This is what happens when they replace Kiefer Sutherland, the terrorists win. :no:
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This is what happens when they replace Kiefer Sutherland, the terrorists win. :no:
i remember somebody asking me sometime ago , what do you think of terrorists ? and i was like what ?:gunsmilie
Terrorists are terrible.
hmm i didnt reply anything , i was like whatever ...
now if only i could make this my new sig
"eliminating blood lines one line at a time " :dabs::clap::ninja:
Attachment 174663
Attachment 174699
What Happens When You Quit Smoking?
Right now is a great time to quit smoking. Why? In as few as 20 minutes, you’ll start to feel the benefits.
Here we break down the changes that occur in your body within minutes, hours, days, and even years after you kick the habit. The health benefits of quitting today may surprise you.
Click through the slideshow to see a timeline of all the benefits.
:smoke::smoke::smoke::sick::sick::sick: Attachment 174700 Attachment 174700 Attachment 174700
20 minutes after you quit
Attachment 174701
The effects of quitting start to set in immediately. Within 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your heart rate will begin to drop back toward a normal level.
I'm hoping that the info on the link that I won't be clicking is wrong because people who are stupid enough to smoke deserve to die.
PS Fuck off.
Quitting smoking is easy. I do it at least once a week.
Sooner or later, everyone quits smoking.