Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Exactly. The economy will be good when it reflects on a higher standard of living for the majority of the populace and not just those with too much disposable income already. Something absurd like maybe a livable minimum wage for a start.
Also President Bonespurs skipped the traditional visit to Arlington and with therefore nothing on his official calendar chose to stay at the Whitest House and tweet-lie about the Florida vote instead. What a piece of shit. No one with any sense of morality can stand with this President just so they can pass some bills. In the case of these thieves, both figuratively and literally.
So we can agree you don't like Trump no matter what he does right??
PS. And i guess you agree with what is going on in Georgia and kick a field goal Stacey Abrams has a chance, even if there is not enough votes to make up the difference??? and i mean even the Fake ones she is dreaming up?? But it does look good on CNN:yup:
How about that Frog Canadian Trudeau buddy:D Have you got anything to say good about him???
And i really think they should make Louis Farrakhan the next US president!! Because even if it was the polished and proper Vice President Pence, that won't do either:P And next election in Canada i am voting for the Green Party!!! They have some great ideas to run the Country that would or could never happen:01:
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Trudeau whatever you may think his faults possesses empathy and knows how to properly respect people other than those that can directly benefit him.
And yeah, no exaggeration, I would punch Trump directly in the nose if given the opportunity and without fear of prosecution. And I'd feel pretty damn good about it too.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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Originally Posted by
The economy is great for rich people. Hasn't changed for anybody else. The stock market surge looks good on paper. It's not sustainable. Republicans always cut taxes to juice the economy, but it's not sustainable long term and it eventually comes crashing down. They just hope a Democrat is in the White House when it happens to blame them. Of course Tr*mp will blame Dems if it happens if he is still President. Things haven't gotten much better for living Veterans. It's still a mess. Congress should use a billion or two from the massive military budget increase to fix the problem. They rather give huge contracts to their buddies who made large campaign contributions and/or promise future job positions to them. Once soldiers become veterans, republicans don't care about them anymore. Just like how republicans don't care about a human life once it leaves the womb. Got to keep the evangelicals happy.
Be real now McGyver, anyone that is the President of the US there is complaints!!! And thinking like a rich person:unsure:, some money back in your pocket is better than paying more taxes, and if you ever think in your lifetime that the middle class or the considered poor will ever get a bigger tax break than the rich, you are in la la land!!.
And that goes for the far left Democrats or anyone....
Just not going to happen:idunno:, but i guess it is something to
complain talk about...... And yes Trump is doing more for the veterans than Obama did, but if you want to say that is not enough, then that is acceptable....
I don't think the middle class (shrinking every day) or poor people (they exist in higher numbers) will ever get a bigger tax cut (they should, the poor should pay none). Rich people should never get a tax cut (they get enough perks). The problem is republicans make it seem like paying taxes is bad and the evil Democrats will tax you poor (just another bullshit FEAR tactic). The federal government, the states, the cities and towns would not run without enough taxes. A lot of people don't seem to understand that (how government works not taught in schools). Or they think enough taxes are already collected (misinformation from republican politicians). It's always the rich (people that don't need tax cuts) that get meaningful tax cuts. Everyone else gets chump change. Cutting taxes means you have to cut spending (something republicans don't do, they just cut budgets to important things and shift that money around to help supporter causes (fossil fuel companies for example). When they do make cuts, it comes from education, healthcare, environment, and programs that help the middle class and poor (they do exist). Now they want to go after social security and medicare. All things that rich people have no concern about. Put some of those billions from the 892 billion for military/defense budget for the next year to good use.
The republican controlled Congress blocked many things Obama tried to do to help Veterans. They blocked it either because they thought it cost too much or they didn't want to give a victory to Obama. Why do you think republicans are trying to erase Obama's existence as President. Get rid of everything he did. They can't stand a n*gger was in the White House.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Originally Posted by
I don't think the middle class (shrinking every day) or poor people (they exist in higher numbers) will ever get a bigger tax cut (they should, the poor should pay none). Rich people should never get a tax cut (they get enough perks).
With comments like this, I can only say you live in the wrong Country buddy, and the way it is supposed to be lived in;)
And i can tell you from experience there is a difference between Corporate/Business tax and personal. There was a time i was paying over 50% in personal taxes My Mother In Law still does to this day and she never worked!! Just investment income , even with the tax scale. We can't write off half the things the Americans can!!! Mortgage, Lottery Tickets, etc. you guys have it pretty good for a Democracy Country...
As for Obama.... Yes things were blocked you are right, and anything he did by executive order has messed up the world and your country!!! Reality!! Obama Care is messed up!!, The Iran Deal is messed up!!, and Obama with his charm and President manor was more sneaky and conned a lot of people. You are asking for miracles when it comes to things that just won't work, EG. we have what you call Ontario Housing here, which is subsidized by our government for low income families, so explain to me how a person that lives in one is driving around a brand new Mercedes or a Lexus worth how much!!!??. And there are lots!! that claim to be poor and yet they live better than the upper middle class!!??, again not everyone is in that boat, or cheats, but McGyver even in your country it happens, so saying the poor shouldn't pay taxes?? what line do you make in the sand to consider yourself poor?? A person living paycheck to paycheck, but lives in a nice dwelling and has a family are they considered poor?? what happens in the case where people live beyond there means?? are they poor? or trying to keep up with the Jones??
To solve problems with a large amount of seniors and expecting them to subsidize the young is very hard thing to do, especially when it comes to health care and education etc...Most of the elderly will help out there immediate family when it comes to monetary things needed if they can, but strangers?? They do that with taxes no??
Again wrong country the way you think in some cases buddy, and again just my opinion....
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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and yeah, no exaggeration, i would punch trump directly in the nose if given the opportunity and without fear of prosecution and his hands and feet were tied and i had a good running start and he was blindfolded and no one else saw so they couldn't tattle on me later and... and i'd feel pretty damn good about it too.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
Winter came. He can't post under a snowhill.
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
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What, no Idol? :unsure:
What the heck took you so long to realize Dickhead!!!!!!!!
You know what i did:D, and i didn't get a response from him yet??
Re: Last one to post wins the internets
I've moved on from this place, losers. I now post exclusively on this fantastic new website called :snooty: