the President or his sadistic cigar infidelity??
You don't give Trump credit on what he did to all of the True politicians to get the Republican nomination, and what he did to Clinton that bought hers Bernei had zero chance to win...And how many mock debates did she do to be prepared for him?? And she lost most of those ?? Trump can bullshit like any politician out there.. Yes he had shady and corrupt business men and lawyers , again Clinton having the DOJ and FBI in her back pocket, Two Presidents on her side, yes Obama knew it was documented and they were worried and trying to find anything to ruin Trump.. and a ton of that from unsealed depositions and fbi dossiers/documents coming out from people in the DOJ and FBI and the DNC,Hillary was far from an angel, and i keep saying she had a lot more power than Trump did....
And nothing these guys are charged with have zero to do with Trump, zero Russian Collusion, zero to impeach him, they put all there egges on the Muller report and that is going to be a dud, zero Russian Collusion , but they are trying to go after everyone.. And the question really?? If the whole Clinton clan being a sore loser til this day, put an end to all of this, and she has the power to do it.. And if this didn't start at all , this conspiracy of Russian Collusion not one of these people connected to Trump would be going to Jail let alone investigated.. If you don't think that is truthful, well honestly you got some issues :P. Why don't you ever say how is there no one on the DNC side being investigated?? They are all innocent Idol ?? Come on Idol the fix was in from the start tons and tons of money!! Complete backing from the President, and all the power of the US, all on her side and she still lost!!. I myself couldn't believe it Idol!!! I could never see Trump winning ?? Again he did, and the people voted him in and she lost Badly !!!
Trump is a really good speaker and a Master bullshit Debater:unsure:, Bernie will have his hands full, speaking of hands?? Trump was always made fun of with his small hands:), and his hair, his complexion, his mouth, but you know what he is the President and right now other than Biden there is no one that can beat him, the masses will come out even more knowing the left want to make the US a Communist country..If Bernie wins remember his crowds and 16-17 year olds and illegals can't vote;), Middle Class upper , wealthy, seniors do and of all races and ethnic backgrounds ;)..
It will be interesting my friend..........
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Considering John Wick 2 wasn't very good, I'm looking forward to this way more than I should.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
I'm loving that Matrix 4 trailer! :yup:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Sure there is Keanu Reeves, fighting on motorcycles with swords and the line "Guns, lots of guns" but John Wick 3 seems to make some tiny bit of sense so it can't be The Matrix 4. :no:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
It's turning into Liam Neeson doing "Taken" movies (or similar theme). Beating a dead horse.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Shut your homo mouth, homo.
It's attitudes like that that allow women to get the vote.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
It's turning into Liam Neeson doing "Taken" movies (or similar theme). Beating a dead horse.
So will there be chapter 4,5,6,...
And then Son of Wick ....
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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But the Feud of Shiites and Sunnis, the US has some Allies to protect them from slaughter!!!. But it is funny that no one cares when there are millions of innocent Muslims are slaughtered by there own kind, it's really sad what radicalism and greed of power/dictatorship does:idunno:
You don't have to worry it will be destroyed whatever Iran tries in Iraq;). Either by the US,and it's allie force there, or by some unnamed other state. It really is too bad that the Mullahs are not happy taking care of there people in there own land/country, and prosper, even if they choose to live under radical Sharia law, that is there choice, but don't spread it and try to take over the middle east.. Someone tried to do that in Europe and look what happened to that plan. And think about this?? Muslims started off with how many practicing countries?? Now there is over 50 plus moving into the majority of the population?? And we are talking a lot of these countries had Majority Christians... Again if that is what the people choose to live like?? I don't have a problem with it, but don't make people change by force!! when that is not the law of the land, Then i got a problem with it!!!
What a mothetfuckin' disgusting piece of Jewish shit you are, aren't you. Is there some kinda program that all you Jewish maggots are required to attend where you are handed down the talking points to deceive the gullible goyim ? I've encountered the exact same lies by the Jewish speakers/posters on other forums too.
They are killing each other and has got nothing to do with us or the host, the US, we survive on ? May I ask where did you get this revelation from ? What's your source ? Any proof, motherfuckin Jewish bastard ? How convenient is it to kill and then blame the victims for it, no ?
I wonder how they lived with each other in peace for 1200 years and weren't killing each other before the Zionist showed up with the newly drawn maps of the Middle East for the Jewish homeland project. The apretheid most satanic identity of all, that is a scourge on the face of human notion of rights and value of life, commonly known as Israel. Recently declared the country for Jews.
I can't help but notice how you were feeling sad on the "millions of Muslims being killed" and then in the very same post you apparently were letting yourself of the worry that Iran still stands, indulging yourself in the hope that it will soon be destroyed. The persona of a compassionate person you wear is quite thin, you inbred fucking faggot.
Also, Russia's got to be the bad. You can't leave a fraction unsolved in an expression that might come back to haunt you. You figured out early in the days and and ended up killing 8 million of those democracy hating Russians. Your Bolshevik bloodlust for the goyim blood never satisfies, now does it ? World wars, revolutions, destruction of the goyim is all that your chosen fantasy is left with.
Lastly, you were asking about who would feel better with a room filled with Muslims, Whites, Jews etc ? Let me just ask you, why is there a need for us goyim, to identify human as something that would highlight our differences ? Anyways, why don't you undo the 60 years conditioning of the naive goyim through your MSM and Hollywood and then someone might be able to give you an answer that would be more beneficiary to the goyim then to the Jews.
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Re: Last one to post wins the internets
I wanted to share my insight on what's gonna unfold next but this I found this guy randomly on Internet who has put it more subtly then I could.
Attachment 182162
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
What a mothetfuckin' disgusting piece of Jewish shit you are, aren't you. Is there some kinda program that all you Jewish maggots are required to attend where you are handed down the talking points to deceive the gullible goyim ? I've encountered the exact same lies by the Jewish speakers/posters on other forums too.
They are killing each other and has got nothing to do with us or the host, the US, we survive on ? May I ask where did you get this revelation from ? What's your source ? Any proof, motherfuckin Jewish bastard ? How convenient is it to kill and then blame the victims for it, no ?
I wonder how they lived with each other in peace for 1200 years and weren't killing each other before the Zionist showed up with the newly drawn maps of the Middle East for the Jewish homeland project. The apretheid most satanic identity of all, that is a scourge on the face of human notion of rights and value of life, commonly known as Israel. Recently declared the country for Jews.
I can't help but notice how you were feeling sad on the "millions of Muslims being killed" and then in the very same post you apparently were letting yourself of the worry that Iran still stands, indulging yourself in the hope that it will soon be destroyed. The persona of a compassionate person you wear is quite thin, you inbred fucking faggot.
Also, Russia's got to be the bad. You can't leave a fraction unsolved in an expression that might come back to haunt you. You figured out early in the days and and ended up killing 8 million of those democracy hating Russians. Your Bolshevik bloodlust for the goyim blood never satisfies, now does it ? World wars, revolutions, destruction of the goyim is all that your chosen fantasy is left with.
Lastly, you were asking about who would feel better with a room filled with Muslims, Whites, Jews etc ? Let me just ask you, why is there a need for us goyim, to identify human as something that would highlight our differences ? Anyways, why don't you undo the 60 years conditioning of the naive goyim through your MSM and Hollywood and then someone might be able to give you an answer that would be more beneficiary to the goyim then to the Jews.
I had a long response to your post Whatcdfan, and i decided that whatever i say wouldn't make a difference:idunno:
Israel is always been the "Jewish" state, and the first language is Hebrew, and every Israeli citizen no matter what faith or ethnicity has Equal rights. That is the fact.. The main language in Canada is English, second French, and if you want to learn Arabic/Farsi or Hebrew or Italian that is your choice is that a problem?? What is the first language in Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia?? If the Palestinians choose to negotiate directly with Israel for there own state?? They can do what they want right, and i can tell you the majority of the 2 million Muslims in Israel proper don't give a shit about that, and would never leave even if there is a Palestinian state in the future. that is reality on the ground...
If you don't like that in any Country, you don't have to live there right??..And you are blaming Israeli people for the fighting of Sunni and Shiites in the Middle East, In Syria killing hundreds of thousands of Muslims?? China putting thousands in camps?? Turkey killing Kurds?? All Israels fault?? Well then Israel is not going anywhere so what now?? They are not trying to take over the Middle East?? How can you justify that knowing there are no Jewish people in any of the Muslim countries, But Iran seems to be all over the place?? You are ok with that?? and that is Israels fault?? I am sorry you feel that way Whatcdfan, and what do you think will solve the problem??
Again taking something out of context to fit your narrative doesn't work, I didn't mean anyone that is Liberal/Moderate in any faith, i was speaking of all Conservatives, or religious, again if you put a room of Orthodox Jews, in a room with what you said Goyim American's?? or Goyim American's with Religious Muslims with Niqab's ?? What do you think?? I can tell you it works in Israel Proper citizens without any discrimination or Antisemitism.. In the US?? And to finish Russia is an ally to Israel;), and most of the Arab world is changing towards Israel, maybe they are now figuring that they are not the threat but someone else is in the Middle East:idunno:
So calling me any profanity names and not just stating your opinion is why there will never be peace. As you can see by my reply to you?? I would never do that;)
And again.... Israel is not going anywhere, so it is time to face reality on the ground that it is a Democracy society with all faiths and ethnicity, and if people choose to live there by there laws in society, great!!!! If not?? They can go where ever they want.. And i hope you can appreciate that.....
OH!! And by the way!!...This again was just my opinion, and Nice to see you too Whatcdfan:happy:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
I wanted to share my insight on what's gonna unfold next but this I found this guy randomly on Internet who has put it more subtly then I could.
Attachment 182162
Nice Propaganda Whatcdfan:), Does that work if you substitute Syria and Iran ;)
Edit: Hamas just shot a rocket into Israel!!!! Now the response should be Milk and Cookies for all in Gaza?? Now you are going to see why they should leave Israel alone.........
Another Bullshit excuse that is going to cause lives!!!!!!
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Oh! look look the inbred Jewish prince got triggered.
Cut me the slack of 900 lines of "because God said so" bullshit and provide me the documented proof of "Muslims have been killing each other for centuries" Documented proof you motherfuckin' pigface. And while you're at it, also explain to me why those fuckers aren't killing themselves in the countries which are not the part of the Greater Israel project A.K.A Yinon Plan ? namely Morocco, Algeria, Bunch of Central Asian countries, Malaysia/Indonesia et al. If this sacatarian conflict as you you say is the center of Islamic thought, mind telling me why the fuck the the leader of the Shiites, Iran hasn't attacked anyone for the past 200 years ? How were the Syrians were living peacefully with each other f before the your army of headchopping mercenaries showed up fighting under US air cover ?
The Oded Yinon Plan for Greater Israel by Paul Stevenson
So the people you're currently engaged in the genocide of aren't allowed to throw back any rockets ? mind also tell me how many airstrikes did Israel carried out Syria ? Also, be warned, next post I'll provide you the documented proof how Israel triggers these rockets by shooting Palestinians in Gaza then using the rocket excuse to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians. Wait for it pigface.
Lastly, I suggest you start working covertly and shoot some PM's to convince people that those savage Muslims are just falling and dying by themselves in millions while you're an eternal victim, Just the way you did last time.
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Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Attachment 182168
Is there some kinda lying ability enhancer serum that they inject to into your Jewish asses at birth ? Also tell me, is calling the truth, Propaganda as convenient as killing and then blaming the victim for it ?
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
You seriously want me to form my opinion on the matter based on what the John Bolton says? :glag:
Israel's inside man: How John Bolton sabotaged US foreign policy in Israel's favourby Richard Silverstein
Zionist Organization of America gives John Bolton ‘Defender of Israel’ award
The same John Bolton who was on the team of the Zionists that instigated the Saddam's WMD's and caused 1.5 million deaths in the region by the Subsequent war.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
You seriously want me to form my opinion on the matter based on what the John Bolton says? :glag:
Israel's inside man: How John Bolton sabotaged US foreign policy in Israel's favourby
Richard Silverstein
Zionist Organization of America gives John Bolton ‘Defender of Israel’ award
The same John Bolton who was on the team of the Zionists that instigated the Saddam's WMD's and caused 1.5 million deaths in the region by the Subsequent war.
You mean the reactor that Saddam did have and someone else allegedly blew it up before the US went in?? The same as Syria?? but hey they are both innocent right.. And did Israel instigate the Mullahs to try to take over the Middle East and EU as well?? I think Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan would think different, but hey they don't count;)
So all the garbage you choose to say in all of those posts including insults again, i assume you don't want peace, which is really sad but if that is the way you feel, what can i tell you,:idunno:
Good luck....
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
Lastly, I suggest you start working covertly and shoot some PM's to convince people that those savage Muslims are just falling and dying by themselves in millions while you're an eternal victim, Just the way you did last time.
Why would i do anything like that?? I am not the one name calling or acting like a child ??
Again how do you answer that every news station out there is propaganda other than Al Jazeera :unsure:
Good luck Whatcdfan.........
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Beginning in 1929, Arabs and Jews openly fought in Palestine, and Britain attempted to limit Jewish immigration as a means of appeasing the Arabs. As a result of the Holocaust in Europe, many Jews illegally entered Palestine during World War II. Radical Jewish groups employed terrorism against British forces in Palestine, which they thought had betrayed the Zionist cause.
It only makes sense that the US would support the genocide of an indigenious people by an invading force 'cause they have such a rich history of it themselves with the Native Americans.
Cereally though, maybe if Israel had been created by simply annexing Texas this all wouldn't have been such a massive fuck up.